We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rev. Hamish Kirk please sign in and let everyone know.

NZDF Chaplain and Social Workers minimum academic qualifications and leadership costings.

Rev. Hamish Kirk made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Rev. Hamish Kirk to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Rev. Hamish Kirk

To the New Zealand Defence Force

Background facts to request
1. I understand that there are 24 line-Chaplain positions and 4 manager-Principal Chaplain positions.
2. I understand that the remuneration for the 4 Principal Chaplains is around $650,000.00
3. Currently there are 3 Chaplains that have an Undergraduate Degree in Theology or Ministry. See OIA 2024-4970 (Every chaplain has a file containing academic records upon recruitment in the Chaplain Administrator's Office.)
4. In OIA-2024-4920, NZDF Chaplaincy Employment Profile, under Entry Requirements, Chaplains are to have a tertiary Theology or equivalent degree to NZQA level 7.
4. The NZDF employs social workers.
5. NZDF Social Workers are not deployed.

Please release the following information.
1. I seek a copy of any information that would explain why so many NZDF Chaplains do not meet the entry requirements of a tertiary Theology or equivalent degree to NZQA level 7
2. What are the minimum academic qualifications needed to be recruited as a NZDF Social Worker?
3. How many line- social workers are employed in the NZDF.
4. How many direct senior (social worker) managers are there managing the line-social workers and what is their collective remuneration?
5. How many NZDF social workers have an undergraduate degree in social work?
6. I seek a copy of any information around the consideration of deploying NZDF social workers either in uniform or as civilians.
7. I request a copy of any information that might explain why clergy, in the NZDF, need the current level of management. (i.e four Principal Chaplains)

Rev. Hamish Kirk

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

Good morning Rev. Kirk,

Your request below has been received and a decision on your request will be provided as soon as possible and no later than Friday 28 March. Responses to requests for information that are considered to be in the wider public interest will be published on the New Zealand Defence Force website (www.nzdf.mil.nz).


Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Rev. Hamish Kirk please sign in and let everyone know.

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