Natasha Kemp
RE: Manurewa Marae - Use of Facilities as a Voting Place
Wednesday, 6 September 2023 11:23:00 am
Kia Ora Hilda
Just following up on email below, hoping that you have some names for me. We prefer people from the community to
run the voting place at the Marae.
Recruitment will be closing in the next few days.
Ngā mihi
| Electorate Manager – Manurewa & Tamaki Makaurau Electorates
Electoral Commission | Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri
Phone |
From: Angel
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:20 PM
To: Hilda
<>; Natasha Kemp <>
Cc: Cardena
Subject: RE: Manurewa Marae - Use of Facilities as a Voting Place
Kia Ora Hilda
Attached are the position description of the different roles at the voting place – Voting Place Manager, Voting Assistant
and Issuing Officers.
Applicants can send in their applications via this link General Election 2023 - Manurewa Electorate - Electoral
Commission ( (under the APPLY button at the bottom of the page).
We are now on the last stages of our recruitment for the advance voting teams. If they can submit their online
application in the next day or two, that will be great. Kindly provide me a list of the names so I can keep an eye out for
their application.
Ngā mihi
| Electorate Manager – Manurewa & Tamaki Makaurau Electorates
Electoral Commission | Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri
Phone |
From: Hilda
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:13 PM
To: Angel
<>; Natasha Kemp <>
Cc: Cardena
Subject: Re: Manurewa Marae - Use of Facilities as a Voting Place
Electoral Commission Cyber Security Warning: This email originated from outside of the Commission. Please take
extra care when clicking links or opening attachments. When in doubt, contact the IT Service Desk.
Morena Angel,
Wonderful to finally meet you yesterday. As per our conversation just wanted to know some action points for us to
complete as I know time is of the essence.
Names to you regarding Kaimahi from the Marae (Hilda)
Send JD (Angel)
Send link for Kaimahi to apply (Angel)
Send names of security (Hilda)
Find a locked room in the Puna (Hilda)
16th September is training day
Aku mihi
Get Outlook for iOS
To: Angel
Subject: Re: Contact Details
Kia Ora
My number is
Sent from my iPhone
On 13/09/2023, at 3:16 PM, Angel
<> wrote:
Kia Ora Hilda
I wish to discuss something with you, better over the phone than in an email.
I realised I don’t have your contact number. Is it possible for you to give me a call today?
Ngā mihi
| Electorate Manager – Manurewa & Tamaki Makaurau Electorates
Electoral Commission | Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri
Phone |
Referee details:
Ref 1: Referee name:
Ref 1: Referee position:
Business Owner
Ref 1: Referee organisation:
Ref 1: Relationship:
Worked together on and off the past 10 years
Ref 1: Type of work:
Working together to brief work through Diana, promotional things,
Ref 1: Contribution:
obliging, time-efficient, leadership, he is easy going- a people-person.
Ref 1: Communication :
Absolutely, 100%
Ref 1: Effectiveness:
Ref 1: Strengths:
Diligent, thorough with his work, detailed, leadership skills
Ref 1: Re-employ:
Ref 1: Conflict of interest:
Not to knowledge
Ref 1: General comments:
"He'd be fantastic"
Ref 1: Political association:
No to knowledge
Ref 1: Confidentiality :
Ref 1: Reference check outcome (notes):
A precise and people-person worker. Suitable for role. PROCEED.
Conflict of interest declaration:
Are you involved in furthering the interest of any candidate, political party or political
Are there any other matters that you wish to bring to our attention that may affect your
suitability for employment with the Electoral Commission::
Document Outline