Rural Regional Admission Scheme Information for Medicine Entry
josh wallace made this Official Information request to University of Auckland
The request was successful.
From: josh wallace
Dear University of Auckland,
Please provide the following information for domestic RRAS category applicants to the Medical (MBChB) program at UoA for the last five years (2014-18) entry:
(1) Number of RRAS seats available each year,
(2) Number of RRAS seats filled each year (how many FY and how many graduates)
(3) Number of RRAS applicants (how many FY and how many graduates),
(4) Lowest GPA for successful RRAS applicants (for both FY and graduate),
(5) Highest GPA for unsuccessful RRAS applicants (for both FY and graduate),
(6) Interview GPA cutoff for RRAS applicants (for both FY and graduate)
Yours faithfully,
josh wallace
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Mr Wallace
Please see below the information that you requested.
The number of RRAS seats filled were fewer than the number of seats
available as some offers made were not accepted.
RRAS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
(1) No. of RRAS
seats available 40 52 52 52 52
39 46 51 41 45
(2) No. of RRAS (FY: 24 + (FY: 29 + (FY: 32+ (FY: 23 + (FY: 24 +
seats filled Grad: 15) Grad: 17) Grad: 19) Grad: 18) Grad: 21)
71 69 71 76 83
(3) No. of RRAS
applicants (FY: 36 + (FY: 40 + (FY: 45 + (FY: 44 + (FY: 38 +
Grad: 35) Grad: 29) Grad: 26) Grad: 32) Grad: 45)
(4) Lowest GPA FY: 6.75 FY: 6.0 FY: 6.0 FY: 6.5 FY: 6.5
for successful RRAS
applicants Grad: 6.62 Grad: 6.3 Grad: 6.28 Grad: 6.07 Grad: 6.5
(5) Highest GPA FY: 6.5 FY: 6.25 FY: 6.25 FY: 6.25 FY: 6.75
for unsuccessful
RRAS applicants Grad: 6.858 Grad: Grad: Grad: Grad: 6.5
5.857 5.875 6.437
(6) Interview GPA FY: 6.75 FY: 6.0 FY: 6.0 FY: 6.0 FY: 6.5
cut off for RRAS
applicants Grad: 6.5 Grad: 6.0 Grad: 6.0 Grad: 6.0 Grad: 6.5
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Ewert
General Counsel
The University of Auckland
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