Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea and Nisbet St.
Hamilton 3204
0800 86 22 84
4 March 2025
Rodney Parsons
By email: [FYI request #28831 email]
Tēnā koe Rodney
Request under the Official Information Act 1982
Thank you for your email dated 3 February 2025, requesting information from Te Pūkenga – New
Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (Te Pūkenga).
In reply to our letter dated 22 January, sent in response to your previous requests for information
references TP240140 and TP240156, you requested the following:
Please provide all email correspondence related to these OOA [sic]
requests …
This letter provides a formal decision on your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
The decision
In our letter dated 30 January, sent in response to your previous transferred OIA request reference
TP240157, you received information, via the public facing FYI website, within scope of this current
request up to and including correspondence dated 6 December 2024. As this information is already
publicly available, with reference to section 18(d) of the OIA, we have not provided another copy of
it here.
In order to collate the remainder of the information within scope of this request we searched for
emails within the fol owing parameters to and from kaimahi (staff) and external parties involved in
your request:
• Requester = Rodney Parsons
• Date range = 7 December 2024 – 3 February 2025 (inclusive)
• References included but not limited to:
− TP240125
− TP240140
− TP240156
− Paramedic Project report
− Paramedicine Report Executive Summary
We have located 58 emails and their attachments that fal within scope of your request. Copies of 35
of these are attached as
Appendix One.
Certain information has been withheld from the emails under the fol owing sections of the OIA:
• 9(2)(a)
to protect the privacy of natural persons • 9(2)(ba)(i)
to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any
person has been or could be compel ed to provide under the authority of any enactment,
where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of
similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that
such information should continue to be supplied
• 9(2)(g)(i)
to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank
expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an
organisation or officers and employees of any public service agency or organisation in the
course of their duty.
We do not believe the need to withhold this information under section 9 of the OIA is outweighed
by the public interest in its release at this time.
Like your previous requests for correspondence related to your OIA requests, there is quite an
amount of duplication within the documents due to the repeat of some individual emails within
resulting email threads; for completeness we have not removed duplicates.
We have not provided attachments to seven emails where the attachments are the Report and the
Executive Summary, as a redacted version of both documents has already been provided to you.
We have not provided attachments to two emails where the attachment is the final letter of response
and documents released, as these were provided to you on 22 January 2025.
With reference to section 16(1)(e) of the OIA, we are not providing copies of 23 emails that involve
our correspondence with external individuals consulting with them about release of the Report.
Instead, we provide a summary of these emails as follows. On 19 December 2024 emails were sent
to five individuals from five different agencies that were involved in providing feedback for the
alignment project. An example of the type of email that was sent to each can be found on page 40 of
Appendix One. Follow up emails were sent to specific individuals on 14 January 2025.
The 23 emails include engagement to find correct contact details, as well as replies from external
individuals with comment about release. Of the 23 emails, 19 are between Whitireia and WelTec
kaimahi and external parties. Four are internal emails specifically about the external consultation.
A brief summary of the outcome of the consultation and feedback received can be found on page
110 of
Appendix One. Two agencies had no concerns with release of the Report, one agency had
feedback which was incorporated into our final decision on release. One did not reply via email,
however was made aware of the release through verbal and face to face interaction. The last
individual did not take part in the project, but acknowledged receipt of the consultation email.

You have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the OIA if you are
not happy with this response. Information about how to do this is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by cal ing 0800 802 602.
We may publish our OIA responses and the information contained in our reply to you on our website.
Before publishing we will remove any personal or identifiable information.
Ngā mihi
Gus Gilmore
Tumuaki | Chief Executive
Appendix One
Happy to discuss further if that would be helpful?
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Monday, 18 November 2024 12:48 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - copy of report
Kia ora kōrua
In preparation for an extra chat on Wednesday and pre-empting legal review for the final OIA
response once I have it prepared.
Please find attached the ‘marked for redaction’ version of the report that has been requested by
two folk via the FYI website.
NOTE – the current redactions have been marked by the team at Whitireia & WelTec, I have not
yet read nor reviewed the document nor their proposed redactions.
I just wanted to get this across to you both as soon as possible.
Re-connect with you both soon. INFORMATION
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, 18 November 2024 9:34 am
To: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Subject: FW: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR INPUT
Kia ora Team,
Please find attached marked report noting that this was a report which aim was to ensure the
current Paramedic programme suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into
the programmes and with appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who
enrol and the industry sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning
environment, and is operationally viable and sustainable. The report was a management tool,
part of our continuous improvement, and confidential to Whitireia and WelTec Management.
We trust this assists. Please copy us in your final response.
Ngā mihi nui, s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Wednesday, 13 November 2024 7:23 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: TP240125 Further detail about request in reply - FOR YOUR INPUT
Morning s 9(2)(a)
Please see the reply we received below from Rodney, the requester - our letter attached for ease
of reference.
Can you please approach Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty, if you have kaimahi by those names and
source the report please!?
Many thanks
s 9(2)
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
-----Original Message-----
Kia ora Rodney
Please see attached Te Pûkenga response to your request for information dated 20 October and
clarified on 24 October 2024.
Ngâ mihi
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
Rodney Parsons <[email address]>
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November 2024
Dear OIA,
No ng that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please provide informa on on
what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and parameters
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐
Kia ora Rodney
Please see a ached Te Pûkenga response to your request for informa on dated 15 November 2024.
Ngâ mihi
Office of the Chief Execu ve
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important No ce: This is an e‐mail from Te Pûkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pûkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its a achments
made by others a er we have transmi ed it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e‐mail (including any a achments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confiden al. Any unauthorised use, distribu on or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you
have received this e‐mail in error, please advise us by return e‐mail or telephone and then delete this e‐mail together
with all a achments.
Viruses:Te Pûkenga does not represent or warrant that this e‐mail or files a ached to this e‐mail are free from
computer viruses or other defects.
Any a ached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all responsibility for any loss,
damage or consequence resul ng directly or indirectly from their use.
Visible links
1. h ps://aus01.safelinks.protec on.outlook.com/?url=h ps%3A%2F%2Fwww.xn‐‐tepkenga‐
z5a.ac.nz%2F&data=05%7C02%7Coia%40tepukenga.ac.nz%7C00245d03d11d46 823a08dd18fe57c2%7C353ff820bd864
h ps://aus01.safelinks.protec on.outlook.com/?url=h p%3A%2F%2Fwww.tepukenga.ac.nz%2F&data=05%7C0
2%7Coia%40tepukenga.ac.nz%7C00245d03d11d46 823a08dd18fe57c2%7C353ff820bd864ff29f959e61fed8510e%7C0
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
fyi‐request‐29215‐[email address]
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright
h ps://aus01.safelinks.protec on.outlook.com/?url=h ps%3A%2F%2Ffyi.org.nz%2Fhelp%2Fofficers&data=05%7C02%7
Coia%40tepukenga.ac.nz%7C00245d03d11d46 823a08dd18fe57c2%7C353ff820bd864ff29f959e61fed8510e%7C0%7C0
If you find this service useful as an Official Informa on officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your
organisa on's OIA or LGOIMA page.
s 9(2)(a)
TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47:00 am
For W&W Review - changes made.xlsx
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction.pdf
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction.pdf
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
W&W Marked for redaction Report
Page # Changes made to original mark up
4 Unredacted al , but consult necessary
7 Changed from 9(2)(a) to <4 and added <4 to top graph as well.
9 Added <4 to al smal figures added redaction to "s 9(2)(ba)(i)
" wording
11 Unredacted some, but consult necessary. Also added section 9(2)(j).
12 Added section 9(2)(j) to redaction
13 Unredacted some, but consult necessary. Also added section 9(2)(g)(i).
14 Unredacted some. Changed some sections used for some.
15 Unredacted some, kept 4th bul et point and added next two under opinion.
18 Unredacted al , but consult necessary
19 Unredacted some.
20 Unredacted some, changed section.
21 Unredacted some.
22 Unredacted some.
23 Unredacted some.
24 Unredacted some.
25 Unredacted some.
26 Kept al redacted, but split into two sections.
27 Unredacted some.
28 Unredacted some. Changed section from (2)(b)(ii) to (2)(j).
29 Unredacted some. Changed sections for some.
32 Unredacted, but consult necessary. Also added redaction of s 9(2)(a) name
43 Changed from 9(2)(a) to <4 for two redactions
44 Changed from 9(2)(a) to <4 for al five redactions
45 Changed from 9(2)(a) to <4 for al redactions - and separated them out into four
48 Changed from 9(2)(a) to <4 for redactions - and separated them out into two
50 Unredactions al locations and total, keep redaction numbers but with <4
52 Added redactions to <4 for two numbers
53 Added redactions to <4 for six numbers
58 Unredacted top row and blue title row, kept al other redactions.
59 Unredacted some.
60 Added redactions to names on this page
61 Unredacted some.
63 Unredacted al .
64 Unredacted some.
65 Unredacted some.
66 Unredacted some.
67 Went through point by point, added one redaction.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Thursday, 12 December 2024 12:37:00 pm
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction.pdf
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction.pdf
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with1982
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
[email address]
TP240156 Acknowledgement of your request for information dated 10 December 2024
Thursday, 12 December 2024 1:47:00 pm
Kia ora Rodney
Thank you for your email dated 10 December 2024 requesting information from Te Pūkenga –
New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
With reference to your previous request (reference TP240125) you have asked:
“…please provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original
request and parameters”
Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982.
Allowing for the summer holiday period (25 December – 15 January) you can expect a decision
on your request within 20 working days, by 29 January 2025.
Ngā mihi
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
s 9(2)(a)
Re: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Friday, 13 December 2024 7:06:06 am
I appreciate the work done on this. My biggest concern remains around commercial
sensitivity and this relates to page 11 in particular. The rest relate to minor things, but
particularly that where numbers/percentages are so small that it makes identification
Page 11 the nature of our contractual arrangements with various parties are commercially
sensitive, and particularly that relating to the staffing negotiations between Whitireia and
WFA - all of this needs to be redacted as I raised on Wednesday.
Page 15-16 provides feedback from akonga needs to be redacted, as does information
about space/facilities "commercially sensitive."
Page 22 redact cost code information
Page 28 redact 2025 column in table - v early indicative and not the same as MoP and
approved budget from TP Council.
Page 43 table <4 needs to be redacted
Page 48 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 49 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 50 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification and commercially
Page 50 in graph needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 52 in graph and table need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 53 in graphs need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 54 in table needs reaction due to low numbers - identification
Go well over the Christmas and New Year break.
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 12:37:18 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
s 9(2)(a)
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Friday, 13 December 2024 7:52:33 am
Mōrena Team,
Endorsing s 9(2)(a) proposed redactions. s 9(2)(a)
contact details:
s 9(2)(a)
@wandw.ac.nz .
Ngā mihi, s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 7:06 AM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
I appreciate the work done on this. My biggest concern remains around commercial
sensitivity and this relates to page 11 in particular. The rest relate to minor things, but
particularly that where numbers/percentages are so small that it makes
identification possible.
Page 11 the nature of our contractual arrangements with various parties are
commercially sensitive, and particularly that relating to the staffing negotiations
between Whitireia and WFA - all of this needs to be redacted as I raised on
Page 15-16 provides feedback from akonga needs to be redacted, as does
information about space/facilities "commercially sensitive."
Page 22 redact cost code information
Page 28 redact 2025 column in table - v early indicative and not the same as MoP and
approved budget from TP Council.
Page 43 table <4 needs to be redacted
Page 48 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 49 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 50 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification and
commercially sensitive
Page 50 in graph needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 52 in graph and table need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 53 in graphs need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 54 in table needs reaction due to low numbers - identification
Nga mihi nui
Go well over the Christmas and New Year break.
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 12:37:18 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Friday, 13 December 2024 9:30:00 am
Thanks s 9(2)(a)
We will work through your comments and then work with s 9(2)(a) going forward.
Have a safe and happy festive season.
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, 13 December 2024 7:06 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
I appreciate the work done on this. My biggest concern remains around commercial
sensitivity and this relates to page 11 in particular. The rest relate to minor things, but
particularly that where numbers/percentages are so small that it makes
identification possible.
Page 11 the nature of our contractual arrangements with various parties are
commercially sensitive, and particularly that relating to the staffing negotiations
between Whitireia and WFA - all of this needs to be redacted as I raised on
Page 15-16 provides feedback from akonga needs to be redacted, as does
information about space/facilities "commercially sensitive."
Page 22 redact cost code information
Page 28 redact 2025 column in table - v early indicative and not the same as MoP and
approved budget from TP Council.
Page 43 table <4 needs to be redacted
Page 48 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 49 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 50 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification and
commercially sensitive
Page 50 in graph needs redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 52 in graph and table need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 53 in graphs need redaction due to low numbers - identification
Page 54 in table needs reaction due to low numbers - identification
Nga mihi nui
Go well over the Christmas and New Year break.
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 12:37:18 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
Email intro
Monday, 16 December 2024 2:11:00 pm
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
Just wanted to email introduce myself very quickly and touch base with you.
Hopefully s 9(2)(a) has given you a heads up about my contact!?
I am from the OIA team at Te Pūkenga and have been working with s 9(2)(a)
an OIA request.
To cut a long story shorter we are looking to you to share a document with external
agencies for their information as a courtesy consultation this side of Christmas.
I was hoping to get you the final document today, but s 9(2)(a) asked for a few more
changes to it, which has slowed me down.
I will try my best for tomorrow morning and will send full details of explanation and action
when I send it through!
Please feel free to reach out to myself or s 9(2)(a) this afternoon if you want any info in the
meantime, otherwise I will contact you again ASAP.
PS – s 9(2)(a)
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Re: Email intro
Monday, 16 December 2024 2:15:45 pm
Hi s 9(2)(a)
Nice to meet you.
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
did brief me, so happy to send on once I receive the document and
instruction from you.
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 2:11 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Email intro
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
Just wanted to email introduce myself very quickly and touch base with you.
Hopefully s 9(2)(a) has given you a heads up about my contact!?
I am from the OIA team at Te Pūkenga and have been working with s 9(2)(a)
an OIA request.
To cut a long story shorter we are looking to you to share a document with external
agencies for their information as a courtesy consultation this side of Christmas.
I was hoping to get you the final document today, but s 9(2)(a) asked for a few more
changes to it, which has slowed me down.
I will try my best for tomorrow morning and will send full details of explanation and action
when I send it through!
Please feel free to reach out to myself or s 9(2)(a) this afternoon if you want any info in the
meantime, otherwise I will contact you again ASAP.
PS – s 9(2)(a)
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)

Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: Email intro
Monday, 16 December 2024 2:16:00 pm
Magic, thank you
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, 16 December 2024 2:16 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: Email intro
Hi s 9(2)(a)
Nice to meet you.
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
did brief me, so happy to send on once I receive the document and
instruction from you.
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 2:11 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Email intro
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
Just wanted to email introduce myself very quickly and touch base with you.
Hopefully s 9(2)(a) has given you a heads up about my contact!?
I am from the OIA team at Te Pūkenga and have been working with s 9(2)(a)
an OIA request.
To cut a long story shorter we are looking to you to share a document with external
agencies for their information as a courtesy consultation this side of Christmas.
I was hoping to get you the final document today, but s 9(2)(a) asked for a few more
changes to it, which has slowed me down.
I will try my best for tomorrow morning and will send full details of explanation and action
when I send it through!

Please feel free to reach out to myself or s 9(2)(a) this afternoon if you want any info in the
meantime, otherwise I will contact you again ASAP.
PS – s 9(2)(a)
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Tuesday, 17 December 2024 11:13:00 am
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction.pdf
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction.pdf
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
As discussed, please find attached the two reports for W&W final review.
The main report is the only one with amendments made to it, as no extra redactions were
noted by s 9(2)(a) for the executive summary doc.
I have made notes under the specific pages below for ease of reference, there were only a
couple that have not been amended.
Please check these pages.
Please can you provide final confirmation from W&W that I can go ahead and prepare
these for s 9(2)(a) to share with external agencies.
I will apply the redactions before forwarding them to s 9(2)(a)
Thanks so much
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, 13 December 2024 7:06 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
I appreciate the work done on this. My biggest concern remains around commercial
sensitivity and this relates to page 11 in particular. The rest relate to minor things, but
particularly that where numbers/percentages are so small that it makes
identification possible.
Page 11 the nature of our contractual arrangements with various parties are
commercially sensitive, and particularly that relating to the staffing negotiations
between Whitireia and WFA - all of this needs to be redacted as I raised on
Box redactions added
Page 15-16 provides feedback from akonga needs to be redacted, as does
information about space/facilities "commercially sensitive."
Only a couple of small redactions added, as I could not see any others that needed to
be withheld …?
Page 22 redact cost code information
There are no grounds to redact these cost codes, so they remain unredacted.
Page 28 redact 2025 column in table - v early indicative and not the same as MoP and
approved budget from TP Council.
Page 43 table <4 needs to be redacted
Page 48 in table needs redaction due to low numbers – identification Done
Page 49 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification Have not done
these as you can easily work it out from the female and male percentages. As it is
EFTS and percentages it does not individualise specific students, and while you
could potentially work out how many diverse folk there were we do not think it
warrants a blanket redaction over the whole table.
Page 50 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification and
commercially sensitive Done
Page 50 in graph needs redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 52 in graph and table need redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 53 in graphs need redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 54 in table needs reaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Nga mihi nui
Go well over the Christmas and New Year break.
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 12:37:18 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a) OFFICIAL
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.

couple that have not been amended.
Please check these pages.
Please can you provide final confirmation from W&W that I can go ahead and prepare
these for s 9(2)(a) to share with external agencies.
I will apply the redactions before forwarding them to s 9(2)(a)
Thanks so much
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, 13 December 2024 7:06 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
I appreciate the work done on this. My biggest concern remains around commercial
sensitivity and this relates to page 11 in particular. The rest relate to minor things, but
particularly that where numbers/percentages are so small that it makes
identification possible.
Page 11 the nature of our contractual arrangements with various parties are
commercially sensitive, and particularly that relating to the staffing negotiations
between Whitireia and WFA - all of this needs to be redacted as I raised on
Box redactions added
Page 15-16 provides feedback from akonga needs to be redacted, as does
information about space/facilities "commercially sensitive."
Only a couple of small redactions added, as I could not see any others that needed to
be withheld …?
Page 22 redact cost code information
There are no grounds to redact these cost codes, so they remain unredacted.
Page 28 redact 2025 column in table - v early indicative and not the same as MoP and
approved budget from TP Council.
Page 43 table <4 needs to be redacted
Page 48 in table needs redaction due to low numbers – identification Done
Page 49 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification Have not done
these as you can easily work it out from the female and male percentages. As it is
EFTS and percentages it does not individualise specific students, and while you
could potentially work out how many diverse folk there were we do not think it
warrants a blanket redaction over the whole table.
Page 50 in table needs redaction due to low numbers - identification and
commercially sensitive Done
Page 50 in graph needs redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 52 in graph and table need redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 53 in graphs need redaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Page 54 in table needs reaction due to low numbers - identification Done
Nga mihi nui
Go well over the Christmas and New Year break.
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a) RELEASED UNDER THE
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 12:37:18 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Kia ora kōrua s 9(2)(a)
Thank you again for meeting with us to provide further context and feedback.
Please find attached amended report and executive summary documents – for your review
of proposed redactions.
I went back to the original document s 9(2)(a) supplied as a guide.
As discussed, we have still been selective within the sections both with redactions and the
sections of the OIA relied on.
For example, within the ākonga feedback sections there is information from our website,
report team comments etc which does not require withholding.
As also discussed, we have kept most external agency comments but redacted the agency
names who provided the feedback.
I have also kept in additional redactions that we added.
Hope that all makes sense!?
Any questions please come back to me with page numbers and specifics to assist.
If you are now both comfortable with the redactions supplied, I can provide s 9(2)(a) (??)
with redacted versions for her to engage with the external agencies early next week.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 11:47 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA request Rodney Parsons - Reports for W&W REVIEW
Hi there s 9(2)(a)
RE: W&W review of amendments to proposed redactions
Please find attached the following two documents with amended proposed redactions
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
The Report has been reviewed by myself, Legal and s 9(2)(a)
To assist your review I have attached a spreadsheet with the page numbers that have been
altered from the version you supplied.
We consider the redactions initially marked were excessive in some places, and are
proposing to release more information. We have also added a few redactions, as noted.
We are happy to discuss this further if there is more detail you wish to provide with
rationale to support any further redactions being added.
Please could you come back to me by close of business this
Thursday 12 December.
Consultation FYI
As previously mentioned, we plan to carry out consultations with the following agencies
about release of information within the documents that pertains to them:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
We also consider it prudent that, once the documents are finalised, ākonga and kaimahi
are provided with a copy for their information (prior to their release), noting they will be
published on the FYI website, as soon as the response is sent to the requester. We will
leave this with you to complete once all consultations are complete and the response is
Once you confirm you are comfortable with the documents, I will carry out the consult with
the external agencies above and come back to you with the final OIA package (including
response letter) for review.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Wednesday, 18 December 2024 2:57:08 pm
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report-Executive Summary Redacted.pdf
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report Redacted.pdf
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.1982
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Wednesday, 18 December 2024 4:55:07 pm
Kia Ora
Thank you I will send them out tomorrow morning
s 9(2)(a)
Get Outlook for Android
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 2:56:32 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora

I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Thursday, 19 December 2024 3:50:00 pm
Many thanks for sending all of those emails out to your external folk today, much
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 4:55 pm
To: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia Ora
Thank you I will send them out tomorrow morning
s 9(2)(a)
Get Outlook for Android
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 2:56:32 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Friday, 20 December 2024 7:56:44 am
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
All good and I hope you have a great break.
Take care
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 3:51 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Many thanks for sending all of those emails out to your external folk today, much
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 4:55 pm
To: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia Ora
Thank you I will send them out tomorrow morning
s 9(2)(a)
Get Outlook for Android
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 2:56:32 PM
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the

final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Friday, 20 December 2024 11:06:00 am
You too!
As we asked the agencies to come back to you by the end of today, I will touch base with
you upon our return on 13 January to see what may have come in that I was not copied into,
and to discuss any changes that have been requested.
Best wishes for the festive season.
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Friday, 20 December 2024 7:57 am
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
All good and I hope you have a great break.
Take care
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 3:51 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: RE: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Many thanks for sending all of those emails out to your external folk today, much
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 4:55 pm
To: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia Ora
Thank you I will send them out tomorrow morning
s 9(2)(a)
Get Outlook for Android
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 2:56:32 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
FW: TP240140 OIA - Courtesy Notification updates
Monday, 13 January 2025 11:27:00 am
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report-Executive Summary Redacted.pdf
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report Redacted.pdf
Hey there s 9(2)(a) (and s 9(2)(a)
FYI for now)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a lovely break
Checking in on the notification consults you sent out last year, below is my understanding
of where we are at.
Please could you whip through updates on this info.
s 9(2)(a)
Contact?? – I am not sure who you sent this too as OIA email address was not copied
s 9(2)(a)
Contact = s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(g)(i)
s 9(2)(a)
Contact = s 9(2)(a)
No concerns.
s 9(2)(a)
Contact = s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Can you let me know if you will be sending it to anyone else at this agency?
s 9(2)(a)
Contact = s 9(2)(a)
I have not seen any reply come through from s 9(2)(a) have you?
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 2:57 pm
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website

where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204

s 9(2)(a)
Contact = s 9(2)(a)
I have not seen any reply come through from s 9(2)(a) have you? No reply
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 2:57 pm
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 OIA - Courtesy Notification updates
Monday, 13 January 2025 3:46:00 pm
Hiya s 9(2)(a)
Thanks so much for that.
Would be great if you could send a follow up email to s 9(2)(a)
, if that would be
As it would be good to get their acknowledgement of receipt before we release the doc.
s 9(2)(a)
please can you advise the most appropriate steps regarding s 9(2)(a) and 1982
notification to s 9(2)(a)
of release of this doc?
Eg, is it best to leave it, contact someone else, or try to contact s 9(2)(a) through other means?
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, 13 January 2025 1:54 pm
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 OIA - Courtesy Notification updates
Kia ora
Happy new year
I have responded below in yellow highlight
Let me know if you need anything else and I will follow up re getting another email for
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2025 11:28 AM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: TP240140 OIA - Courtesy Notification updates

I have not seen any reply come through from s 9(2)(a) have you? No reply
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 2:57 pm
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 OIA proposed release of documents-Courtesy Notification
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Apologies I did not get these to you yesterday, I had to check a couple of last reaction edits with
s 9(2)(a)
The two documents are ready, and attached, for you to forward to the following agencies as a
courtesy, so they have it prior to it being released:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
I have written a formal email of what I would have sent below in case it is helpful. You are
welcome to use any or all of the wording within it, or of course write your own!
You are welcome to copy in the OIA inbox if you think that would be appropriate.
I have asked them to come back to you regardless by this Friday.
Many thanks
s 9(2)
Kia ora
I am from the Official Information Act (OIA) Team of the Office of the Chief Executive at Te
Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
OIA request:
Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga received an OIA request for the following two documents:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18
July 2024.
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive
Summary - dated 23 July 2024
It is important to note that this request was received via the “FYI” website. This is a website
where the New Zealand public can make OIA requests to government agencies, and any
response is immediately public. The request itself can be viewed here:
We have been working with the team at Whitireia and WelTec on our response, and proposed
release of the two documents with certain information withheld.
As your organisation was involved in the feedback within this report, we wanted to let you know
we are proposing to release these documents, before making our final decision and prior to the
final response being sent to the requester in the new year.
The two documents are attached, with redactions already applied to certain information.
The overlay text provides the section of the OIA information is being withheld under.
Notification of receipt:
If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback you would like us to consider regarding
release of these documents, please contact s 9(2)(a) in the first instance.
Please could you confirm receipt of this courtesy notification back to s 9(2)(a)
Realising it is a very busy time of year, if possible, please can you get back to us by
close of
business this Friday 20 December.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and Narrative paragraph
Wednesday, 15 January 2025 1:28:00 pm
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction.pdf
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons.docx
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction.pdf
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and s 9(2)(a) written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Due Date
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons

Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea and Nisbet St.
Hamilton 3204
0800 86 22 84
XX January 2025
Rodney Parsons
By email: [FYI request #28831 email]
Tēnā koe Rodney
Request under the Official Information Act 1982 – TP240140 and TP240156
Reference TP240140
We refer to your email of 12 November 2024, requesting information from Whitireia and WelTec ǀ
Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skil s and Technology (Whitireia and WelTec).
In reply to our letter dated 12 November, in response to your previous OIA request reference
TP240125, you provided a copy of an “
excerpt from the introduction of the executive summary” from
a very specific document and named two individuals. You requested the fol owing:
Please provide both the executive summary and ful report…
On 5 December 2024 we wrote to you advising of an extension to the timeframe for making a decision
on this request to 22 January 2025.
Reference TP240156
We also refer to your email dated 10 December 2024, sent in reply to our letter of the same date
responding to your previous OIA request reference TP240145. You requested the fol owing:
Noting that The Pukenga [sic]
was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did,
please provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
We have interpreted this additional query, and request for a repeat, to be referring to the same two
reports you request above.
This letter provides a formal decision addressing both requests copied above, under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA).
The decision
Attached is a copy of the fol owing two documents, titled:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18 July 2024
. •
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive Summary
- dated 23 July 2024
Please note this Report was prepared as a management tool as part of Whitireia and WelTec internal
continuous improvement. Furthermore, the purpose of the Report was to ensure the current
Paramedic programme suite provision:
• aligns effectively with suitable pathways into the programmes and appropriate employment
• meets the needs of ākonga (learners) and the industry sector the programmes serve
• provides the necessary learning environment
• is operationally viable and sustainable.
Providing the exact count of ākonga or kaimahi in some instances within the Report yields results of
less than four. Where this occurs, we have withheld the exact numbers with reliance on section
9(2)(a) of the OIA, to protect the privacy of natural persons, and marked it accordingly.
Certain information has been withheld from the Report and its Executive Summary under the
fol owing sections of the OIA:
• 9(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons
• 9(2)(b)(ii) to protect information where the making available of the information would be
likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who
is the subject of the information
• 9(2)(ba)(i) to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any
person has been or could be compel ed to provide under the authority of any enactment,
where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of
similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that
such information should continue to be supplied
• 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank
expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an
organisation or officers and employees of any public service agency or organisation in the
course of their duty.
• 9(2)(j) to enable a Minister of the Crown or any public service agency or organisation holding
the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including
commercial and industrial negotiations).
We do not believe the need to withhold information under section 9 of the OIA is outweighed by the
public interest in its release at this time.
There was no “
disparity” in the advice and information provided between kaimahi (staff) of Whitireia
and WelTec and Te Pūkenga. Our OIA team engages with our business divisions, who are the subject
matter experts in cases such as your request, to col ate and provide information within scope, which
informs our final decision and response.
You have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the OIA if you are
not happy with this response. Information about how to do this is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by cal ing 0800 802 602.
We may publish our OIA responses and the information contained in our reply to you on our website.
Before publishing we will remove any personal or identifiable information.
Ngā mihi
Gus Gilmore
Tumuaki | Chief Executive
s 9(2)(a)
Quick catchup tomorrow
Wednesday, 15 January 2025 6:35:52 pm
Kia ora korua
I have been slammed over the last few days but now have time tomorrow. Can we please
have 30mins together to finalise a couple of things. Diary meeting sent.
Po marie
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and Narrative paragraph
Thursday, 16 January 2025 1:34:25 pm
Kia ora koutou
My narrative:
This is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of Teaching and Learning. It is
not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review, formal review of
programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process document, people performance
and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance parts of
the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to the Executive
Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from akonga, kaimahi, and
stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the programme/area. And enables a
picture to be provided to the Director of Teaching and Learning.
In the Wellington market there are two universities who are also in areas of health, and
from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and WelTec wider programme space.
This direct competitive approach in a small market (particularly for placements) creates a
higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial information and nature of the
contractual relationships.
Nga mihi
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:29
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and s 9(2)(a) written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Due Date
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW
Friday, 17 January 2025 7:25:00 am
Ata mārie s 9(2)(a)
Please can you confirm back to me this morning with your final confirmation Whitireia and
WelTec are comfortable with this one proceeding to Gus?
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2025 1:34 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora koutou
My narrative:
This is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of Teaching and Learning.
It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review, formal
review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process document,
people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from akonga, kaimahi,
and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the programme/area. And
enables a picture to be provided to the Director of Teaching and Learning.
In the Wellington market there are two universities who are also in areas of health,
and from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and WelTec wider
programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market (particularly
for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships.
Nga mihi
s 9(2)
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:29
s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and s 9(2)(a) written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
· s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a) OFFICIAL
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,RELEASED
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.
s 9(2)(a)
FW: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR REVIEW
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 4:25:00 pm
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons.docx
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction.pdf
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction.pdf
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Just spoke with s 9(2)(a) who asked me to get in touch directly.
The two OIA responses and reports proposed for release are due out by close of business
tomorrow and we need to get them to Gus ASAP.
Further to your discussion with
s 9(2)(a) today, while s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
is named
within the Reports, we have withheld the titles of individuals who provided feedback and
also withheld the agency name where a specific comment can be attributed to them to
protect the source of that feedback from being identified.
s 9(2)(a)
emailed s 9(2)(a)
on 19
December with a courtesy consultation about release of the document and followed up
again on 14 January this year. To my knowledge no reply has been received from s 9(2)(a)
Please can you confirm you are comfortable with the release of the two documents as
attached with redactions as marked, within the two OIAs due tomorrow, and we will get
this off to Gus tonight.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2025 1:34 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora koutou
My narrative:
This is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of Teaching and Learning.
It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review, formal
review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process document,
people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from akonga, kaimahi,
and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the programme/area. And
enables a picture to be provided to the Director of Teaching and Learning.
In the Wellington market there are two universities who are also in areas of health,
and from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and WelTec wider
programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market (particularly
for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships.
Nga mihi
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:29
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and s 9(2)(a) written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Due Date
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
· s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.

Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea and Nisbet St.
Hamilton 3204
0800 86 22 84
XX January 2025
Rodney Parsons
By email: [FYI request #28831 email]
Tēnā koe Rodney
Request under the Official Information Act 1982 – TP240140 and TP240156
Reference TP240140
We refer to your email of 12 November 2024, requesting information from Whitireia and WelTec ǀ
Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skil s and Technology (Whitireia and WelTec).
In reply to our letter dated 12 November, in response to your previous OIA request reference
TP240125, you provided a copy of an “
excerpt from the introduction of the executive summary” from
a very specific document and named two individuals. You requested the fol owing:
Please provide both the executive summary and ful report…
On 5 December 2024 we wrote to you advising of an extension to the timeframe for making a decision
on this request to 22 January 2025.
Reference TP240156
We also refer to your email dated 10 December 2024, sent in reply to our letter of the same date
responding to your previous OIA request reference TP240145. You requested the fol owing:
Noting that The Pukenga [sic]
was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did,
please provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
We have interpreted this additional query, and request for a repeat, to be referring to the same two
reports you request above.
This letter provides a formal decision addressing both requests copied above, under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA).
The decision
Attached is a copy of the fol owing two documents, titled:
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - dated 18 July 2024
. •
Whitireia WelTec Te Pūkenga Paramedic Suite Alignment Project Report - Executive Summary
- dated 23 July 2024
Please note this Report was prepared as a management tool as part of Whitireia and WelTec internal
continuous improvement. Furthermore, the purpose of the Report was to ensure the current
Paramedic programme suite provision:
• aligns effectively with suitable pathways into the programmes and appropriate employment
• meets the needs of ākonga (learners) and the industry sector the programmes serve
• provides the necessary learning environment
• is operationally viable and sustainable.
Providing the exact count of ākonga or kaimahi in some instances within the Report yields results of
less than four. Where this occurs, we have withheld the exact numbers with reliance on section
9(2)(a) of the OIA, to protect the privacy of natural persons, and marked it accordingly.
Certain information has been withheld from the Report and its Executive Summary under the
fol owing sections of the OIA:
• 9(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons
• 9(2)(b)(ii) to protect information where the making available of the information would be
likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who
is the subject of the information
• 9(2)(ba)(i) to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any
person has been or could be compel ed to provide under the authority of any enactment,
where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of
similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that
such information should continue to be supplied
• 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank
expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an
organisation or officers and employees of any public service agency or organisation in the
course of their duty.
• 9(2)(j) to enable a Minister of the Crown or any public service agency or organisation holding
the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including
commercial and industrial negotiations).
We do not believe the need to withhold information under section 9 of the OIA is outweighed by the
public interest in its release at this time.
There was no “
disparity” in the advice and information provided between kaimahi (staff) of Whitireia
and WelTec and Te Pūkenga. Our OIA team engages with our business divisions, who are the subject
matter experts in cases such as your request, to col ate and provide information within scope, which
informs our final decision and response.
You have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the OIA if you are
not happy with this response. Information about how to do this is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by cal ing 0800 802 602.
We may publish our OIA responses and the information contained in our reply to you on our website.
Before publishing we will remove any personal or identifiable information.
Ngā mihi
Gus Gilmore
Tumuaki | Chief Executive
s 9(2)(a)
2 OIA responses due tomorrow
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 4:57:00 pm
Hey there s 9(2)(a)
Happy New Year, hope you had a lovely break.
I didn’t want to email you on your very first day back in amongst it!!
But, there are two OIA responses coming through, both due out tomorrow!!
There has been some to and fro with W&W on them, and so they are not running to
We will try and get them to Gus for his early morning review, but in case we can’t thought
best to give you a heads up regardless.
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR REVIEW
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 5:04:47 pm
Thanks both and happy to proceed
Nga mihi
s 9(2)(a)
Executive Director Rohe 3
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 4:25:52 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR REVIEW
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Just spoke with s 9(2)(a) who asked me to get in touch directly.
The two OIA responses and reports proposed for release are due out by close of business
tomorrow and we need to get them to Gus ASAP.
Further to your discussion with s 9(2)(a) today, while s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
is named
within the Reports, we have withheld the titles of individuals who provided feedback and
also withheld the agency name where a specific comment can be attributed to them to
protect the source of that feedback from being identified.
s 9(2)(a)
emailed s 9(2)(a)
on 19
December with a courtesy consultation about release of the document and followed up
again on 14 January this year. To my knowledge no reply has been received from s 9(2)(a)
Please can you confirm you are comfortable with the release of the two documents as
attached with redactions as marked, within the two OIAs due tomorrow, and we will get
this off to Gus tonight.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2025 1:34 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora koutou
My narrative:
This is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of Teaching and Learning.
It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review, formal
review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process document,
people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from akonga, kaimahi,
and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the programme/area. And
enables a picture to be provided to the Director of Teaching and Learning.
In the Wellington market there are two universities who are also in areas of health,
and from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and WelTec wider
programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market (particularly
for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships.
Nga mihi
s 9(2)
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:29
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and
s 9(2)(a)
written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Due Date
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
· s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.

the same day).
W&W have advised this Report is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of
Teaching and Learning, and provided us with the following details:
“It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review,
formal review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process
document, people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from ākonga,
kaimahi, and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the
programme/area. And enables a picture to be provided to the Director of
Teaching and Learning.”
This has been explained within the response letter.
Sections of the Act
The sections of the Act we are relying on to withhold information from within the reports, and a
summary of the considerations for their use, are as follows:
The fact that the document will be immediately publicly available on the FYI website has
been taken into account, and all names have been redacted.
As we understand from W&W that individuals gave their own personal feedback from
their perspective, rather than from and on behalf of their associated agency’s formal
perspective, titles have been redacted, and in a few cases the agencies, under this
A small amount of other pointed personal information has been withheld under this
Information deemed commercially sensitive in the reports has been withheld.
We are advised by W&W that In the Wellington market there are two universities who
are also in areas of health, who from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and
WelTec wider programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market
(particularly for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships at this time. With advice
provided by W&W, in this case it is considered important to withhold such information
from within the reports with reliance on this section.
In several cases this section has been used in conjunction with 9(2)(j) where contract
negotiation is a factor.
We understand from W&W that kaimahi engaged verbally with external stakeholders,
for their feedback that informed this report, on the proviso that their responses would
be confidential and for internal use only.
We understand this was also the case with ākonga and kaimahi who provided feedback
used within this report.
We consider it important to stand by that understanding and therefore to reduce the
ability to identify specific feedback from individuals and agencies we have used this
section to withhold information in certain instances.
It is very important for us to maintain strong relationships with all parties concerned and
that we retain our ability and trust with them to provide frank and unadulterated
feedback in the future.
Certain free and frank opinions have been withheld
As outlined under 9(2)(b)(ii) above, this section has been included where contract
negotiations are a factor.
Public Interest
We consider the public interest in this information does not outweigh the need to withhold the
information at this time.
This Report was an internal management tool for the continuous improvement of W&W.
This, along with the primary purpose of the Report has been explained in the letter.
We consider the interest in the Report of the parties concerned was met by the sharing
the executive summary Report – not the full Report - with
specific individuals.
We note that as the requester was able to quote from the Executive Summary Report that
they may have a copy of that Report, and therefore if they were a party to the feedback
their own interest will be satisfied by this already.
In this case, we are not aware that receipt of two requests to be a reflection of wider
public interest in the Reports at this time.
We consider the public interest in the free and frank feedback within the Report from
individuals does not outweigh the necessity to both protect their privacy and maintain
their trust for current and future relationships.
There is no discussion within the Report about kaimahi redundancies nor specific course
closures that would give weight to the public interest in release.
This information relates to a relatively small selection of ākonga, kaimahi and agencies
and we see no significant impact of the Report that would give weight to the public
interest in release.
While there is current public ‘debate’ and discussion regarding all Te Pūkenga business
divisions, this is a wider issue involving the disestablishment of Te Pūkenga. Much
information around this has previously been withheld as Ministers are yet to decide on
the final outcome. This will in time be made public but is important for individual business
divisions to have space to review many aspects of their business delivery.
