MBChB Interview Offers 2024 (2025 entry)

Abigail Barnard made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

The request was successful.

From: Abigail Barnard

Dear University of Auckland,

I would like to know the following
1. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025 under first year entry for the following pathways;
a. General

2. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025 under Graduate entry for the following pathways;
a. General

For each category please provide the GPA cutoffs for interview offer.

The total number of applicants for MBChB compared to the total number of applicants interviewed.

Yours faithfully,

A. Barnard

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From: Farleigh Quinlivan
University of Auckland

Attachment OIA 2024 OIA 0211 Barnard.xlsx
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Dear Abigail,


I refer to your email of 2 September 2024 requesting information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), for information as set out below.


1. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025
under first year entry for the following pathways; a. General b. MAPAS c.


The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025 under
first year entry, is as follows:


a.            General: 414

b.            MAPAS: 95

c.             RRAS: 83

d.            DISA: 14, LSEB: 19, REFG: 15


2. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025
under Graduate entry for the following pathways; a. General b. MAPAS c.


The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025 under
‘Graduate’ entry, is as follows:

a.            General: 342

b.            MAPAS: 49

c.             RRAS: 56

d.            DISA: 21, LSEB: 0, REFG: 13


For each category please provide the GPA cutoffs for interview offer.


The GPA cut off for each category, excluding MAPAS, is 6.0.  Information
relating to MAPAS cut off points is not held. We therefore decline to
provide this information under section 18(g) of the Act, as it is not held
by the University, and we have no grounds to believe that this information
is held by another agency or connected more closely with the functions of
another agency.


The total number of applicants for MBChB compared to the total number of
applicants interviewed.


The total number of applicants who applied to MBChB is 1149.  The total
number of interviewed applicants, which includes only those applicants who
were interviewed, and does not include applicants who received an
interview but did not attend is 779.  These totals include all domestic
applicants and interviewees, not just those in the GEN/UTAS categories
(i.e. pathways and INTL-FY), but excludes INTL-GRAD applicants.


You have the right under section 28(3) of the OIA to seek an investigation
and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to
make a complaint is available at [1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.


Yours sincerely

Farleigh Quinlivan


-----Original Message-----

From: Abigail Barnard <[2][FOI #28280 email]>

Sent: Monday, 2 September 2024 6:45 pm

To: legal <[3][University of Auckland request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - MBChB Interview Offers 2024 (2025


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Dear University of Auckland,


I would like to know the following

1. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025
under first year entry for the following pathways; a. General b. MAPAS c.


2. The number of applicants to the MBChB programme commencing in 2025
under Graduate entry for the following pathways; a. General b. MAPAS c.


For each category please provide the GPA cutoffs for interview offer.


The total number of applicants for MBChB compared to the total number of
applicants interviewed.


Yours faithfully,


A. Barnard




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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