Consultation and negotiation costs of the TPP.
Marama Meikle made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
The request was partially successful.
From: Marama Meikle
Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Can I please request the following information relating to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
1a. What has it cost the New Zealand Taxpayer to negotiate the TPP from 2008 to present?
1b. What do these total costs entail? Can you please break down all costs associated on all levels regarding TPP negotiations?
2a. What are the total costs for consulting the New Zealand Public on the TPP from 2008 to present?
2b. How much in particular has it cost to consult specifically with maori on the TPP?
2c. What do these total costs entail? Can you please break down all costs associated on all levels regarding all consultation on the TPP?
Nga mihi
Marama Meikle
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Thank you for your enquiry.
For urgent consular issues, or if you are a New Zealand citizen overseas
needing assistance, please email [1][email address]
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information on visas and travelling to New Zealand, please see their
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For information on visas for other countries please contact the relevant
foreign representative to New Zealand. A full list can be found on our
website: [4]
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Zealand Customs website: [6]
For all other enquiries you can expect a response within 10 working days.
Kind regards,
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere
show quoted sections
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dear Marama,
Thank you for your OIA request, this email confirms receipt and advises that your request has been sent to the appropriate division for response.
Kind regards,
Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere
show quoted sections
From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Please see the attached letter regarding your OIA request of 18 March 2016
Kind regards,
Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere
T +64 4 439 8000 E [1][email address]
| |
195 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 18901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
[2] | [3] |
[5]Description: cid:image005.jpg@01CEB937.55A8D1B0
show quoted sections
From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dear Marama Meikle
Please see the attached letter regarding your OIA request of 18 March 2016
Kind regards
Executive Services Division
| |
195 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 18901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
[1] | [2] |
[4]Description: cid:image005.jpg@01CEB937.55A8D1B0
show quoted sections

Mark Montgomery left an annotation ()
4 May 2016
Partial release of requested information, letter from Agency explains why other parts are refused or unavailable.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Mark Montgomery left an annotation ()
19 April 2016
Letter advising extension to 4 May 2016
Link to this