This person's 25 Official Information requests
Kia ora J James,
I am responding to your request for information on behalf of the
I can confirm that Massey has never cons...
Legal Advice Obtained in Regards to the Destruction of the Critic
Follow up sent to University of Otago by J James on .
Thank you for such a timely response to my last two requests.
Yours sincerely,
J James
Communication between the Vice Chancellor's office and the Proctor's office
Response by University of Otago to J James on .
Dear Mr James,
In response to your Official Information request I advise that there were no communications between the Proctor's Office and the Vice-C...
Please find this response attached.
Ngā mihi nui,
Karen Heine
Policy and Information Coordinator
Victoria University o...
Dear J James
The Vice-Chancellor’s remuneration in the year to 30 June 2016 was in the
$470,000 to $479,999 band.
The University records...
Kia ora
Please see attached the University's response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards
Rachael McGregor
Information Advisor | In...
Dear J James,
In the 2015-2016 year, the Vice-Chancellor's salary was in the $590,000 to $599,999 band.
In that year the Vice-Chancellor received two...
Dear J James
I refer to your request of 11 April 2017.
In the 2015-2016 year, the Vice-Chancellor’s salary was in the $710,000 to
Vice Chancellor's Salary
Request sent to Auckland University of Technology by J James on .
Long overdue.
In the last financial year, how much did the Vice-Chancellor earn?
Further, what perks did they receive because of their capacity as Vice-Chancel...
Minimum Wage (or just above)
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to J James on .
Please see attached.
Thank you.
Simon Barr
Legal Counsel
Victoria University of Wellington
Phone: +64-4-463 6703
Mobile: +64-022 563 6703
Room 21...
Hi Mr James
I'll get this looked into for you.
Kind regards
Michelle Clarke (BA, Dip Bus Admin)
EA to Annemarie de Castro, Director, Human Resource...
Vice Chancellor's Calendar
After posting my response I realised I commented on the Chancellor rather than vice-chancellor.
It will be interesting to see what the Ombudsman's in...
Forward by FYI admin
Pay Bands by Gender
Partially successful.
The response here from the University of Auckland is a little misleading, as the University does use some forms of pay bands, however they differ throu...
Dear J James
Please find attached, the University’s response to your OIA request.
Your Sincerely
Dear J James,
Attached is the University's response to your OIA request.
Adrian Carpinter
Director, Governance
Vice-Chancellor's O...
Dear J James
Re Official Information Act request – Pay bands by Gender
Below is the data requested in response to your OIA request. The
Good morning,
Please see attached Victoria’s response to your request.
Kind regards,
Sarah Gribben
Legal Counsel (Secondee)...
Dear J James
In response to your Official Information Act request, UCOL's response to the questions presented follow.
Questions 1 to 3: UCOL does not...
Thank you for your OIA request received by email on Monday 4 April.
Please see our response below.
Can you please acknowledge confirmation...
Pay Bands by Gender
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to J James on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Good morning,
I can confirm that I received both your emails on 4 April 2016.
Kind regards,
The salary bands we use are for more junior levels in the organisation. Senior staff are all on individual employment contracts and there is n...
I request the following information:
1. The salary range of your highest pay band, and how many men are in it;
2. The salary range of your second...
I request the following information:
1. The salary range of your highest pay band, and how many women are in it;
2. The salary range of your secon...
I request the following information:
1. The salary range of your highest pay band, and how many women are in it;
2. The salary range of your secon...
This person's 1 annotation
Vice Chancellor's Calendar
Hi Luke,
I agree, their use of 18(e) is very problematic and calls into light their entire decision to refuse this information.
I have lodged a co...