11 February 2025
D Gray
Via email:
[email address]
Dear D Gray,
Official Information Act request
Further to your OIA request received by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on 6
December 2024 and transferred to Scion on 30 January 2025, please find our responses below with your original
request in bold and our response in italics.
As noted in our email of 30 January 2025, we are only able to provide responses in relation to Scion information.
Your request:
Section A: Open Access Publications
Since the release of the policy:
1. How many peer-reviewed publications arising from fully or partial y MBIE-funded research have been
made available with Open Access?
70 Peer-reviewed fully/partially MBIE-funded publications have been made available with Open Access
for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024
2. What is the increase in Open Access publications compared to the three years preceding the policy's
introduction? Please see graph below:
3. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through fully Open Access journals
(i.e., Gold OA) since the policy was released?

44 Gold Open Access (i.e. fully Open Access) MBIE-funded research publications have been made
available since the policy was released (January 2023).
How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through Hybrid Open Access
journals since the policy was released?
26 Open Access publications have been published in Hybrid Journals with MBIE-funding since the policy
was released.
5. How many publications were made available as Green Open Access since the policy was released?
15 Publications was made available via Green Open Access since the release of the OA policy.
Section B: Open Access and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
1. Please provide a list of CRIs with fully operational Institutional Repositories. Responding for Scion only
2. For each CRI Scion only
How many publications have been deposited in the repository since the policy's introduction? (i.e.,
Postprints, Author’s Accepted Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
Scion has copies (in various formats i.e., Postprints, Author’s Accepted Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s
Version/Version of Record/VoR) of all Scion’s peer-reviewed publications in the Pure Research Outputs
How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open Access or Hybrid Open Access
in the last calendar year?
APC charges for Open Access from January 2023 to December 2024 amounted to NZ$171,540.00
3. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational Institutional Repository, please provide the
reasons for this.
• Scion currently complies with the OA requirements through either Gold Open Access publishing or
depositing AAM or VOR versions of outputs in non-Scion online repositories, listed in OpenDOAR.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of our decision. Information about
how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact Tania Stanley,
([email address]).
Yours sincerely
Dr Julian Elder