Version 10.0
March 8, 2021
Further Info Required:
This guide is to for HAT IO to request further test/report in which there is ONLY ONE CONDITION on the medical.
The conditions highlighted in dark blue are being used in conjunction with Multiple Failure Points. Please refer to the Multiple Failure
Points guideline for details. When any other multiple conditions are noted, please discuss with onsite MO.
FIR condition Further test/report required
Recommended outcome
when the test/report received
Specialist letter: A letter from the applicant’s GP or
Refer to MA
Paediatrician is required regarding the child's
development, due to pre-term delivery. Please
provide the fol owing information – history of
A preterm baby born
pregnancy and delivery and post delivery period,
at 35 weeks or earlier,
current physical and developmental examination,
who is aged ≤2 yrs old
medical problem / diagnosis list, current
at the time that the
medications. In particular please provide details
medical was done
regarding the fol owing questions - - were there any
complications post-delivery? Did the child require
any time in NICU / SCBU? Has the child performed /
reached milestones as expected (al owing for their
ACT 1982
prematurity)? Are there any concerns about the
child's growth or development?
Heart murmur
Heart murmur- please provide Echocardiogram.
Normal ASH
Abnormal Refer to MA
Psychiatrists report
Refer to MA
under IHS ‘Further Requirements’ tab
If the applicant has received treatment of
syphilis in the past or is currently on going
Syphilis management information
treatment – ASH
under IHS ‘Further Requirements’ tab
Unsure information, please discuss with
onsite MO.
HBsAg positive- Please provide HBeAg, HBV DNA,
Refer to MA
Hep B: HBsAg positive
LFTs, AFP, Liver ultrasound report, Liver Fibroscan
(dated within the last 3 years) and a current
medication list.
Hep C: HCV positive
Please refer to “Hep C Guidelines for HAT V2. October 2017”
HIV Specialist report under IHS “Further
Refer to MA
Requirements” tab
Nephrologist Report
Refer to MA
eGFR< 30
Under IHS “Further Requirements” tab
For residence application only.
Before discussing with onsite MA, please ensure the
Discuss with onsite MA
health case has fol owing results, please request if
Hba1c 41-60 mmol/mol
Diabetes- the fol owing tests are required: Hba1c,
medication list, smoking status and BP
*If age > 40 years old, reported ECG is also required.
Endocrinologist Report
Refer to MA
Hba1c > 80
Under IHS “Further Requirements” tab
Version 10.0
March 8, 2021
If abnormal urine dipstick x 2, fol ow the below
Further test/report required
Recommended outcome when the test/report received
Positive Blood
Haematuria- Please provide
Normal ASH
Laboratory urinalysis results
Abnormal Refer to MA
Positive Glucose
Refer to MA
Urinalysis abnormal- Please provide Refer to MA
Positive Protein
Laboratory urinalysis to include
Protein: Creatinine Ratio.
Cardiomegaly Further test/report required
Recommended outcome when the test/report received
CTR≤55% and ≤40 years N/A
ASH with Conditions – Repeat CXR
old for a temporary visa
i) CTR>55% or >40 years Cardiomegaly- Please provide
Refer to MA
old for a temporary visa Echocardiogram and ECG
i ) Any cardiomegaly for
ACT 1982
a resident visa
Further test/report required
Recommended outcome when the
test/report received
Psychiatrists report:
Refer to MA
A recent report from a Psychiatrist or treating
ADHD in Adults
physician is required regarding the applicant’s
ADHD. Please forward a report addressing history,
If an adult is reported
diagnosis, current management, required health
to have ADHD, either
care and community services, and prognosis.
taking or not taking
Please include information about any restrictions
on the applicant's ability to live independently or
work, history of any hospital admission or any
history of substance abuse/dependence.
