Grade breakdown for MICR 300 level 2022
Sarah Cosgrove made this Official Information request to University of Otago
The request was partially successful.
From: Sarah Cosgrove
Dear University of Otago,
I would like to request grade breakdowns, with the exact grade out of 100, for the following papers in 2022:
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
S Cosgrove
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Kia ora S
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request.
If we have any questions or need to seek clarification on any points we will be in touch soon. Otherwise, we will seek to respond to your request as soon as practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date your request was received (by 27 January 2023). Please note that "working days" are defined in the Act and exclude public holidays and the period between 25 December and 15 January.
If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of this timeframe.
Ngā mihi
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga
Office of the Registrar | Te Tari o Te Pouroki
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
New Zealand | Aotearoa
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Kia ora S
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 9 December 2022.
Ngā mihi
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga
Office of the Registrar | Te Tari o Te Pouroki
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
New Zealand | Aotearoa
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Kia ora S
Thank you for your patience. Further to our email dated 27 January 2023, please see attached the finalised mark and grade distributions for the Semester 2 2022 MICR332 and MICR336 papers.
As noted to you in our response dated 27 January, where fewer than five students have failed a paper (i.e. received a grade of Fail D or Fail E), we have determined that it is necessary to withhold the marks and specific grades for these students to protect their privacy and wellbeing, pursuant to section 9(2)(a) of the Act.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your information request, section 28(3) of the Act provides you with the right to ask an Ombudsman to investigate and review this response. However, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns with you first.
Ngā mihi
Kelsey Kennard
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga
Office of the Registrar | Te Tari o Te Pouroki
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
New Zealand | Aotearoa
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
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