We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Benedict KJ please sign in and let everyone know.

Overall Course Grades 2024

Benedict KJ made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Benedict KJ to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Benedict KJ

Dear University of Auckland,

I am writing to request grade distribution information for all UoA courses offered in 2024. Specifically, I would like the number and percentage of students who received each letter grade (e.g., A+, A, A-, etc.) for every course, such that a distribution over each course is also available.

If any courses were not offered in 2024, I would appreciate it if you could provide the most recent year’s grade distribution data instead.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Benedict KJ

Link to this

From: Farleigh Quinlivan
University of Auckland

Dear Benedikt,


I refer to your request of 2 February 2025.  We apologise for the delay in
providing a response. The University’s response follows.


‘I am writing to request grade distribution information for all UoA
courses offered in 2024. Specifically, I would like the number and
percentage of students who received each letter grade (e.g., A+, A, A-,
etc.) for every course, such that a distribution over each course is also


The information requested for 2024 is publicly available at [1]Grade
Distribution for All Papers In 2023 and 2024 - a Official Information Act
request to University of Auckland - FYI except for courses with low
numbers of students. This part of your request is refused under s 18(d) in
respect of the publicly available information and under 9(2)(a) in respect
of courses with low numbers of students, to protect their privacy.

‘If any courses were not offered in 2024, I would appreciate it if you
could provide the most recent year’s grade distribution data instead.’


Grade distribution information for all taught courses for 2019-2022 is
publicly available at
except for courses with low numbers of students.  Information related to
courses with low numbers of students is withheld under 9(2)(a), to protect
their privacy.


The information requested for 2023 is publicly available at [3]Average
Grades & Distribution 2023 - a Official Information Act request to
University of Auckland - FYI except for courses with low numbers of
students.  Information related to courses with low numbers of students is
withheld under 9(2)(a), to protect their privacy.


Under section 12(2) of the OIA, requests for official information must
specify the official information requested with due particularity.  If,
after having reviewed the information available at the links above, you
wish to make a request for further information about any specific course
or courses, we will respond in due course, under the OIA.


You have the right to make a complaint to an Ombudsman if you are
dissatisfied with this response.


Yours sincerely,

Farleigh Quinlivan


show quoted sections

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Benedict KJ please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

University of Auckland only: