We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rodney Parsons please sign in and let everyone know.

Reviews of Health-Related Programs

Rodney Parsons made this Official Information request to Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Rodney Parsons to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology,

A number of reviews have been taken of health programs taught at Te Pukenga since the formation. Please provide these reports, including the recent reports at Whitireia, WelTec and UniTec

Yours faithfully,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
8K Download

Kia ora Rodney


Thank you for your email below, dated 20 October 2024, requesting
information from Te Pûkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and


As per section 12(2) of the Official Information Act any request for
information needs to be specified with due particularity.


As of 1 January 2023, all 16 of New Zealand’s provider-based Institutes of
Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) subsidiaries and more than eight
Industry Training Organisations (also previously known as Transitional
Industry Training Organisations or TITOs) officially became one entity,
operating as Te Pûkenga. The former ITPs and TITOs operate as business
divisions of Te Pûkenga. You can find our full network through our website
at: [1]www.tepûkenga.ac.nz/our-work/our-network/.


As you can imagine there is a vast amount of ‘health programmes’ and
courses taught across Te Pûkenga. Unfortunately, we are not able to
ascertain from your email which health programmes across our business
divisions your request is related to, nor identify what information is
being requested.


Noting your specific reference to Unitec and Whitireia and WelTec, we
approached these three business divisions, however, the teams were not
able to identify the reports you are requesting.


We require more detail to assist us to identify what you are interested


Please can you let us know which specific reports you are interested in
from Unitec, Whitireia and WelTec – via the titles of the reviews you
refer to and the date of the reviews/reports?


The more detail you can provide the better. Once we receive detailed
information and understand what information you are seeking, we can begin
to process your request.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204




show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear OIA,

Please provide any reviews of nursing, midwifery or paramedicine, from Whitirereia and WelTec, undertaken within the last year.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image002.png
8K Download

Kia ora Rodney


Thank you for your reply providing further details about your information


Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982.
You can expect a decision on your request within 20 working days.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204





show quoted sections

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image002.png
14K Download

Attachment TP240125 OIA Response Rodney Parsons.pdf
212K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Rodney


Please see attached Te Pûkenga response to your request for information
dated 20 October and clarified on 24 October 2024.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204


Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pûkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pûkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pûkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepûkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Cat,

To further assist with your enquiries, below is an excerpt from the introduction of the executive summary. As you can see, this report refers to Dr Ivil and Ms Haggerty. Please provide both the executive summary and full report:

"This project was initiated by the Whitireia WelTec (WW) Director Teaching and Learning and the Head of School
Health and Wellbeing with the aim to ensure the current Paramedic programme suite provision aligns effectively
both with suitable pathways into the programmes and with appropriate employment pathways, meets the needs
of ākonga who enrol and the industry sector the programmes serve, provides the necessary learning
environment, and is operationally viable and sustainable.
The work began with the following questions:
• What specific programmes are involved, how do they fit together, general entry requirements, any
progression arrangements i.e. pathways available through flexible learning and recognition of prior
• What is the value proposition these programmes provide for Whitireia WelTec, for the ākonga who
enrol in them, and for the industry sector employers?
• What contractual/other relationships with external stakeholders are involved and how are these
• How are these programmes delivered and managed? What challenges and issues do they face?
• What is known about the possible future Health landscape that would be useful for WW future
Two Teaching and Learning project managers were appointed to manage the work of gathering and analysing
information and feedback and to produce a report with recommendations for the future."

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Kia ora Rodney


Thank you for your email, dated 12 November 2024, requesting further
information from Whitireia and WelTec ǀ Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute
of Skills and Technology.


Your query is being considered as a new request under the Official
information Act 1982.


You can expect a decision on your request within 20 working days, by 10
December 2024.


Ngā mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204


Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepūkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Cat,

Can you please clarify, I'm sure you must mean that you're extending the existing OIA request for which this provides further clarification of.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
8K Download

Kia ora Rodney


As a decision has already been provided in response to your previous OIA
request (our letter dated 12 November 2024) that request has been closed.


We are considering your emailed reply containing a request for the
executive summary and full report of a specific project, for which you
quote an introductory excerpt from, as a new request received 12 November.


You can expect a decision on your request within 20 working days, by 10
December, but please be assured we will provide a response prior to this
date if at all possible.  


Ngā mihi



Office of the Chief Executive

Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204

Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepūkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Cat,

You misunderstand. It's clear that you had the information I requested, but stated that you did not. Rather than immediately progress a concern about that to the Ombudsman, I've provided clarification of one of the specific things that I'm requesting, that I know that you have.

Please clarify whether you would prefer to continue to treat the clarification as a second request or as a clarification of the first. In the case of the former, I will be notifying the ombudsman that you held the information but declined the request.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
8K Download

Kia ora Rodney


We have noted you consider this request as further clarification of your
previous request, and therefore subject to the same response timeframe as
the previous request.


The Ombudsman’s guidelines state that amended or clarified requests can be
treated as a new request that replaces the original one (specifically
pages 13 and 14):


On this basis we will continue to treat this as a new request.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive

Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204


Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pûkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pûkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pûkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/resou...
2. https://www.tepûkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear OIA,

Thank you, the Ombudsman guidelines also allow me to dispute your decision, which I will do.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image005.png
14K Download

Attachment TP240140 Notification of Extension Rodney Parsons.pdf
156K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Rodney


Please see attached a notification of extension from Te Pūkenga regarding
your request for information dated 12 November 2024.


Ngā mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204

Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pūkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pūkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pūkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepūkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Cat,

As per my previous request, the data requested exists and falls squarely within the OIA request.

I've referred the treatment of the clarification as a new request, to the ombudsman, because it appears distinctly as though Te Pukenga are delaying the release of information which you know you have, and that is official information.

This subsequent delay reinforces the appearance that Te Pukenga is delaying. I will be requesting all documentation related to the request, as well as referring this further delay to the ombudsman.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Attachment TP240140 and TP240156 OIA Response Rodney Parsons.pdf
5.8M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Rodney


Please see attached Te Pûkenga response to your two requests for
information dated 12 November and 10 December 2024.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204

Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pûkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pûkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pûkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepûkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear OIA,

There was indeed a disparity. Please provide all email correspondence related to these OOA requests, and forward a copy to the ombudsman given the unnecessary witholding of a range of information.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Parsons

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Kia ora Rodney


Thank you for your email below, dated 3 February 2025, requesting
information from Te Pûkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and


Your request is being considered under the Official information Act 1982.


Allowing for Waitangi Day you can expect a decision on your request within
20 working days, by 4 March 2025.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204





show quoted sections

Link to this

From: OIA
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment image001.png
14K Download

Attachment TP250010 OIA Response Rodney Parsons.pdf
2.7M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Rodney


Please see attached Te Pûkenga response to your request for information
dated 3 February 2025.


Ngâ mihi



Office of the Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204


Important Notice: This is an e-mail from Te Pûkenga. Any opinions stated
reflect those of the individual and not necessarily the view of Te
Pûkenga. We do not accept responsibility for any changes to this email or
its attachments made by others after we have transmitted it.

Unauthorised Use: The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
may be subject to copyright, legal privilege and/or be confidential. Any
unauthorised use, distribution or copying of the contents is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise us by
return e-mail or telephone and then delete this e-mail together with all

Viruses:Te Pûkenga does not represent or warrant that this e-mail or files
attached to this e-mail are free from computer viruses or other defects.
Any attached files are provided, and may only be used, on the basis that
the user assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from their use.


Visible links
1. https://www.tepûkenga.ac.nz/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rodney Parsons please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology only: