Danny Pickering
Joined FYI in 2015
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This person's 7 Official Information requests
Legal aid applications
Response by Ministry of Justice to Danny Pickering on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Danny,
Please find attached your OIA response.
Many thanks,
[1]Description: Description: Description: Lydia Jack...
Dear Danny,
Please find your OIA response attached.
Many thanks,
Homelessness and imprisonment
Response by Department of Corrections to Danny Pickering on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Pickering,
Please find attached Corrections' response to your OIA request.
Kind regards,
Ministerial Services
Department of Corrections Ara...
Good afternoon,
Please find the response to your request for information from by the
Abortion Supervisory Committee (ASC). This request was tran...
Report into three strikes legislation
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Danny Pickering on .
Long overdue.
Ministry of Justice,
Please provide me with all reports, cabinet papers, and other official documentation of the effects of the “Three Strikes Law”....
Good morning Danny,
Further to your request below and Corrections subsequent decision to
decline your request pursuant to section 18(d) of the Off...
Location of all gender neutral toilets on all VUW campuses
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Danny Pickering on .
Partially successful.
Hi Danny,
Attached is a copy of the University¹s response to your OIA request.
Kind regards,
On 3/09/15 5:51 pm, "Danny Pickering"
<[FOI #31...
This person's annotations
None made.