Specialist report:
Refer to MA
A report from a specialist Paediatrician and/or
developmental Psychologist is required regarding
the applicant's ADHD, cognitive and
ADHD in Children
developmental status. This should include -
( school age)
history, clinical examination findings, the results
of any additional investigations performed,
If a Child is reported to diagnosis, management needs and long term
have ADHD, either
prognosis. Please provide the details of any social
taking or not taking
or educational services required by the applicant
(e.g. Occupational Therapist, Speech Language
Therapist, Teacher Aide). Please also attach recent
school report from the applicant's school, along
with the details of any special education services
required (e.g. an Individual Education Plan) or
currently received by the applicant.
Version 10.0
March 8, 2021
Further test/report required
Recommended outcome when the
test/report received
Specialist report:
Refer to MA
An Endocrinologist or Head and Neck Surgeon
assessment is required regarding the applicant's
thyroid cancer. This should include - history,
diagnosis including histology and staging, clinical
examination findings, the results of any recent
investigations performed, ongoing management
needs and long term prognosis – including a 5
year risk of recurrence, 5 year survival rate and
details of any further surgical intervention
required. Please also comment on the applicant’s
functional and work capacity.
ACT 1982
Version 6.1
June 2, 2021
Multiple Failure Points:
This guide is to assist Immigration Officers in determining cases in which there are TWO or MORE failures on the medical. The conditions
highlighted in dark blue and yel ow on SFP and FIR guidelines are used in conjunction with Multiple Failure Points. This guideline can be used
for initial or subsequent health assessments. Please apply the Recommended Outcome and Comments [Age limits and Future conditions] from
the SFP and FIR guidelines when applying MFP.
M2 combines 2 failure points where any
ONE of the 8 conditions from the SFP or FIR
guidelines get combined with any
ONE of the other SFP conditions; even the ones not
listed here. For over 40, please refer to CVD Risk before proceeding.
1. BMI
2. FBC
(example: MA05-M2 = FBC +
3. Eye
4. Kidney Stones
5. Hep C
6. Murmur
7. CXR
8. Syphilis
M3 has a specific list of 3 conditions that can be combined together. For over 40,
please refer to CVD Risk before proceeding.
ACT 1982
(example MA05- M3 = BMI
+ FBC + Hba1c)
1. BMI + FBC + Hba1c
2. BMI + FBC + HTN
3. FBC + BMI + Eye
4. MA05-M2 + CXR
A CVD risk assessment is required for applicants who ar
over 40 years old and have a
combination of 2 or more of these conditions: BMI/HTN/Hba1c.
Calculate CVD Risk
Request a
Cardiologists report:
(Age: Over 40)
The applicant has [high BMI/HTN/elevated HbA1c (delete as appropriate)]. This
requires the following information from the applicant’s treating physician: A reported
Combining two or more of: ECG, smoking history, lipids, family history of heart disease, Protein:creatinine ratio
and their cardiovascular risk assessment using the qRISK tool:
HTN If the CVD risk is over 10%, then the applicant would need to
Hba1c (
be reviewed by a cardiologist.
HAT: Once you have the CVD risk, 10% and over can be referred to an MA.
Request: “Cardiologists
Cases with less than 10% CVD risk can either be discussed with onsite MA or finalised:
Report” from the Dropdown
TEMP – AWC for the CVD risk [turn the above requirement to conditional info and
include repeats of the tests you normal y make AWC]
has provided everything in the further requirement but not the CVD risk then please
calculate it yourself.
(MA05-FIR = HTN + Hba1c)
Request a
Specialist report:
Age: Over 40
The applicant has Hypertension and elevated HbA1c. This requires the following tests:
microalbumin:creatinine ratio, smoking history, lipids, repeat blood pressure
Request: “Specialist Report” measurements, medication list and reported ECG.
from the Dropdown
HbA1C range must be between 40-49mmol/mol to request a FIR
Please refer the case once you have this information.
Applicants under 40 can be referred to the MA without this FIR.
Note: Please only record the
CVD risk and
MA05-FIR health cases under the
“MFP Record 2021” spreadsheet in the HAT folder
and include the codes for these in your initial assessment notes.
Document Outline