Query on Statement of financial position ending 30 June 2017

Antony Andrews made this Official Information request to MidCentral District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Antony Andrews

Dear MidCentral District Health Board,

Please find below my Official information request under the Official Information Act 1982:

I refer to the 'Statement of financial position' for 2017 publish online http://www.midcentraldhb.govt.nz/Publica... , page 86.

I would like to get some details on the Non- current assets:

1. As I understand the Non-current assets includes the following assets in them, but not limited to:
-Non Residential Buildings, Improvements & Plant
-Residential Buildings, Improvements & Plant
-Clinical Equipment
-Other Equipment
-Information Technology
-Intangible Assets (Software)
-Motor Vehicles
-Trust Properties
-Investment Property
-Investment in HBL at historical cost
-Investment in NZ Health Partnerships Limited
-Derivatives in Gain

Can you please confirm that these assets were valued or their estimated value in use is caluclated based on 'Depreciated Replacement Cost' (DRC) method.

If it is, can you please let me know when did Midcentral DHB first implemented the DRC methodology in its valuation of assets.

Expecting a reply soon.

Yours sincerely,
Antony Andrews

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From: Jill Matthews
MidCentral District Health Board

Dear Antony Andrews


Thank you for your OIA request received by email on 23 February 2018.   We
will endeavour to respond to it as soon as possible and in any event
within 20 working days.  If we are unable to respond to your request by
then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.  If any
additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request,
please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be taken into
account”.  This wording is in line with SSC guidelines.


Regards, Jill




Jill Matthews | Manager, Administration & Governance Services

MidCentral District Health Board, PO Box 2056, Heretaunga Street,
Palmerston North 4440

Ph (06) 350 8967 | Fax (06) 355 0616

Email [1][email address]| Web


“Quality Living – Healthy Lives – Well Communities”



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From: Chris Channing
MidCentral District Health Board

Hi Antony,


In response to your Official Information Act request :  Query on Statement
of financial position ending 30 June 2017.


The Land and non specialized buildings have been valued on market based
evidence and the remaining specialized buildings on an optimized
depreciated replacement cost methodology. The first year of implementation
was the financial year ended 30 June 2003.


All other assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation /
amortization less any impairment costs.





Chris Channing / Financial Services Manager / MidCentral DHB / 06 350 8027



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Things to do with this request

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