Reporting on Israel
John Wilson made this Official Information request to Radio New Zealand Limited
The request was successful.
From: John Wilson
Dear Radio New Zealand Limited,
I am writing to ask for information under the Official Information Act 1982. I understand that some of these questions have been raised before in a previous OIA request ( However, as this was some months ago, I would like to enquire if any updates have been made since then. Specifically, I would like to obtain the following:
1. Any internal complaints received by RNZ regarding its coverage of Israel's military actions and alleged war crimes against Palestinians, Yemenis, and Lebanese people.
2. I am particularly interested in understanding the discussions and decisions that led to RNZ's coverage of these issues. Therefore, I kindly request the minutes or notes from meetings where RNZ's coverage of these issues was discussed.
3. Any internal reports summarising audience feedback or public responses related to RNZ’s reporting on this topic.
4. Any internal analysis or assessments of RNZ’s coverage regarding Israel's actions.
5. Any communication from the Radio New Zealand Board of Governors or government ministers regarding RNZ’s coverage of Israel's actions.
Yours faithfully,
John Wilson
From: OIA Requests
Radio New Zealand Limited
RNZ acknowledges receipt of your OIA request. Under the Official Information Act 1982 we have 20 working days to respond and will contact you via email /post. If for any reason our response is delayed we will advise you
Kind regards
Maggie Hedge| OIA Administrator RNZ
[email address]
show quoted sections
From: George Bignell
Radio New Zealand Limited
Kia ora Mr Wilson
In response to your OIA request, RNZ provides comment below each of part
of your request as follows:
1. Any internal complaints received by RNZ regarding its coverage of
Israel's military actions and alleged war crimes against Palestinians,
Yemenis, and Lebanese people.
RNZ has not received any internal complaints in this regard.
2. I am particularly interested in understanding the discussions and
decisions that led to RNZ's coverage of these issues. Therefore, I kindly
request the minutes or notes from meetings where RNZ's coverage of these
issues was discussed.
While different news reporting groups within RNZ hold editorial
planning meetings on more than a daily basis, seldom are written notes
kept of such discussions given the fast paced nature of news
gathering and reporting. To the extent that any records exist, they would
withheld under the Official Information Act as follows:
9 "Other reasons for withholding official information
i.Where this section applies, good reason for withholding official
information exists, for the purpose of [1]section 5, unless, in the
circumstances of the particular case, the withholding of that information
is outweighed by other considerations which render it desirable, in the
public interest, to make that information available.
i.Subject to [2]sections 6, [3]7, [4]10, and [5]18, this section applies
if, and only if, the withholding of the information is necessary to—
(g) maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through—
(i)the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to
Ministers of the Crown or members of an
organisation or officers and employees of any public service
agency or organisation in the course of their
duty; or
3. Any internal reports summarising audience feedback or public responses
related to RNZ’s reporting on this topic.
RNZ does not hold any information in this regard.
4. Any internal analysis or assessments of RNZ’s coverage regarding
Israel's actions.
RNZ has commissioned a report which addresses this request in part.
It will be presented to the RNZ Board in December, and once received by
the Board we will
release it which we expect will occur before the end of the year. In that
respect, technically we have to “refuse” this aspect of your request as
information will soon be publicly available. We will advise you once it
has been loaded on our website at [6]
5. Any communication from the Radio New Zealand Board of Governors or
government ministers regarding RNZ’s coverage of Israel's actions.
RNZ does not hold any information in this regard.
You have a right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[7] or freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi
George Bignell
RNZ, PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand, 6140
DDI +64 4 474 1424
Mobile: +64 27 491 2246
From: John Wilson <[9][FOI #28592 email]>
Sent: Monday, 30 September 2024 19:18
To: OIA Requests <[10][email address]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Official Information request - Reporting on Israel
Dear Radio New Zealand Limited,
I am writing to ask for information under the Official Information Act
1982. I understand that some of these questions have been raised before in
a previous OIA request
However, as this was some months ago, I would like to enquire if any
updates have been made since then. Specifically, I would like to obtain
the following:
1. Any internal complaints received by RNZ regarding its coverage of
Israel's military actions and alleged war crimes against Palestinians,
Yemenis, and Lebanese people.
2. I am particularly interested in understanding the discussions and
decisions that led to RNZ's coverage of these issues. Therefore, I kindly
request the minutes or notes from meetings where RNZ's coverage of these
issues was discussed.
3. Any internal reports summarising audience feedback or public responses
related to RNZ’s reporting on this topic.
4. Any internal analysis or assessments of RNZ’s coverage regarding
Israel's actions.
5. Any communication from the Radio New Zealand Board of Governors or
government ministers regarding RNZ’s coverage of Israel's actions.
Yours faithfully,
John Wilson
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[12][FOI #28592 email]
Is [13][RNZ request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Radio New Zealand Limited? If so, please contact us using this
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
show quoted sections
From: John Wilson
Dear OIA Requests,
In response to the OIA request, RNZ wrote:
"RNZ has commissioned a report that addresses this request in part. It will be presented to the RNZ Board in December, and once received by the Board, we will release it. We expect this to occur before the end of the year."
When will this report be made publicly available?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson
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