Compliance with Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy
D Gray made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: D Gray
Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,
In November 2022, you introduced the Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy for all new MBIE-funded research. It has now been two years since the policy's release. I am seeking detailed information regarding the level of compliance with this policy with respect to publications and how you are monitoring adherence.
Section A: Open Access Publications
Since the release of the policy:
1. How many peer-reviewed publications arising from fully or partially MBIE-funded research have been made available with Open Access?
2. What is the increase in Open Access publications compared to the three years preceding the policy's introduction?
3. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through fully Open Access journals (i.e., Gold OA) since the policy was released?
4. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through Hybrid Open Access journals since the policy was released?
5. How many publications were made available as Green Open Access since the policy was released?
Section B: Open Access and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
1. Please provide a list of CRIs with fully operational Institutional Repositories.
2. For each CRI
How many publications have been deposited in the repository since the policy's introduction? (i.e., Postprints, Author’s Accepted Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open Access or Hybrid Open Access in the last calendar year??
3. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational Institutional Repository, please provide the reasons for this.
Section C: Monitoring Compliance
1. How is MBIE monitoring and auditing compliance with the Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy among CRIs and universities?
2. What resources (FTE) are allocated by you to compliance monitoring and auditing?
3. What is the degree of compliance by CRIs and universities with the policy? Please provide numbers for:
• Fully compliant institutions
• Partially compliant institutions
• Non-compliant institutions.
4. What actions has/does MBIE take in cases of partial or non-compliance?
5. And what penalties have been/can MBIE impose for partial or non-compliance by an institution or a Principal Investigator/Program Leader? And has this happened and for which institution(s)?
Answering the questions in Sections A and B should not be difficult if you are actively monitoring and auditing compliance with the policy. If monitoring and auditing is NOT occurring, please provide an explanation as to why this is the case as this would seem to be a significant oversight and questions the value of having the policy.
Yours faithfully,
D Gray
From: NoReplyMinisterialServices
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Kia ora D Gray,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 6/12/2024 requesting, under the Official
Information Act 1982, the following:
Since the release of the policy:
1. How many peer-reviewed publications arising from fully or
partially MBIE-funded research have been made available with Open Access?
2. What is the increase in Open Access publications compared to the
three years preceding the policy's introduction?
3. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available
through fully Open Access journals (i.e., Gold OA) since the policy was
4. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available
through Hybrid Open Access journals since the policy was released?
5. How many publications were made available as Green Open Access
since the policy was released?
Section B: Open Access and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
1. Please provide a list of CRIs with fully operational Institutional
2. For each CRI
How many publications have been deposited in the repository since the
policy's introduction? (i.e., Postprints, Author’s Accepted
Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open
Access or Hybrid Open Access in the last calendar year??
3. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational
Institutional Repository, please provide the reasons for this.
Section C: Monitoring Compliance
1. How is MBIE monitoring and auditing compliance with the
Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy among CRIs and
2. What resources (FTE) are allocated by you to compliance monitoring
and auditing?
3. What is the degree of compliance by CRIs and universities with the
policy? Please provide numbers for:
• Fully compliant institutions
• Partially compliant institutions
• Non-compliant institutions.
4. What actions has/does MBIE take in cases of partial or
5. And what penalties have been/can MBIE impose for partial or
non-compliance by an institution or a Principal Investigator/Program
Leader? And has this happened and for which institution(s)?
Please note that the days from 25 December 2024 to 15 January 2025
(inclusive) are defined as non-working days in the Act and are not counted
in the calculation for the response due date. This will affect the time
period for responding to your request.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than 27/01/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request
was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe. If you have any enquiries
regarding your request feel free to contact us via email to
[1][MBIE request email].
Nâku noa, nâ
Ministerial Services
Strategy and Assurance
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 | P O Box 1473 Wellington 6140
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1. mailto:[MBIE request email]
From: D Gray
Dear NoReplyMinisterialServices,
In your response to my OIA request your have dropped the question "if monitoring and auditing [of compliance with Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy] is NOT occurring, please provide an explanation as to why this is the case.
Yours sincerely,
D Gray
From: AGR Company Secretary
Tēnā koe D Gray,
On behalf of AgResearch, please find attached our response to your OIA
Greg Rossiter
Information [1]
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From: Anna Jellie
Tēnā koe D Gray,
Please see our letter attached.
Anna Jellie (she/her)
General Counsel
GNS Science Te Pῡ Ao
D +64 27 801 7874
1 Fairway Drive, Avalon
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
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used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of the
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited (GNS Science). If
received in error please destroy and immediately notify GNS Science. Do
not copy or disclose the contents.
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From: Melissa Bray
Kia ora D Gray,
We received an OIA request for partial transfer from Ministry of Business,
Innovation & Employment on 23 January 2025 as attached.
We have accepted a partial transfer of your request and will respond to
Questions B2 and B3.
We will provide a response as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later
than 20 working days after the day this transfer was received being 21
February 2025, unless an extension of time is required and duly notified
to you.
Nāku, nā
Melissa Bray
Communications Lead - Technology & Innovation and Internal Comms
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point Wellington New Zealand
Connect with NIWA: [2] [3]Facebook [4]LinkedIn
[5]Twitter [6]Instagram [7]YouTube
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber
security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring,
activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be
provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information
transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems.
Note: This email is intended solely for the use of the addressee and may
contain information that is confidential or subject to legal professional
privilege. If you receive this email in error please immediately notify
the sender and delete the email.
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From: Emma Timewell
Dear Mr Gray
Official Information Act Request (PFR Ref. 0915.
Your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 was
partially transferred by MBIE and received by Plant & Food Research on 23
January 2025. Plant & Food Research has received Section A (Open Access
Publications) and Section B (Open Access and CRIs) of your request in this
The Act requires Plant & Food Research to respond within 20 working days
of receiving a request under the Act. This means you can expect a response
from us by 21 February 2025.
Your request has been assigned the reference number above by Plant & Food
Research. This number helps us manage your request effectively. Please
quote this number if you wish to correspond further with us regarding this
Please address any correspondence in this matter to
[1][email address]
Yours sincerely
Emma Timewell (she/her)
Communications Manager
The contents of this e-mail are confidential and may be subject to legal
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use,
disseminate, distribute or reproduce all or any part of this e-mail or
attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender and delete all material pertaining to this e-mail. Any opinion or
views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender and may
not represent those of The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food
Research Limited.
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: LSE Ministerial Servicing
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Tçnâ koe D Gray,
Please find attached MBIE’s response to your request for information.
Ngâ mihi nui
Joe Andrews
Senior Ministerial Services Advisor
Office of the Deputy Secretary, LSE | Ministry of Business, Innovation &
From: Scion Contracts
Kia ora D Gray,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your official information request
received by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on
6 December 2024 and was transferred to Scion on 30 January 2025. Your
request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) was for the
following information:
Section A: Open Access Publications
Since the release of the policy:
1. How many peer-reviewed publications arising from fully or partially
MBIE-funded research have been made available with Open Access?
2. What is the increase in Open Access publications compared to the three
years preceding the policy's introduction?
3. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through
fully Open Access journals (i.e., Gold OA) since the policy was released?
4. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through
Hybrid Open Access journals since the policy was released?
5. How many publications were made available as Green Open Access since
the policy was released?
Section B: Open Access and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
1. Please provide a list of CRIs with fully operational Institutional
2. For each CRI
How many publications have been deposited in the repository since the
policy's introduction? (i.e., Postprints, Author’s Accepted
Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open
Access or Hybrid Open Access in the last calendar year??
3. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational
Institutional Repository, please provide the reasons for this.
Section C: Monitoring Compliance
1. How is MBIE monitoring and auditing compliance with the Kaupapahere
Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research Policy among CRIs and universities?
2. What resources (FTE) are allocated by you to compliance monitoring and
3. What is the degree of compliance by CRIs and universities with the
policy? Please provide numbers for:
• Fully compliant institutions
• Partially compliant institutions
• Non-compliant institutions.