W&W need space to consider the recommendations within the Report for the future of
their programme involved.
This is not a case of wrongdoing nor misuse of public money.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,RELEASED
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
s 9(2)(a)
RE: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - thank you
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 5:14:00 pm
Thanks so much for your quick reply s 9(2)(a) much appreciated.
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 5:05 pm
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR REVIEW
Thanks both and happy to proceed
Nga mihi
s 9(2)(a)
Executive Director Rohe 3
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 4:25:52 PM
To:s 9(2)(a)
Subject: FW: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR YOUR REVIEW
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
Just spoke with s 9(2)(a) who asked me to get in touch directly.
The two OIA responses and reports proposed for release are due out by close of business
tomorrow and we need to get them to Gus ASAP.
Further to your discussion with s 9(2)(a) today, while s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
is named
within the Reports, we have withheld the titles of individuals who provided feedback and
also withheld the agency name where a specific comment can be attributed to them to
protect the source of that feedback from being identified.
s 9(2)(a)
emailed s 9(2)(a)
on 19
December with a courtesy consultation about release of the document and followed up
again on 14 January this year. To my knowledge no reply has been received from s 9(2)(a)
Please can you confirm you are comfortable with the release of the two documents as
attached with redactions as marked, within the two OIAs due tomorrow, and we will get
this off to Gus tonight.
Many thanks
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2025 1:34 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: Re: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora koutou
My narrative:
This is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of Teaching and Learning.
It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review, formal
review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process document,
people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from akonga, kaimahi,
and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the programme/area. And
enables a picture to be provided to the Director of Teaching and Learning.
In the Wellington market there are two universities who are also in areas of health,
and from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and WelTec wider
programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market (particularly
for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships.
Nga mihi
s 9(2)
s 9(2)(a)
Director Teaching and Learning
Whitireia and WelTec
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:29
To: s 9(2)(a)
Cc: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons - FOR W&W REVIEW and
Narrative paragraph required
Kia ora s 9(2)(a)
, and in turn s 9(2)(a) (s 9(2)(a) FYI),
Please find attached the three documents below, which make up our OIA package in response to
two OIA requests from Rodney Parsons, received via the FYI website, regarding the Paramedic
Suite Alignment Project Report - for W&W review and s 9(2)(a) written input regarding the
narrative and explanation to further support our redactions – as discussed late last year.
TP240140 DRAFT OIA Response Rodney Parsons
ParamedicProjectReport18July2024 - marked for redaction
WWParamedicReportExecSummary23July2024-marked for redaction
Due Date
Please can you come back to me by
close of business tomorrow Thursday 16 January.
As you all reviewed the documents proposed for release last year, hopefully your review
will not take too long – but please note the additional text on page 34 as part of your
There have been a few other changes made to the redactions proposed, for the most part
to maintain consistency within and between the documents.
This package is due to Gus for approval by this Friday 17 January.
Courtesy consultation has been carried out, or follow up is currently being completed,
with the relevant individuals from the following agencies:
· s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(follow up being completed)
(Feedback received see note below)
(no concerns with release)
(no issues with release)
(follow up being completed)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)(i)
We (the OIA team) will leave it to your team at W&W to make sure your relevant kaimahi
and ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W Action Required
Please complete the following and come back to me:
s 9(2)(a) to provide a detailed narrative as described to us in the meeting of 11 December
to provide further rationale and support for the decision to withhold certain information.
s 9(2)(a)
final review of OIA package and endorsement for it to go
up to s 9(2)(a) and then Gus for final review.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated reflect those of the individual and not
necessarily the view of Te Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or its attachments
made by others after we have transmitted it.
Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments) may be subject to copyright, legal privilege
and/or be confidential. Any unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise us by return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all
Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files attached to this e-mail are free from computer
viruses or other defects. Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that the user assumes all
responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from their use.

Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W have advised this Report is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of
Teaching and Learning, and provided us with the following details:
“It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review,
formal review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process
document, people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from ākonga,
kaimahi, and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the
programme/area. And enables a picture to be provided to the Director of1982
Teaching and Learning.”
This has been explained within the response letter.
Sections of the Act
The sections of the Act we are relying on to withhold information from within the reports, and a
summary of the considerations for their use, are as follows:
The fact that the document will be immediately publicly available on the FYI website has
been taken into account, and all names have been redacted.
As we understand from W&W that individuals gave their own personal feedback from
their perspective, rather than from and on behalf of their associated agency’s formal
perspective, titles have been redacted, and in a few cases the agencies, under this
A small amount of other pointed personal information has been withheld under this
Information deemed commercially sensitive in the reports has been withheld.
We are advised by W&W that In the Wellington market there are two universities who
are also in areas of health, who from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and
WelTec wider programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market
(particularly for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships at this time. With advice
provided by W&W, in this case it is considered important to withhold such information
from within the reports with reliance on this section.
In several cases this section has been used in conjunction with 9(2)(j) where contract
negotiation is a factor.
We understand from W&W that kaimahi engaged verbally with external stakeholders,
for their feedback that informed this report, on the proviso that their responses would
be confidential and for internal use only.
We understand this was also the case with ākonga and kaimahi who provided feedback
used within this report.
We consider it important to stand by that understanding and therefore to reduce the
ability to identify specific feedback from individuals and agencies we have used this
section to withhold information in certain instances.
It is very important for us to maintain strong relationships with all parties concerned and
that we retain our ability and trust with them to provide frank and unadulterated
feedback in the future.
Certain free and frank opinions have been withheld
As outlined under 9(2)(b)(ii) above, this section has been included where contract
negotiations are a factor.
Public Interest
We consider the public interest in this information does not outweigh the need to withhold the
information at this time.
This Report was an internal management tool for the continuous improvement of W&W.
This, along with the primary purpose of the Report has been explained in the letter.
We consider the interest in the Report of the parties concerned was met by the sharing
the executive summary Report – not the full Report - with
specific individuals.
We note that as the requester was able to quote from the Executive Summary Report that
they may have a copy of that Report, and therefore if they were a party to the feedback
their own interest will be satisfied by this already.
In this case, we are not aware that receipt of two requests to be a reflection of wider
public interest in the Reports at this time.UNDER
We consider the public interest in the free and frank feedback within the Report from
individuals does not outweigh the necessity to both protect their privacy and maintain
their trust for current and future relationships.
There is no discussion within the Report about kaimahi redundancies nor specific course
closures that would give weight to the public interest in release.
This information relates to a relatively small selection of ākonga, kaimahi and agencies
and we see no significant impact of the Report that would give weight to the public
interest in release.
While there is current public ‘debate’ and discussion regarding all Te Pūkenga business
divisions, this is a wider issue involving the disestablishment of Te Pūkenga. Much
information around this has previously been withheld as Ministers are yet to decide on
the final outcome. This will in time be made public but is important for individual business
divisions to have space to review many aspects of their business delivery.
W&W need space to consider the recommendations within the Report for the future of
their programme involved.
This is not a case of wrongdoing nor misuse of public money.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons

s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i)
(no issues with release)
(follow up was attempted, but no further details provided by W&W)
Feedback was received from s 9(2)(a), s 9(2)(ba)(i) , which has been incorporated s 9(2)(g)
We (the OIA team) have left it to the W&W team to make sure their relevant kaimahi and
ākonga, who provided feedback, have been provided with a copy of the final redacted
Once released this Report and its Executive Summary Report will instantly be published on
the FYI website.
This is one of two requests for these reports, received via the FYI website (both due on
the same day).
W&W have advised this Report is a management tool, initiated by and for the Director of
Teaching and Learning, and provided us with the following details:
“It is not a formal review document; such as an external monitoring review,
formal review of programme curricula, accreditation/reaccreditation process
document, people performance and the like.
This management tool is also not considered by any of the academic governance
parts of the organisation (Academic Committee, Academic Board) nor provided to
the Executive Team for consideration and actioning.
This management tool is to enable free and frank feedback from ākonga,
kaimahi, and stakeholders, who are part of and/or interact with the
programme/area. And enables a picture to be provided to the Director of
Teaching and Learning.”
This has been explained within the response letter.
Sections of the Act
The sections of the Act we are relying on to withhold information from within the reports, and a
summary of the considerations for their use, are as follows:
9(2)(a) RELEASED
The fact that the document will be immediately publicly available on the FYI website has
been taken into account, and all names have been redacted.
As we understand from W&W that individuals gave their own personal feedback from
their perspective, rather than from and on behalf of their associated agency’s formal
perspective, titles have been redacted, and in a few cases the agencies, under this
A small amount of other pointed personal information has been withheld under this
Information deemed commercially sensitive in the reports has been withheld.
We are advised by W&W that In the Wellington market there are two universities who
are also in areas of health, who from time to time explore moving into the Whitireia and
WelTec wider programme space. This direct competitive approach in a small market
(particularly for placements) creates a higher sensitivity around the commercial/financial
information and nature of the contractual relationships at this time. With advice
provided by W&W, in this case it is considered important to withhold such information
from within the reports with reliance on this section.
In several cases this section has been used in conjunction with 9(2)(j) where contract
negotiation is a factor.
We understand from W&W that kaimahi engaged verbally with external stakeholders,
for their feedback that informed this report, on the proviso that their responses would
be confidential and for internal use only.
We understand this was also the case with ākonga and kaimahi who provided feedback
used within this report.
We consider it important to stand by that understanding and therefore to reduce the
ability to identify specific feedback from individuals and agencies we have used this
section to withhold information in certain instances.
It is very important for us to maintain strong relationships with all parties concerned and
that we retain our ability and trust with them to provide frank and unadulterated
feedback in the future.
Certain free and frank opinions have been withheld
As outlined under 9(2)(b)(ii) above, this section has been included where contract
negotiations are a factor.
Public Interest
We consider the public interest in this information does not outweigh the need to withhold the
information at this time.
This Report was an internal management tool for the continuous improvement of W&W.
This, along with the primary purpose of the Report has been explained in the letter.
We consider the interest in the Report of the parties concerned was met by the sharing
the executive summary Report – not the full Report - with
specific individuals.
We note that as the requester was able to quote from the Executive Summary Report that
they may have a copy of that Report, and therefore if they were a party to the feedback
their own interest will be satisfied by this already.
In this case, we are not aware that receipt of two requests to be a reflection of wider
public interest in the Reports at this time.
We consider the public interest in the free and frank feedback within the Report from
individuals does not outweigh the necessity to both protect their privacy and maintain
their trust for current and future relationships.
There is no discussion within the Report about kaimahi redundancies nor specific course
closures that would give weight to the public interest in release.
This information relates to a relatively small selection of ākonga, kaimahi and agencies
and we see no significant impact of the Report that would give weight to the public
interest in release.
While there is current public ‘debate’ and discussion regarding all Te Pūkenga business
divisions, this is a wider issue involving the disestablishment of Te Pūkenga. Much
information around this has previously been withheld as Ministers are yet to decide on
the final outcome. This will in time be made public but is important for individual business
divisions to have space to review many aspects of their business delivery.
W&W need space to consider the recommendations within the Report for the future of
their programme involved.
This is not a case of wrongdoing nor misuse of public money.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)
OIA request of 12 November (TP240140):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [FYI request #28831 email]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 10:39 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240125 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 20 October 2024
Dear Cat,
To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive
summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the
executive summary and full report:
"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the
Head of School Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme
suite provision aligns effectively both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with
appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs of ākonga who enrol and the industry
sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning environment, and is operationally
viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements,
any progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition
of prior learning?
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga
who enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are
these managed?
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering
and analysing information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
OIA request of 10 December (TP240156):
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Parsons [email address]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 10:38 pm
To: OIA [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]
Subject: Re: TP240145 Response to your Official Information Act request dated 15 November
Dear OIA,
Noting that The Pukenga was informed that no reviews existed, when indeed they did, please
provide information on what caused this disparity and repeat the original request and
Yours sincerely,
Rodney Parsons
s 9(2)(a)
RE: 2 OIA responses = all done!
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 7:30:00 am
Good morning!
You can ignore this now, both have been through and approved!
s 9(2)(a)
From: s 9(2)(a)
Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 4:58 pm
To: s 9(2)(a)
Subject: 2 OIA responses due tomorrow
Hey there s 9(2)(a)
Happy New Year, hope you had a lovely break.
I didn’t want to email you on your very first day back in amongst it!!
But, there are two OIA responses coming through, both due out tomorrow!!
There has been some to and fro with W&W on them, and so they are not running to
We will try and get them to Gus for his early morning review, but in case we can’t thought
best to give you a heads up regardless.
s 9(2)(a)
[FYI request #28831 email]
TP240140 and TP240156 Response to your Official Information Act requests
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 3:29:00 pm
TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons.pdf
Kia ora Rodney
Please see attached Te Pūkenga response to your two requests for information dated 12
November and 10 December 2024.
Ngā mihi
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
s 9(2)(a)
FW: TP240140 and TP240156 Response SENT FYI
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 4:25:00 pm
TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons.pdf
Hiya s 9(2)(a)
FYI – for your records – this OIA response has now been sent, as below and attached.
s 9(2)(a)
From: OIA <[Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 January 2025 3:30 pm
To: [FYI request #28831 email]
Subject: TP240140 and TP240156 Response to your Official Information Act requests
Kia ora Rodney
Please see attached Te Pūkenga response to your two requests for information dated 12
November and 10 December 2024.
Ngā mihi
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204