Number of dogs euthanised, while no contact made with rescue organisation for ~ 5 weeks

Leo Exel made this Official Information request to Far North District Council

The request was successful.

From: Leo Exel

Dear Far North District Council,

BOI Animal Rescue last adopted pound dogs from FNDC on 23 July. They advised FNDC that they had capacity to adopt more pound dogs. Despite this, and despite repeated calls and emails, no dogs have been released to BOI AR since that date.

How many dogs were euthanised between 23 July and 29 August, 2018?

Yours faithfully,

Leonie Exel

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

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Good morning, Leonie.

Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.

Your query has been referred to our Legal Department to investigate and

Your reference number is RFS 3908373. Please use this in any future
correspondence concerning this request. You can expect to hear back from
us by 27-Sep-2018 with an update or outcome.

We thank you for taking the time to contact us. Please do not hesitate to
visit our website for more information [1], call our
friendly customer service staff on 0800 920 029 or 09 4015 200 or email
[2][Far North District Council request email].

Kind regards

[3][IMG] Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council
09 401 5200 or 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029 |
[4][Far North District Council request email]

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Leo Exel left an annotation ()

They wrote back to me, not via this website, and the answer is 47 dogs were killed in that period.

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