4. What actions has/does MBIE take in cases of partial or non-compliance?
5. And what penalties have been/can MBIE impose for partial or
non-compliance by an institution or a Principal Investigator/Program
Leader? And has this happened and for which institution(s)?
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than Friday, 28 February 2025 being 20 working days
after the day your request was received. Please note, we can only
provide responses in relation to Scion only which I have highlighted in
Your request will be coordinated within Scion by the legal team. If you
have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
Ngâ mihi,
Tania Stanley
Contracts Manager
Titokorangi Drive, Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
Deliveries: 49 Sala Street, Rotorua 3010
DDI +64 7 343 5342 | Mobile +64 21 176 9412
[1]Scion logo
[2]Scion Website [3]Twitter [4]LinkedIn [5]YouTube [6]Flickr
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error, please delete it. As part of Scion’s cyber security policy, Scion’s
IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and
auditing, and may include 3rd party monitoring on our behalf.
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From: Scion Contracts
Kia ora D Gray,
Please find attached Scion’s response to your OIA request received by the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on 6 December 2024
and was transferred to Scion on 30 January 2025.
Ngâ mihi,
Tania Stanley
Contracts Manager
Titokorangi Drive, Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
Deliveries: 49 Sala Street, Rotorua 3010
DDI +64 7 343 5342 | Mobile +64 21 176 9412
[1]Scion logo
[2]Scion Website [3]Twitter [4]LinkedIn [5]YouTube [6]Flickr
This email and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees
named above. It may contain information which is legally privileged,
confidential or subject to copyright. Any unauthorised review, use,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you receive this email in
error, please delete it. As part of Scion’s cyber security policy, Scion’s
IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and
auditing, and may include 3rd party monitoring on our behalf.
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From: Melissa Bray
Kia ora D Gray,
Thank you for your OIA request.
1. How many publications have been deposited in the repository since
the policy's introduction? (i.e., Postprints, Author’s Accepted
Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
NIWA currently does not have an institutional repository where
Postprints, Author’s Accepted Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s
Version/Version of Record/VoR are being deposited.
2. How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for
Gold Open Access or Hybrid Open Access in the last calendar year?
NIWA does not have visibility to what was spent on APCs . These costs
are incurred within each project and would require a change in the way
the projects are recorded to know the expenditure.
3. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational
Institutional Repository, please provide the reasons for this.
NIWA manages an operational repository which was established to
accommodate the National Science Challenges Deep South and Sustainable
Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Nāku, nā,
From: Melissa Bray
Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2025 3:40 pm
To: [1][FOI #29477 email]
Subject: FW: Transfer of Official Information Act request - D Gray
Kia ora D Gray,
We received an OIA request for partial transfer from Ministry of
Business, Innovation & Employment on 23 January 2025 as attached.
We have accepted a partial transfer of your request and will respond to
Questions B2 and B3.
We will provide a response as soon as reasonably practicable, and no
later than 20 working days after the day this transfer was received
being 21 February 2025, unless an extension of time is required and duly
notified to you.
Nāku, nā
Melissa Bray
Communications Lead - Technology & Innovation and Internal Comms
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point Wellington New Zealand
Connect with NIWA: [3] [4]Facebook [5]LinkedIn
[6]Twitter [7]Instagram [8]YouTube
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber
security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring,
activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be
provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information
transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems.
Note: This email is intended solely for the use of the addressee and may
contain information that is confidential or subject to legal professional
privilege. If you receive this email in error please immediately notify
the sender and delete the email.
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1. mailto:[FOI #29477 email]
From: Chris OBrien
Kia ora D Gray,
I refer to your official information request received by the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on 6 December 2024 and
partially transferred to Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research on 23 January
The information you have requested is enclosed to the extent that it can
be answered by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi,
Christopher O’Brien
Legal Counsel / Kaitohutohu ā‐Ture
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
[3]Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
show quoted sections
From: Emma Timewell
The contents of this e-mail are confidential and may be subject to legal
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use,
disseminate, distribute or reproduce all or any part of this e-mail or
attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
sender and delete all material pertaining to this e-mail. Any opinion or
views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender and may
not represent those of The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food
Research Limited.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence