Public Safety Systems From Fraudulent Doctors

Rodney Parsons made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand

Currently waiting for a response from Health New Zealand, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Rodney Parsons

Dear Health New Zealand,

Yuvaraj Krishnan posed as a doctor at Middlemore Hospital and was subsequently charged. Whilst this matter is likely a private and confidential matter, the public safety side is not. That a doctor was able to be employed, even through fraudulent means, raises significant questions about the safety and quality processes that enabled this to occur.

Please provide reviews, reports, and executive and board minutes relating to the subsequent review. Outline the steps taken to identify any deficiencies in Middlemore's systems and ensure that this doesn't occur again.

Given that extensive assessment and treatment by this individual, appears to have occurred, outline the steps taken to ensure all affected members of the public were informed that they had been seen or treated by the fraudulent doctor, and were informed of any errors made.

Outline the steps that Health New Zealand has taken to ensure that the deficient steps in one of New Zealand's largest and most capable hospitals, don't exist in other parts of the country. Outline any hospitals where deficiencies have been identified, and what steps have been taken to remediate these deficiencies.

Lastly, explain the office/system/process at Middlemore Hospital where the checking process is undertaken, how the process works, and whether this office or system has been affected by ongoing redundancies, budget cuts or restructures, prior to, during or after this episode with Yuvaraj Krishnan.

Yours faithfully,

Rodney Parsons

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Things to do with this request

Health New Zealand only: