We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joseph Kalan please sign in and let everyone know.

BDS and MBChB Alternative Category (2020-2025)

Joseph Kalan made this Official Information request to University of Otago

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Joseph Kalan to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Joseph Kalan

Dear University of Otago,

I would like to request the following information regarding entry through the alternative pathway into BOTH medicine and dentistry for the years 2020 to 2025.

1.Could you provide clarification on what constitutes "health-related professional experience in a relevant field" to meet the entry standards? IE Would a receptionist in a clinic suffice?

2.Which factors are assessed when evaluating candidates? Ie. % Weighting (approximation if possible or at ranking) of GPA, experience in a medically relevant field and references.

3. Where applicable, what was minimum and average GPA of SUCCESSFUL applicants (to the nearest 2 decimal places)? If the information cannot be revealed for each year, please provide the range AND average across 2020-2025.
4. Number of applicants and number of successful applicants

5. For medicine, is UCAT required?

6. The number of waitlist offers ACCEPTED and the number of waitlist applicants to receive an offer (For this, please provide the information for graduate general pathway entry for 2020-2025)

7. For the references, are there guidelines as to who can be the referees? E.G academic, professional or clinical?

Where information cannot be released for any specific year, please combine the information for two or three years. IE If 2020 cannot be revealed due to fewer than 5 individuals, please provide the average across 2020-2021/22. Furthermore, as 2025 applications may be in progress, please provide information until 2024 and provide 2025 data when available.

Yours faithfully,

Joseph Kalan

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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Tçnâ koe Joseph

I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request.

If we have any questions or need to seek clarification on any points we will be in touch soon. Otherwise, we will seek to respond to your request as soon as practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date your request was received (by 7 February 2025). Please note that "working days" are as defined in the Act and exclude public holidays and the period between 25 December - 15 January. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of this timeframe.

Ngâ mihi

Kelsey Kennard (she/her)
Policy Analyst – Kaitâtari Kaupapa Here

Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council – Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera
University of Otago – Ôtâkou Whakaihu Waka

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joseph Kalan please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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