21 February 2025
D Gray
/o [FYI request #29477 email]
Dear Mr Gray
Official Information Act Request (PFR Ref. 0915.
Further to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 regarding open access publishing, I
am able to provide you with the following information.
Section A: Open Access Publications
1. How many peer-reviewed publications arising from fully or partially MBIE-funded research have been
made available with Open Access?
Plant & Food Research published 77 publications with Open Access in the 2023-24 financial year.
2. What is the increase in Open Access publications compared to the three years preceding the policy's
Prior to the introduction of the policy, Plant & Food Research published an average of 19 publications with Open
Access per financial year.
3. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through fully Open Access journals
(i.e., Gold OA) since the policy was released?
Plant & Food Research published 39 publications from MBIE-funded research in the 2023-24 financial year.
4. How many MBIE-funded research publications were made available through Hybrid Open Access
journals since the policy was released?
Plant & Food Research published 37 publications through Hybrid Open Access since the policy was released.
5. How many publications were made available as Green Open Access since the policy was released?
Plant & Food Research has made 1 publication available as Green Open Access – note we do not have figures for
publications held in collaborators’ repositories.
Section B: Open Access and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
1. Please provide a list of CRIs with fully operational Institutional Repositories.
Plant & Food Research uses the Zendo Academic Publishing platform.
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
2. For each CRI
How many publications have been deposited in the repository since the policy's introduction? (i.e.,
Postprints, Author’s Accepted Manuscript/AAM, Publisher’s Version/Version of Record/VoR)?
Plant & Food Research has deposited 2 journal articles in the repository.
How much has been spent on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open Access or Hybrid Open
Access in the last calendar year?
Plant & Food Research does not track these figures at the organisational level and so they can not be determined
without extensive research and collation. As there would be costs incurred by Plant & Food Research to carry out
that exercise, a fee would need to be charged for doing so. Please let us know if you would like us to determine the
fee for the services involved in carrying out the necessary research and collation.
4. If a Crown Research Institute does not have an operational Institutional Repository, please provide the
reasons for this.
Plant & Food Research uses the Zendo Academic Publishing platform.
I trust that this reply serves to meet your request. You have the right to refer this reply to the Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely
Emma Timewell
Communications Manager
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited
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