Indigenous Coalition of Israel - self-declared charity
Naomi Priestly made this Official Information request to Ministry for Ethnic Communities
Ministry for Ethnic Communities did not have the information requested.
From: Naomi Priestly
Dear Ministry for Ethnic Communities,
I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 regarding a group called the Indigenous Coalition for Israel. On their website, they declare themselves as a registered charity, linking to a certificate of registration. I have proof of both. However, a search of the Charities Register does not show them as a registered charity (the number on the certificate is 50078149, NZBN number 9429049907490).
I kindly request the following information:
1. All documentation and correspondence regarding why the Indigenous Coalition for Israel is not listed on the Charities Register, including:
- Whether they were removed from the register, and if so, the reasons for their removal.
- Details of any funding provided to the Indigenous Coalition for Israel prior to the removal.
2. Any information regarding proceedings or investigations against the Indigenous Coalition for Israel related to their charity status.
3. Clarification on whether it is illegal for an organisation to declare itself as a charity if it is not registered on the Charities Register/cannot be found on the Charities Register.
Please provide this information in electronic form, if possible. Should any part of my request be too broad or require clarification, I am happy to refine it.
Yours faithfully,
Naomi Priestly
Ministry for Ethnic Communities
Tēnā koe Naomi
Please see attached response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Te Tari Mātāwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Communities
215 Lambton Quay | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
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