BDS Waitlist Entry for Grads

raheel hussain made this Official Information request to University of Otago

Currently waiting for a response from University of Otago, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: raheel hussain

Dear University of Otago,

I would like to know for the years 2020, 2021,2022,2023,2024 how many individuals from
who applied to Bds (dentistry) via the graduate catagory (without any sub-catagories i.e rural, pacifica etc) were offered a position into the waitlist, how many had accepted the waitlist offer, how many individuals who had accepted the waitlist offer and were then offered a place in Bds, and the median and minimum weighted GPA of those who were offered a waitlist and then offered a place in Bds.

Additionally, i would like to know how many individals were offered a position into the Bds waitlist for each of these years including only the graduate, alternate and FYHS applicants, excluding sub-catagories.

finally, i would like to know how many individuals were offered a position in Bds from the waitlist for each of these years including only the graduate, alternate and FYHS applicants, excluding sub-catagories.

I understand that for 2024 this number would still be changing as the application outcomes had only occured recently so this information may be provided later, once the waitlist numbers are confirmed

Yours faithfully,

raheel hussain

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