19 December 2024
Official Information Request No.8140014901
(Please quote this in any correspondence)
Emilia Sharp
By email –
[FYI request #29149 email]
Tēnā koe Emilia,
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA)
Re: CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Thank you for your request dated
12 November 2024. The specific details of your request
and our response are below.
1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Auckland Council
(AC) and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) where possible.
2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned or
operated by AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a spreadsheet
the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the brand and type of
camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360).
3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be instal ed by or on behalf of
AC and CCOs where possible.
4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of AC and CCOs
where possible
For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a spreadsheet
the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned location, the brand and
type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be installed, and the planned installation date
or timeframe if known.
I also refer to our email to you on 14th November 2024 confirming that your request was also
transferred to Auckland Transport for a direct response.
For ease of reference, I have broken down our response by Auckland Council and CCO in
numeric order.
Auckland Council – Corporate Services
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101
1. Auckland Council has 2211 cameras as of the time of this request.
Al the council’s cameras are used for security purposes – for the safety of our staff and
customers and protection of the council’s property and assets. This means that some
cameras cover staff-only areas. We are unable to provide a breakdown of which cameras
face or cover public areas, like libraries and council car parks, and which face or cover
corporate or ‘back office’ spaces like our corporate buildings, depots or yards.
2. Auckland Council has only two ANPR cameras, at Auckland House, to manage fleet
vehicles and staff access to that building.
3. Panasonic and Vivotek are the two approved camera models for Auckland Council. There
are also existing Hikvision, Axis and DM cameras stil operating in some facilities. Regional
parks use Bushnell, Browning, Cacophony and Acorn equipment for pest surveil ance.
4. There are currently no plans at this stage for any further ANPR cameras to be installed.
Auckland Council – Parks and Community Facilities
1. Cameras are deployed in our regional parks for car park and gate security and for
monitoring wildlife. They are strategically positioned at entry gates and parking areas to
capture any security-related incidents. Additionally, a different type of camera is employed
for environmental monitoring, specifically to document and oversee our trap network.
Attached is the current list of cameras installed in regional parks and their general
locations. These cameras may be moved to cover new pest management areas or
adjusted for efficacy or to adapt to environmental factors, like vegetation growth or
changes to gates and fencing. Therefore, we do not maintain detailed records of the GPS
coordinates or makes and models of these cameras in our asset data and collation of this
data would require a substantial investment of staff time.
2. Regional parks do not have any ANPR cameras.
3. and 4. The Regional Parks team has, as part of its work programme, a project to renew
security systems and cameras at Fairy Falls, Ōmana, Ambury, Cornwallis Wharf,
Scandrett, Te Rau Pūriri and the Waitākere Ranges. The project is an upgrade of existing
and new systems to enable better effective security of car parks to improve public and
vehicle security.
Installation of the new cameras is scheduled for early 2025 at Te Rau Pūriri Regional Park,
Anawhata and Arataki Depots, and the Arataki Visitor Centre. CCTV at the remaining sites
wil be implemented in the following financial years as budget becomes available.
CCO - Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
1. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) has about 1320 public facing cameras. TAU is the
region’s cultural and economic development agency. CCTV cameras are an important
component of the security and public safety aspects of the cultural venues it owns and
operates including: Aotea Centre; Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki; Auckland Zoo; Go
Media Stadium, Mt Smart; New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui a Tangaroa;
North Harbour Stadium; The Civic; Western Springs Stadium; and Viaduct Events
Centre. And the venues TAU operates including: Aotea Square; Auckland Town Hall;
Shed 10 and The Cloud.
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101

2. TAU does not have any ANPR cameras.
3. TAU has not determined the exact number of planned additional CCTV cameras, but it is
likely to be about 10 across its venues.
4. TAU has no plans to install any ANPR cameras during the 2024/25 financial year.
CCO – Eke Panuku
1. Eke Panuku has total of 241 cameras installed along both public and water spaces as per
the table below:
Onehunga Wharf
Westhaven marina
Public spaces 98
Wynyard Quarter/Silo/ Viaduct marinas Marina
Public spaces 62
2. While Eke Panuku has some ANPR across Westhaven Marina and Wynyard precinct, it is
in the process of testing this before fully implementing ANPR capability, i.e., using the data
for security and statistical purposes.
3. The majority of Eke Panuku cameras are Pelco brand. Eke Panuku has a mix of Pelco,
Axis, HikVision and Vivotec cameras.
4. There are no planned CCTV or ANPR camera installations by Eke Panuku at present.
Please note, we are unable to provide locations of Auckland Council, Eke Panuku or Tātaki
Auckland Unlimited cameras under Section 7(d) of the Local Government Official Information
and Meetings Act 1987 to avoid prejudice to measures protecting the health of safety of
members of the public.
The decision by Auckland Council to release the information contained in this response was
made by
Anita Furniss – General Manager Corporate Support Services, Marian Webb –
General Manager Assets and Delivery, Taryn Crewe – General Manager Parks and
Community Facilities, Justine White, Chief Operating Officer, Tātaki Auckland
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by the Ombudsman.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz
or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any questions please contact me at
[email address] or
contact me on 09 301 0101, quoting LGOIMA No. 8140014901.
Ngā mihi
Elaine Tunai-Po
Privacy & Official Information Business Partner
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101
Customer Experience and Digital Services
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101