Luke C
Joined FYI in 2013
Happy to assist requesters in composing their OIA requests to make them clear and intelligible to agencies. And an interest in assisting requesters on how best they can get the information they need.
Also interested in:
- organisations' internal processes, procedures, and practices, for dealing with the processing, handling and refusal of OIA requests.
- the existence of any legal tests to fulfil the statutory withholding provisions.
Also interested in:
- organisations' internal processes, procedures, and practices, for dealing with the processing, handling and refusal of OIA requests.
- the existence of any legal tests to fulfil the statutory withholding provisions.
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This person's 231 annotations (page 9)
Who and how are requests to OIA handled
Partially successful.
The correct plural form is 'media'. Mediums is the plural form for psychics.
Racism Complaints
Their response is consistent with the statutory requirement to make a decision on your request as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 20...
Cost of upcoming royal visit
I don't agree with the decision to withhold the information on the bases that the agency would pubicly release it after the visit, to protect advice be...
Various GCSB Information
Partially successful.
At d(e) in the letter, there didn't seem to be a figure stated.
Emails to Andrea Vance
Long overdue.
At 6:52 in this press conference a reporter asks Mr Dunne which email address the emails were sent to and he replies that they were sent to his Parliam...
Emails to Andrea Vance
Long overdue.
Titles of Cabinet Papers Presented to Last Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Meetings
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Joshua Grainger. Annotated by Luke C on .
1. I do not agree with the assessment, and I'm not convinced that the withholding grounds apply.
2. The way I read the reponse is that Ms Kitteridge'...
Cost of upcoming royal visit
I would what the "harm" they had in mind, as quoted in their response.
Titles of Cabinet Papers Presented to Last Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Meetings
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Joshua Grainger. Annotated by Luke C on .
From my point of view the original request was clear, but perhaps they see ambiguity that I don't. However I am definitely confused by your 18...
Complaints made to NZ Police by Accident Compensation Corp.
Information not held.
I suggest you check the comprehensibility of your request before you send it. There is an incomplete sentence ("Dates of any referrals and subject of")...
Lobbying on the Lobbying Disclosure Bill
Long overdue.
Is there a statutory basis for the claim at 8.19 in the 'Cabinet Manual'?
Email Request Vance
Withdrawn by the requester.
See also that a similar request has been made, to the Department of Internal Affairs for the emails:
Share An Idea Raw Data
1. There are two possible courses of immediate action the requester for this information could take. The requester could either:
a.) Contact the...
Share An Idea Raw Data
1. I am not convinced that this information cannot be released. There is no explanation as to why the privacy of individuals cannot be respected by red...
1000 Jobs number quoted RE Kapiti Expressway
1. I’m not familiar with the details of your other requests that were transferred so I can’t comment on why they were transferred. However I can...
1000 Jobs number quoted RE Kapiti Expressway
1. I've reviewed the decision to transfer the request, and taken into account the extract you posted from the DPMC website about the role of the D...
Number of requests for information
Partially successful.
1. I also agree with Joshua's comments.
2. Information I have seen suggests that official statistics of OIA requests received across all-of-governmen...
There was a delay in the sense that they took until the 20th day to notify you that ACC were extending the timeframe by ten working days to answer your...
1. In ACC’s response of 10 May 2013, they state that they will provide information about “payments made to medical providers” because it concerns the “...
Ministry of Education's Response to Ombudsman OIA Review
Handled by post.
Did the Ministry of Education (MoE) supply a copy of the peer review findings written by MSD (or had that not been written yet at the time MoE...
Police Vetting Communications
This is a very good example of an agency proactively clarifying the request before making a decision on it. All too often, agencies will not bother to...
How many MPS hold a current practicing certificate as barristers and or solicitors, and if so who are they
Well done to the Parliamentary Information Service for being helpful and answering this request, despite Parliamentary Service not being subject to the...
Independent Assessor Safety Concerns Submissions to withhold OI act Information
Partially successful.
The request could have been formatted more clearly, e.g. numbering each sub-part/aspect (as ACC have done in their reply). This makes it easier to refe...
Details of Operational UAV/Drone Use
I agree with Alex.
Theoretically one could re-request the information after the judge has issued his decision, and after knowing that legal counsel w...
Plans for fee and charge rises
I refer to the paragraph sequence in the reply from CAA.
(b) The fact that something is 15 GB in size and is therefore substantial and complex, is no...