Forward Aid Plan for Solomon Islands (2020-2024)

Max made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The request was partially successful.

From: Max

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

I would like to make a request for the Forward Aid Plans used in developing MFAT's bilateral aid approach to the Solomon Islands over the period 2020-2024.

I am also requesting the most up-to-date Strategic Plan for aid to the Solomon Islands.

Yours faithfully,
Max Mitchell

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Kia ora and thank you for your email.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Kia ora Max Mitchell

Thank you for your OIA request received on 3 May 2024 for:
I would like to make a request for the Forward Aid Plans used in developing MFAT's bilateral aid approach to the Solomon Islands over the period 2020-2024.

I am also requesting the most up-to-date Strategic Plan for aid to the Solomon Islands.

This email confirms receipt of your request and advises that we will respond to it as soon as reasonably practicable, and in terms of the timeframes and requirements of the OIA.

Please note that our response letter to you (with your personal details redacted), and any enclosed documents, may be published on the Ministry’s website.

Ngâ mihi

Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatû Aorere

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From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment OIA 29347 Max Mitchell Response SIGNED.pdf
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Kia ora Max Mitchell


Please see attached our response to your OIA request of 3 May 2024.

Ngā mihi

Whatupūaho | Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere


195 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 18901, Wellington 5045, New Zealand

[1] | [2]




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