Local Area Committee - Outcomes

Mike Hunua made this Official Information request to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: Mike Hunua

Dear Fire and Emergency New Zealand,

-Have local area committees made or recommended any changes that have been implemented or are documented?

-Has FENZ changed its emergency response capabilities, local FENZ resources or procedures directly from LAC recommendations or consultation since there inception?

Yours faithfully,

Mike Hunua

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From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Tēnā koe Mike Hunua  


We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request dated 15
January 2025. Our commitment is to provide a response to your request as
soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after the day it was
received. If we are unable to meet this timeframe, we will inform you
promptly and provide details regarding any extension required. Should
clarification be necessary for your request, we may reach out to you for
additional information.
The information you have requested may contain the names and contact
details of our staff or volunteers. Please let us know whether you require
these names and contact details. We may need to consult our people before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not
require their names and contact details.



Please note that over the holiday period there is a three-week period
where the days are not counted as ‘working days’. This applies to Official
Information Act and Privacy Act requests and that period is 25 December
2024 to 15 January 2025, inclusive. That means the maximum time limit for
responding to requests made from 27 November 2024 may run into the new
year. The Ombudsman’s OIA calculator can show you the latest date for a

[1]Go to the OIA calculator

Nāku noa, nā
Information Request Team



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From: Dickinson, Melanie
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Tēnā koe Mike Hunua  
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request dated 15
January 2025. Our commitment is to provide a response to your request as
soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after the day it was
received. If we are unable to meet this timeframe, we will inform you
promptly and provide details regarding any extension required. Should
clarification be necessary for your request, we may reach out to you for
additional information.
The information you have requested may contain the names and contact
details of our staff or volunteers. Please let us know whether you require
these names and contact details. We may need to consult our people before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not
require their names and contact details.
Please note that over the holiday period there is a three-week period
where the days are not counted as ‘working days’. This applies to Official
Information Act and Privacy Act requests and that period is 25 December
2024 to 15 January 2025, inclusive. That means the maximum time limit for
responding to requests made from 27 November 2024 may run into the new
year. The Ombudsman’s OIA calculator can show you the latest date for a

[1]Go to the OIA calculator

Nāku noa, nā
Information Request Team


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From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Kia ora Mike,


You have requested information on changes Local Advisory Committees (LACs)
have made or recommended that have been implemented or are documented.


We have spoken to the relevant team internally who have advised LACs
provide Fire and Emergency with advice and insights rather than
recommendations. LAC advice is one of the considerations that informs our
planning. Over time, through the LACs advice, we expect to see the
changing needs of communities informing our organisation and the services
we provide.


To assist with responding to your request can you please clarify if there
is a particular time period, local LAC area or type of LAC advice that you
are interested in requesting?


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011





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From: Mike Hunua

Dear Official Information Requests,

We are looking for any advice from any LAC that relates to the response capabilities of FENZ in the way of resourcing or planning from the LACs and what FENZ has done with that advice. This flows into a large question surrounding their usefulness to FENZ as a whole in creating safer, better-prepared communities.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Hunua

Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Attachment OIA16789 Hunua Extension.pdf
228K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Mike,


Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011




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Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Attachment OIA16789 Hunua Decision.pdf
224K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Mike


Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011




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Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Attachment OIA16789 Hunua Reply.pdf
231K Download View as HTML

Attachment OIA16789 Hunua Appendix One.pdf
14.6M Download View as HTML

Attachment OIA16789 Hunua Appendix Two.pdf
8.7M Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Mike


Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011




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Things to do with this request

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