dave hookway
Joined FYI in 2020
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This person's 5 Official Information requests
Employment of Tania McInnes since the 2019 Local Government election
Response by Far North District Council to dave hookway on .
Dave Hookway
By email only: [FOI #12740 email]
Tçnâ koe e Mr Hookway
Official information request: RFS 4032344
I refer to your info...
Good afternoon Mr Hookway,
Thank you for your request.
I’ve been asked to respond with the following information by Chris
Galbraith, Gener...
Kia ora Dave
Thank you for your request received 26/11/20.
Your request has been referred to our legal services. We will endeavour
to provide a ful...
Dave Hookway
By email only: [FOI #14071 email]
Tēnā koe e Mr Hookway
Official information request: RFS 4032331
I refer to your info...
Copies of Mayoral candidate expenses and donation for the 2019 Local Government election
Response by Far North District Council to dave hookway on .
Dave Hookway
By email only to: [1][email address]
Tçnâ koe Mr Hookway
Official information request: 4004528
I refer to your information...
This person's annotations
None made.