Ministerial staff employed as Purchase Advisors
dukeofurl made this Official Information request to Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services
The request was successful.
From: dukeofurl
Dear Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services,
Purchase Advisors and Seconded staff
Could you advise the number of staff employed in Ministerial Offices who are seconded from departments and their salary is paid by their department.
Could you advise the number of staff employed in Ministerial offices who are employed as Purchase advisors and their salary is paid by the department.
Could you advise the number of staff employed in Ministerial offices who salaries are paid by Ministerial services.
Could you advise the numbers employed in Ministerial offices who arent in the above categories.
Yours faithfully,
S Curtis
From: J Key (MIN)
Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services
Thank you for your email to the Prime Minister.
This is an automated response.
Please be assured that any matters you raise in your email will be noted;
however, not all messages will receive an individual response.
Yours sincerely
The Office of the Prime Minister
From: Sarah Boyle
From: Katrina Taylor
Dear S Curtis,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
in relation to Ministerial staff.
Kind regards,
Katrina Taylor
Katrina Taylor | Advisor| Operational Policy and Performance| Ministerial
and Secretariat Services
Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
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