Law honours
LN made this Official Information request to University of Otago
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for LN to read a recent response and update the status.
From: LN
Dear University of Otago,
Could you please provide both the number of students invited, and admitted by application, into the LLB(Hons) programme in 2024.
Could you also provide the minimum grade average required to both be invited into the LLB(Hons) programme (i.e. referring to the minimum average mark across all second year LLB papers) and to be admitted by application into the LLB(Hons) programme in 2024 (i.e. the average mark across 300 and 400 level LLB papers).
Yours faithfully,
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Tēnā koe LN
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request below dated 18 January 2025.
If we have any further questions or need to seek further clarification on any points, we will be in touch soon. Otherwise, we will seek to respond to your request as soon as practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date your request was received (by 16 February 2025). If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of this timeframe.
Ngā mihi nui
Bill Frewen (he/him)
Manager Policy and Compliance | Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Here mete Tikaka Mahi
Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Tēnā koe LN
Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 18 January 2025.
Ngā mihi
Bill Frewen
Manager Policy and Compliance | Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Here mete Tikaka Mahi
Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
From: LN
Dear UoO - Official Information Act,
Could you also please provide the number of students admitted to the LLB(Hons) programme by application in 2024, as per my original request.
Yours sincerely,
From: LN
Dear UoO - Official Information Act,
I would appreciate a response to the above please.
Yours sincerely,
From: LN
Dear UoO - Official Information Act,
You did not sufficiently respond to my original request, and have also not replied to my follow up request, nor to several other requests which I have made.
This has become a pattern since the end of last year, across a wide range of requests.
Students depend on course distributions for paper selections and internship applications, and thus expect prompt responses to their requests. Not only are the University's responses not prompt, but they are in breach of their statutory obligations.
I expect full responses to all of my requests by the end of this working week, or I will be compelled to complain to the Ombudsman, as I know several other Otago students have of late.
Yours sincerely,
From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago
Tēnā koe LN
I refer to your Official Information Act request dated 18 January 2025, our response of 17 February 2025 and your email of the same day requesting information omitted from our initial response.
First, our sincere apologies for the time it has taken to obtain the number of students admitted by application to the LLB(Hons) programme in 2024. While some information is held centrally in University systems, other information requires research and collation by, or consultation with, faculty staff.
We can advise a total of 38 students were enrolled in LLB(Hons) for the first time in 2024. As previously advised, 26 students were admitted by invitation. Accordingly, 12 were admitted by application.
We hope this information is useful and again apologise for the delay.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your information request, section 28(3) of the Act provides you with the right to ask an Ombudsman to investigate and review this response. However, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns with you first.
Ngā mihi nui
Bill Frewen (he/him)
Manager Policy and Compliance | Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Here mete Tikaka Mahi
Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]
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