Mark Crookston, Director, Content Services
30 November 2023
Update on new General Collections Removal Policy
a) This memo outlines the status of the new General Col ections Removal Policy
b) It is recommended that LIAC:
Note the final draft of the General Collections Removal Policy
(appendix A) is with the National Librarian for approval
Note the summary of the final amendments (paragraphs 6-8)
Note the implementation and next steps (paragraphs 9-10)
Discuss any aspects of the policy or process.
1. In June 2022, NLLT endorse, and the National Librarian approved, the
Approach to
Developing the Removal and Disposal Policy.
2. Following an engagement period, and summary of the analysis and the proposed
changes were discussed with NLLT in July 2023.
3. Updates have previously been provided to you, as wel as to the Guardians Kaitiaki, and
Te Komiti Māori.
4. The policy was redrafted based on the proposed changes from the engagement
period, and discussed with the Advisory Group meeting and key internal working
group members.
5. The policy is now with the National Librarian Te Pouhuaki for approval.
Summary of final amendments
6. An overview of the major amendments to the General Collections Removal Policy
are summarised below:
Changes to support the change in scope
Scope – ATL and other research col ections have been included as “out of scope”.
• All ATL removal considerations are unique to their circumstances and will
require a separate process.
Name – Due to the change in scope, and a recommendation from the Advisory
Group to ‘keep it simple and clear’, the name of the policy has changed to
General Collections Removal Policy.
About this policy – wording changes to remove reference to research col ections
and ATL.
Circumstances for removal – there were statements in the explanation section
of the table which noted which col ections each circumstance applied to. These
have been removed.
Changes to the descriptions of the col ections
7. Changes have been made to the descriptions of the general and research col ections
to add clarity and make them more precise.
Changes to the principles
8. While there was significant discussion on the principles during the engagement,
much of this was related to how they would be put into practice. We are not
recommending any substantive changes to the principles, but wil be using feedback
to guide work on implementation templates and processes. However, we are
proposing one small change to principle 9 (removal) to make it more precise:
Original: Where
a range of viable options are available, disposal actions that
enable ongoing public access will be prioritised
Updated: Where
more than one viable option is available, disposal actions that
enable ongoing public access will be prioritised.
9. There are a range of guidelines and templates that have been drafted to support the
implementation of this policy. They are not perfect, and I intend to only use them as a
guide at this stage as we start to implement a more regular and routine removals
programme. To give effect to the principles in this policy the implementation programme
is intended to start with:
a) Website update with al documentation, including a summary of analysis from the
engagement period.
b) Develop, approve and publish a register of upcoming intentions to remove items ACT
from the general collections, including: Newspaper and microfilm copies, regular
removals from Print disability and Music Hire collections; potentially signal something
about OPC Music in 2024/25.
c) Step through those removal processes, starting with newspaper copies.
i) I have the intention to do this in col aboration with a couple of other institutions
who may have copies of the titles we’re looking to remove (this analysis has not
been done yet)
d) Undertake an analysis of the already removed OPC items against the disposal
principles, with a recommendation for the National Librarian.
e) Update the removal and disposal templates and guides from learning through doing.
Next steps
10. Following approval my team and I will:
a) Update the website as required
b) Communicate the final policy with the Minister and Stakeholders, including
contacting al who submitted feedback thanking them for their contribution (some
from our sector took time to make some very thoughtful contributions).
c) Work with my team to start the implementation steps outlined above.
Appendix A: Final draft of General Collections Removal Policy
1. About this policy
This policy provides the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
with clear parameters for when items can be recommended for removal from its general
collections and what happens to them afterwards. It also covers processes the National
Library needs to follow when considering removal and disposal of items from the general
The policy describes four circumstances under which removal can be considered and three sets
of principles:
● removal principles
● disposal principles
● process principles.
This policy applies to the National Library’s general collections, which are developed to meet
current and known research needs and to supplement and further the work of other libraries
in New Zealand. Therefore, regular and routine assessment of items against the policy is
appropriate and good practice and ensures public engagement around removal decisions
can be timely and adequate.
The removal of items – either individually or in groups – is part of the process of maintaining
library collections. This policy recognises that to remove items from the general collections,
the National Librarian must have agreement from the Minister of Internal Affairs under
section 9(3) of the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Act
2003. Decisions about disposal – that is, what happens to items once they have been
removed – are made by the National Librarian.
This policy sits within, and aligns with, the broader policy context for the National Library.
This includes:
Legislative requirements: including Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa Act
2003, but also other relevant legislation like the Copyright Act 1994 and Privacy
Act 2020.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi: the National Library has
obligations and responsibilities as a Tiriti partner and as key holders of important
mātauranga Māori and taonga Māori collections.
Operational policies of the National Library: at time of writing, policies include
the Collections Policy, the Access Policy, the Use and Reuse Policy, Te Mauri o te
Mātauranga, the Preservation Policy, and the Mātauranga Māori Policy and its
associated standards.
DRAFT – Updated draft General Col ection Removal Policy for NLLT
2. Scope
This policy applies to items in the general collections of the National Library only. This
includes all digital and physical items that have been accepted into the collections.
The following are out of scope:
● the schools collection of the National Library which has its own operationalised policy to
guide the regular removal and disposal of items.
● the collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library, which under section 9(2) of Te
Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa Act 2003 must be retained in Crown ownership in
● other research collections held permanently by the National Library of New
● working tools of the National Library, which are resources that have been acquired
by the library for staff to carry out their roles.
● any items stored by the National Library that have not been accepted into its collections.
● Any removal decisions that have been agreed prior to this approval of this policy.
3. When this policy will be applied
This policy wil be applied when considering the removal of any items from the National
Library’s general collections. In most cases, the process for considering removal wil be
initiated by the National Library. However, there may also be requests from external parties
for items to be removed, for example to be transferred to a different party with a close
connection to the items.
4. Implementation
The National Library wil develop a set of templates and processes to support the implementation
of this policy. These wil provide additional detail about what the principles wil look like in
practice. National Library staff wil use the templates and processes to ensure recommendations
about removal and disposal are consistent with the policy and its principles.
5. Definitions
Removal refers to the process of analysis and approval to remove items from the National
Library’s collections. This is the term used in Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa Act 2003. In
collections management practice, other terms like deaccession, deselection, withdrawal or
weeding are also used to describe the same or closely related concepts.
Disposal refers to what happens to an item once it has been agreed for removal from the
collections. There are a number of potential methods of disposal, for example through
DRAFT – Updated draft General Col ection Removal Policy for NLLT
transfer to another party, donation, sale or secure destruction.
Maintenance refers to the continual care of the collections to ensure they are in good
condition, accessible to the public, and fulfil their purpose. Removal of items within this
scope is part of collections maintenance. Collection development and maintenance is a
legislative function of the National Librarian.
6. About the National Library and its col ections
The National Library of New Zealand
The National Library was established by legislation in 1965, bringing together pre-existing
collections and services of the Alexander Turnbull Library, General Assembly Library and
National Library Service. In 2003, the 1965 act was replaced with Te Puna Mātauranga o
Aotearoa Act 2003. This act remains the legislative basis for the library and its functions.
The purpose of the National Library, as set out in Section 7 of the Act is to “enrich the cultural and
economic life of New Zealand and its interchanges with other nations by, as appropriate,—
(a) collecting, preserving, and protecting documents, particularly those relating to New
Zealand, and making them accessible for all the people of New Zealand, in a manner
consistent with their status as documentary heritage and taonga; and
(b) supplementing and furthering the work of other libraries in New Zealand; and
(c) working collaboratively with other institutions having similar purposes, including those
forming part of the international library community.”
In order to achieve this purpose, the National Librarian has a number of legislative
functions, set out in section 9(1) of the Act. One of these functions is to “develop and
maintain national collections of documents, including a comprehensive collection of
documents relating to New Zealand and the people of New Zealand.”
The collections
The National Library has three sets of collections. These are built in a number of ways,
including through donation, purchase and legal deposit. The three sets of collections are:
The General Collections supplement and further the work of other libraries in New Zealand by
collecting and managing a range of published items the Library is best placed to hold on behalf of
the library system as a whole. These physical and digital items are made available to people in
the Library’s Reading Room and around the country through the library interloan system.
The general collections are not mandated, or primarily intended, to be kept in perpetuity and
decisions about removing items wil be made in line with this policy. There are, however, a limited
number of special research collections which the Library has committed to preserving and
facilitating access to in the long term. These are currently the Dorothy Neale White collection,
Susan Price collection, Whole of Domain harvests of the New Zealand Web (2003–present), and
selected digitised newspapers and periodicals.
Further information about the general collections, including the focus areas for collecting, is
published on our website.
DRAFT – Updated draft General Col ection Removal Policy for NLLT
The Alexander Turnbul Library collections are developed for current and long-term research
purposes. Their scope is broad, designed to represent and reflect the people of Aotearoa New
Zealand. They cover a range of formats across published, archival, digital and online media. The
collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library are required to be retained in perpetuity under the
National Library of New Zealand Act 2003.
The schools collection supports the development of young New Zealanders as engaged
readers and digitally literate learners, by providing physical and digital items to be
accessed through school libraries. This is a high-use steady state collection with the
objective of adding and removing an equal number of items each year.
Further information about the collections is outlined in the National Library’s
Collections Policy
and supporting collecting plans.
DRAFT – Updated draft General Col ection Removal Policy for NLLT
7. Circumstances for Removal
There are four broad circumstances where the removal of items from the general collections
may be appropriate. If an item meets one or more of the Circumstances they may be a
candidate for removal, however further assessment against the principles is stil required
before removal can be recommended.
There are legal reasons for an item
Examples where this circumstance may apply include:
be removed from the col ection
● if there was no legal reason for an item to be
accepted into the collections in the first place, or
● if there is a court order for items to be removed.
UNDER In some cases, this requirement may not be met (e.g.
objectionable content or privacy concerns), but the National
Library’s Takedown Policy could apply, meaning an item
might be retained but access is prevented for a certain period
of time.
There is a more appropriate group
The National Library recognises it may not be the most
or institution to hold the items
appropriate owner of some items in its collections, even if they
align with the col ections policy and fit the purpose of the
Examples of when this circumstance may apply include:
● repatriation of items to iwi/hapū/whānau, or
● transfer to another institution.
Items no longer fulfil the purpose
Examples where this circumstance may apply include:
for which they were col ected and
have not taken on a subsequent
● where there are multiple preservation copies an
item (for example newspapers)
purpose that aligns with the
collections policy
● items that have deteriorated so information can no
longer be accessed.
Items in the collection do not
The col ections policy sets up the general shape and form
align with the collections policy
of the collections and wil guide maintenance decisions
for the general collections.
Examples where this circumstance may apply include:
● items which no longer meet current research
needs of New Zealanders
● items which are now broadly publicly available.
DRAFT – Updated draft General Col ection Removal Policy for NLLT
8. Principles
The three sets of principles below form the main body of this policy. Any time the National
Library is considering the potential removal and disposal of items from its general collections,
its processes, recommendations and decisions must align with these principles. The process
principles are designed to apply to both removal and disposal decision-making processes.
Removal principles
1. At least one of the circumstances for removal must be met in order for removal to be
2. Removal of collection items must be consistent with New Zealand law.
3. Before a recommendation is made for removal, an assessment wil be made
about the impact on the ongoing information and cultural needs of New
4. Removal recommendations wil take into consideration the relationship items have
with other items in the col ections.
5. Removal of items from the collections is final and not contingent on specific conditions set
by the National Library.
6. The cost of maintaining and storing items is not the pr
OFFICIAL imary driver for removal decisions.
Disposal principles
7. Disposal of items must be consistent with New Zealand law.
8. The National Librarian can consider a wide range of potential disposal options,
including transfer, sale, donation and destruction.
9. Where more than one viable option is available, disposal actions that enable ongoing
public access will be prioritised.
10. The costs of potential disposal actions wil be understood and considered and may
influence disposal decisions.
11. If transfer to another party was agreed as part of the removal decision, no other
disposal actions will be considered.
Process principles
12. The process for making removal and disposal decisions, and the outcome of these
decisions, is transparent
13. The National Library builds or maintains relationships with people who have
significant connections to collection items being considered for removal and
14. The National Library seeks advice from relevant groups and individuals to ensure
decisions align with the general collection removal policy
15. Appropriate tikanga wil be followed when making and implementing removal and
disposal decisions.
16. A record of items considered for removal from collections, and any supporting
disposal action taken, wil be made and kept.
17. A summary of engagement activities and outcomes wil be provided to the person making
the final removal or disposal decisions.
9. Review
This policy wil be reviewed no later than 7 years from the approval date.
10. Approval
This policy was approval by the National Librarian Te Pouhuaki on [DATE TBC]
Document Outline