Department of Corrections Recommendations in OPCAT Report - Inspection of Whanganui Prison Under the Crimes and Torture Act 1989- completed by Peter Boshier 29 August 2018

Misha made this Official Information request to Kelvin Davis

The request was successful.

From: Misha

Dear Kelvin Davis,

Please supply the following information under the Official Information Act (OIA).

An OPCAT Report on a unannounced Inspection of Whanganui Prison Under the Crimes and Torture Act 1989, was completed by Peter Boshier, Chief Ombudsman and dated 29 August 2018.
There are a number of recommendations that were accepted by the Department of Corrections and I would like to request the following information in relation to these recommendations.

Criteria 4 - Health and Wellbeing
4a - Department of Corrections agrees that is beneficial to carry out an annual health needs analysis to inform the health development plan. A final copy of this template was provided by the department of corrections in May 2018, due to be implemented onsite from July 2018.

Please may I have a copy of this template. A second request is for this template with the recorded up to date data from July 2018 until todays date.

4b - Governance arrangements ensures that patient engagement, effective complaint management and clinical supervision inform service improvement.

Department of Corrections states "The onsite enhancements to ensure patient engagement, effective complaints management and clinical supervision to inform service improvement will be completed by the end of July 2018"

Please inform me what these onsite enhancements are at Whanganui Prison and please provide me with any corresponding or correlating data, templates, and new procedures were put in place by the end of July 2018 or are now in place following on from this statement.

What is the current process for prisoner complaints at Wanganui Prison relating to health complaints?

If you need any more information from me please let me know as soon as possible.

I understand that a decision on a request for information under the OIA should be made within 20 working days of receiving that request.

Kind Regards,


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From: K Davis (MIN)
Kelvin Davis

Dear correspondent

On behalf of Hon Kelvin Davis, thank you for your email.

While the Minister considers all correspondence to be important and all
messages are carefully read and considered, it is not possible to provide
a personal response to every email which is received.

Where the Minister has portfolio responsibility for the issues that you
have raised, your correspondence will be considered and responded to where

If your correspondence is regarding an invitation or meeting request,
please note that your request has been received and you can expect a
response in due course.

(If your invitation or meeting request is accepted - please note
information about meetings related to the Ministers’ portfolios will be
proactively released (this does not include personal or constituency
matters). For each meeting in scope, the summary would list: date, time
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proactive release policy at
[1] )


Thank you for taking the time to write.

(Please note that this acknowledgement is an automatically generated


Office of Hon Kelvin Davis




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From: Matt Huddleston

Kia ora Misha,


On behalf of the Minister of Corrections, Hon Kelvin Davis, thank you for
your email of 21 March 2019, requesting information under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA). Specifically, you have requested the following
information regarding the Whanganui Prison OPCAT report and accepted
recommendations by Corrections:


Criteria 4 - Health and Wellbeing: 4a - Department of Corrections agrees
that is beneficial to carry out an annual health needs analysis to inform
the health development plan. A final copy of this template was provided by
the department of corrections in May 2018, due to be implemented onsite
from July 2018.


·         Please may I have a copy of this template. A second request is
for this template with the recorded up to date data from July 2018 until
todays date.


4b - Governance arrangements ensures that patient engagement, effective
complaint management and clinical supervision inform service improvement.
Department of Corrections states "The onsite enhancements to ensure
patient engagement, effective complaints management and clinical
supervision to inform service improvement will be completed by the end of
July 2018”.


·         Please inform me what these onsite enhancements are at Whanganui
Prison and please provide me with any corresponding or correlating data,
templates, and new procedures were put in place by the end of July 2018 or
are now in place following on from this statement.


·         What is the current process for prisoner complaints at Wanganui
Prison relating to health complaints”?


This request is considered more closely connected to the Department of
Corrections. Consequently, I am transferring this request to Corrections
for consideration and direct response in accordance with section 14 of the
OIA. You should expect a response from Corrections in due course.


Thank you again for taking the time to write to the Minister.


Ngâ mihi,



Matt Huddleston | Private Secretary (Corrections)

Office of Hon Kelvin Davis| Minister of Corrections



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From: Info@Corrections

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Attachment Interim response C106404.pdf
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Good afternoon


Please find attached correspondence regarding your OIA from the Department
of Corrections.


Kind regards


Ministerial Services

Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa

a: National Office, Mayfair House, 44 - 52 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011

[1][IMG] [2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG]




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From: Info@Corrections

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Attachment Response C106404.pdf
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Good afternoon


Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.


Kind regards


Ministerial Services

Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa

a: National Office, Mayfair House, 44 - 52 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011

[1][IMG] [2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG]





information in this message is the property of the New Zealand Department
of Corrections. It is intended only for the person or entity to which it
is addressed and may contain privileged or in confidence material. Any
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retransmission, dissemination or other use of, by any means, in whole or
part, or taking any action in reliance upon, this information by persons
or entities other than intended recipient are prohibited. If you received
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From: Misha

Dear Info@Corrections,

Thanks for your reply.
You forgot to attach the template you have referred to in your reply.

Please send it ASAP as I have already long extended the due date by an extra month - on top of the extra 20 days requested by you already.

Yours sincerely,


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From: Info@Corrections

Thank you for contacting the Department of Corrections; this is an
automatic reply to confirm we have received your email – please do not
reply to this e mail.


Depending on the nature of your request you may not receive an official
response for up to 20 working days.


Be assured we will endeavour to respond to you as quickly as possible.


If you are a friend or family member of someone in prison, you can find
some useful information [1]here.


If you are requesting information we are required to comply with the
Privacy Act 1993, the Official Information Act 1982 and the Victims Rights
Act 2002.


Unless you are the victim of a serious crime, or there are safety reasons,
we are required to ask the offender for their permission to release their
information to you.  If you do not want the offender to know you are
asking about them, please let us know as soon as possible.


If you are a victim, you will find information about the Victim
Notification Register on our website [2]here.


If you are emailing regarding a media query, please contact
[email address]


Our website, [3] provides up to date news
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Kind regards,

The Ministerial Services Team

[6][email address]

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of Corrections. It is intended only for the person or entity to which it
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6. mailto:[email address]

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From: Info@Corrections

Attachment C106404 Appendix One.pdf
2.5M Download View as HTML

Good afternoon

The template was included in the same attachment as the response and begins on Page 4.

For clarity, please see attached a copy of the template only.

Kind regards,

Ministerial Services
Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa
a: National Office, Mayfair House, 44 - 52 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011

show quoted sections

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Things to do with this request

Kelvin Davis only: