This person's 4 Official Information requests
Evidence of the ACC delegating its review functions and powers under the AC Act to Fairway Resolution Limited.
Response by FairWay Resolution Limited to MRM on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear MRM
Please see our letter of 20 January 2017 attached.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Lee
Complaints Investigation and Privacy Of...
ACC policy on managing email communciations
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to MRM on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear MRM
I refer to our email dated 5 January 2017 asking you to provide more information to establish compliance with section 12 of the Official Info...
Dear MRM
I refer to our email dated 5 January 2017 asking you to provide more information to establish compliance with section 12 of the Official Info...
Claim and claimant information that does not need to be saved and stored in EOS
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to MRM on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear MRM
I refer to our email dated 5 January 2017 asking you to provide more information to establish compliance with section 12 of the Official Info...
This person's annotations
None made.