New Zealand Police

A top 10 most requested agency

Before you make a request to Police

  • Do not ask for information about yourself. We do not allow users to make requests about themselves. Instead, use the Request for Personal Information online form on the Police website. If you ignore this instruction, your request here may be hidden.
  • Check if the information is already online. Here are some useful resources:

Things Police might ask

  • Police often ask for proof of eligibility to make an OIA request. They are allowed to ask this. Usually they will want some identification.
    • Please state that you reside in New Zealand, if that is true. It is our hope that in time making this statement will be considered sufficient.
    • Please do not send your contact information using as it will automatically be published. If you already have, contact us and we will hide it for you.
  • You do not have to fill out another form. If Police respond with a link to another form to fill in, you do not need to do so. Politely remind them that by law they must accept requests in any form. If necessary, point them to the Ombudsman guidance which specifically confirms that requests sent through must be accepted.

Contact outside of

Note that we do not share your user details with Police. If you are contacted outside, please:

  • Discuss your request with them if you feel comfortable doing so. If not, you may ask for correspondence to be through
  • Note in an annotation that you were contacted. Summarise the discussion if possible.
  • Regardless, insist that the formal OIA response be sent to you through, to the email address from which the original request was sent (see below).

Response received outside of

If you have received your response outside the system (such as by direct email or post), the response will not be published - which may be intentional. You may:

  • Reply to them asking that they re-send the response to the email address of the original request. We can provide this if they have lost it. Under OIA s16(2) they must usually provide the response in the way you prefer.
  • Let us know in a comment that you received your response bypassing

1870 requests
Speed Camera in Blue Volkswagen van rego. LRZ138
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Geoff. Waterhouse on .
Awaiting response.
I am writing to enquire about the operation and operator of the vehicle mentioned above. On 26 January 2025 this vehicle was being operated in the c...
September countdown incident
Response by New Zealand Police to pryce payne on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Pryce Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 3 September 2021. Kind...
Bank of China reporting suspicious activity to police
Response by New Zealand Police to Helen Hardly on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Helen Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 1 April 2021. Please a...
Request for information regarding my arrest 30th November 2023
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Patrick Thomas on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Im still waiting for the information Yours faithfully, Patrick Thomas
Special Constables
Request sent to New Zealand Police by J. Wills on .
Awaiting response.
Please could you provide any information you have on any suggestions and recommendations for integration of the Special Constables. (Part time/Casua...
Questions about “Operation - Obstruct Resist Police”
Response by New Zealand Police to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe John I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 request below, received by Police on 19 February 2025. Your reference numbe...
Mangawhai Natural Disaster Response
Response by New Zealand Police to Sami on .
Kia ora Sam   Thank you for your request for information which is being treated by Kaipara District Council as a Local Government Official Informa...
Licenced Firearms Owner Information
Response by New Zealand Police to Sam Ballantine on .
Kia ora Sam I refer to your request below. I have been asked to advise you that Police requires an extension of time in which to respond to your requ...
Statistics on Fatal shooting by Police 1975-2025
Response by New Zealand Police to Sophia Lawler on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora Sophia,   Police is putting together a response to your request for information about those that have been shot and killed by NZ Police....
Tēnā koe    Police is enquiring with you in relation to refining question two of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 25 February 2...
Operation Trolley costings
Response by New Zealand Police to Alan Johnstone on .
Tēnā koe Alan We apologise for the delay in our response to your request due to extreme volumes, and any inconvenience cause. Please see the attached...
Stolen police car events
Response by New Zealand Police to NZ Citizen on .
Tēnā koe   Please find attached the response relating to your Official Information Act request, received by Police on 28 March 2024.   Ngā mih...
Police Eagle 1 Tail Number
Request sent to New Zealand Police by CKent on .
Awaiting response.
I request the tail number for Auckland’s Police Helicopter “Eagle 1” Yours faithfully, Casper
Police review of Arms Act 1983
Response by New Zealand Police to Malcolm Lock on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Malcolm   Tēnā koe   Please find attached the response to your OIA request.     Nāku noa, nā   Office of Hon Mark Mitchell Min...
Pseudo Driver Licences
Request to New Zealand Police by Geoff. Waterhouse. Annotated by Shelly on .
Long overdue.
Civil servants who are ONLY supposed to serve and protect the people. Correct? INCORRECT! It's written in black and white in the policing Act, YOUR OAT...
Tēnā koe Sam                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealan...
Tçnâ koe Patrick,   I acknowledge receipt of your information request below, received by Police on 19/01/2025.   Your request reference number...
New Zealand Police Road Spike Procedure
Response by New Zealand Police to Sami on .
Tēnā koe Sam                               Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Pol...
Costs incurred
Response by New Zealand Police to James on .
Tēnā koe James,                                   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zeal...
New Zealand Police budget
Response by New Zealand Police to Nathan on .
Long overdue.
'Do not reply to this message, this email message has been sent from an un-monitored email address'   Thank you for your email.   Information that...
Police information on SOVCITS and SOVCIT activities
Response by New Zealand Police to w henderson on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below. Your reference number is IR-01-25-7938. You can expect a r...
Eagle Police Helicopter Recruitment
Response by New Zealand Police to G R Steen on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe,                                   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Po...
Police deployment to Matapihi 28/11/2024
Response by New Zealand Police to T Smith on .
Tēnā koe,   Please see the attached information in response to your request.     Ngā Mihi     SSCW04 Senior Analyst Information Requ...
Communications with Destiny church
Response by New Zealand Police to Matt Pearson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Matt As you have not responded back to our request for clarification, we will be closing this request. Ngā mihi McCoy Advisor | Ministerial S...
Agencies contacted to help homeless related to Operation Trolley
Response by New Zealand Police to David Adamson on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe David Please see the attached letter in response to your OIA request of 28 January 2025. Nga mihi A Schwarz ASFK64 Analyst Information Requ...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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