CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Emilia Sharp made this Official Information request to Auckland Council
The request was successful.
From: Emilia Sharp
Dear Auckland Council,
I am writing to request the following information (for a total of 4 requests):
1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Auckland Council (AC) and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) where possible.
2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned or operated by AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360).
3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or on behalf of AC and CCOs where possible.
4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a spreadsheet the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned location, the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be installed, and the planned installation date or timeframe if known.
Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp
From: Official Information
Auckland Council
Kia ora Emilia,
Thank you for your request for information about CCTV and ANPR Cameras.
We have attached an information sheet on our processes and requirements
under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no
later than 20 working days after the day your request was received. This
will be by 10 December 2024.
Please note, we have also transferred your request to Auckland Transport
for a direct response. The requested information is also believed to be
closely aligned with the functions of AT in accordance to section
12(b)(ii) of the LGOIMA.
If you would like to contact Auckland Transport, their contact details
are: AT Official Information (AT) ([1][email address])
If you have further questions please feel free to contact Elaine Tunai-Po
([2][email address]) on 09 301 0101, quoting
reference 8140014901.
Ngā mihi,
The Privacy and Official Information team
Auckland Council
From: Emilia Sharp <[FYI request #29149 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 12:27 am
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Dear Auckland Council,
I am writing to request the following information (for a total of 4
1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Auckland
Council (AC) and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) where possible.
2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned
or operated by AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the
brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360).
3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or
on behalf of AC and CCOs where possible.
4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of
AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned
location, the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be
installed, and the planned installation date or timeframe if known.
Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[3][FYI request #29149 email]
Is [4][Auckland Council request email] the wrong address for
Official Information requests to Auckland Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
show quoted sections
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Kia ora Emilia,
Auckland Transport (AT) acknowledges receipt of your request transferred
from Auckland Council, for official information dated 14 November 2024 for
CCTV and ANPR cameras, both existing and planned, owned or operated by AT,
including their GPS coordinates, location descriptions, and camera
We hope to respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than
the 12^th of December 2024 which is 20 working days after the day your
request was received.
Your case is being managed by Anna, who is one of our LGOIMA Business
Partners. If you have any further queries, you can contact the team on
(09) 355 3553 during business hours, quoting Local Government Official
Information request number CAS-1011653-D4Y3Q7.
Ngā mihi,
Ane | Customer Care Coordinator
Customer and Network Performance
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Dear Emilia,
Official information request for CCTV information
I refer to your official information request dated 14 November 2024 for
information relating to CCTV cameras.
We have transferred part of your request to Auckland Council. Part of the
information to which your request relates, namely Auckland Council owned
CCTV cameras is believed to be more closely connected with the functions
of Auckland Council. In these circumstances, we are required by section 12
of the LGOIMA to transfer your request.
You will hear further from Auckland Council concerning your request.
Yours sincerely
LGOIMA Business Partner
Anna Rushton | LGOIMA Business Partner
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142
P 09 355 3553 | E [1][email address]
[3]A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically generated
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Good morning Emilia,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 14/11/2024 you asked for information about Auckland Transport (AT)
CCTV cameras.
I’ve attached the following documents:
* Response from Phil Wratt, Engagement Manager - Customer Care.
* Spreadsheet of data.
Should you believe that we have not dealt with your request appropriately,
you are able to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in
accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation
and review in regard to this matter.
You can contact the Ombudsman at [1] or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further queries, simply reply to this email leaving the
subject line as it is. We’ll make sure this information is added to your
Ngā mihi
LGOIMA Business Partner
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. file:///tmp/
From: Elaine Tunai-Po
Auckland Council
Tēnā koe Emilia,
Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our
If you have any further queries please contact our team at
[1][email address] quoting Official
Information Request No 8140014901.
Nāku noa, nā | Regards
Elaine Tunai-Po
Te Hoa Kaipakihi Pārongo Matatapu, Ōkawa hoki | Privacy & Official
Information Business Partner
Te Wheako ā-Kirihoko me ngā Ratonga Matihiko | Customer Experience &
Digital Services
Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland Council
Visit our website: [2]
From: Elaine Tunai-Po <[email address]> On Behalf
Of Official Information
Sent: Thursday, 14 November 2024 2:45 pm
To: Emilia Sharp <[FOI #29149 email]>
Subject: Official Information: 8140014901, CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Kia ora Emilia,
Thank you for your request for information about CCTV and ANPR Cameras.
We have attached an information sheet on our processes and requirements
under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no
later than 20 working days after the day your request was received. This
will be by 10 December 2024.
Please note, we have also transferred your request to Auckland Transport
for a direct response. The requested information is also believed to be
closely aligned with the functions of AT in accordance to section
12(b)(ii) of the LGOIMA.
If you would like to contact Auckland Transport, their contact details
are: AT Official Information (AT) ([3][email address])
If you have further questions please feel free to contact Elaine Tunai-Po
([4][email address]) on 09 301 0101, quoting
reference 8140014901.
Ngā mihi,
The Privacy and Official Information team
Auckland Council
From: Emilia Sharp <[FOI #29149 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 12:27 am
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Dear Auckland Council,
I am writing to request the following information (for a total of 4
1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Auckland
Council (AC) and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) where possible.
2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned
or operated by AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the
brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360).
3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or
on behalf of AC and CCOs where possible.
4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of
AC and CCOs where possible.
For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned
location, the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be
installed, and the planned installation date or timeframe if known.
Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[5][FOI #29149 email]
Is [6][Auckland Council request email] the wrong address for
Official Information requests to Auckland Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence