18 October 2022
Craig Innes
[FYI request #20796 email]
Ref: OIA-2022/23-0217
Dear Craig
Official Information Act request: Workplace bullying and sexual harassment within the
Waitangi Tribunal unit
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 8 October
2022. You requested:
“All information relating to the issue of workplace bullying and sexual harassment
occurring within the Waitangi Tribunal Unit (the body within the Ministry of Justice that
provides administrative and support services to the Waitangi Tribunal -not the Waitangi
Tribunal itself), since 2017.
This request includes all the papers or documents relating to each respective Minister
of Justice and Associate Minister of Justice since 2017.”
The information you have requested is more closely connected with the functions of the
Ministry of Justice (the Ministry). Normally we would transfer your request to that agency
under section 14(b)(ii) of the Act, however as your request has already been directed to that
Ministry, we instead refer you to their response.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
We do not intend to publish this response on the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet’s website.
Yours sincerely
Clare Ward
Executive Director
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz