District Plan - Rural Zone Rules and Standards

Wellington RatePayer made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Wellington City Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Wellington RatePayer

Dear Wellington City Council,

The Interpretations, Rules & Standards in the the 2024 District Plan (DP2024) are surprising, requiring clarificiation.

EW-R2: Earthworks for the purposes of constructing and maintaining tracks associated with permitted activities in the General Rural Zone

Is defined as Permitted, where Compliance is achieved with EW-S8.

From the above statement it is unclear whether compliance with only the called out standard (EW-S8) is required, or whether other Standards unspecified in the Rule must be met (and if so, why the specific call out to EW-S8?).

Assuming for now that other Standards beyond the specified EW-S8 standard must be met, the following Standard,

EW-S1: Area : The total area of earthworks must not exceed 250m2 per site in any 12-month period.

implies that Wellington Rural zone farmers are only permitted to Maintain (we're not even talking about creating here) a total of 41.66m per year (250m2/4m standard width track +2 m of adjoining cut and fill areas).

Was this the intended outcome?

If not, when will you be changing the District Plan’s standards to make clear that farmers retain their right to create and maintain tracks for permitted activities?

If it was, was it communicated to inhabitants and farmers within wellington’s rural zones that traditional rights were being curtailed?

If it was, where is this specified and communicated?

If it was, what is WCC’s expectations of process for farmers to follow when required for health and safety reasons to rapidly repair roads washed away or covered by slips, when the total area is larger than 250m2?

If it was, what is the process to follow to undo this new limit and/or lack of clarity?

Thank you for answering the above to better understand whether WCC's intent is to assist its rural residents or actively work against them.

Thank you.
Wellington Rate Payer

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora  

Thank you for contacting the Wellington City Council Official Information

Your email has been received and we will respond within 3 business days. 
If your request is more a general enquiry, or for anything urgent, please
contact our Contact Centre on 04 499 4444 or email [1][email address]   
For Police CCTV requests, please send through to [2][email address]  

Many thanks  
Official Information Team 


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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora Wellington RatePayer

Thank you for your email dated 4 August requesting information.

Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision as soon as possible, but no later than 30 August, being 20 working days of receipt.

The reference number for your request is IRC-6858

Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards

Official Information Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

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Things to do with this request

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