Political Officials at press stand ups
Joseph P Stockman made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Joseph P Stockman to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Joseph P Stockman
Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
What advice, formal or informal, has been given to Ministry staff working in the the Minister of Foreign Affairs office, about appearing alongside the Minister during press stand ups?
Yours faithfully,
J. P. S.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
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5. http://www.passports.govt.nz/
6. http://www.dia.govt.nz/New-Zealand-citiz...
7. http://www.dia.govt.nz/document-authenti...
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10. https://www.police.govt.nz/faq/having-fi...
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