Christchurch City Council
A public authority
345 requests
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- unresolved requests
Dear Jennifer,
I refer to your request of 6 December:
As a resident (with 3 dependents) whom have chosen not to receive a
Covid-19 vaccine...
Suburb boundaries
Information not held.
As of June 2023, this information is now available from Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand. See:
correspondence on Tarras land purchases
Response by Christchurch City Council to cherry nield on .
Dear Cherry,
I refer to your message below.
We can confirm there has been no correspondence on this matter relevant to your request.
Therefore we ha...
Number of annual visitors to Victoria Square
Response by Christchurch City Council to David Palmer on .
Information not held.
Kia ora David,
On 4 April 2024, you requested the following information, under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (...
PFA's in City Water
Information not held.
This is untrue. I will make a follow up request.
Normal Temperatures and our Number of Days over 25 degrees C
Response by Christchurch City Council to T Dobbie on .
Information not held.
Dear T Dobbie,
I refer to your request for:
Dear Christchurch City Council,
From your Climate Action section - How its Affecting Us - Tem...
Rainfall for Christchurch City
Response by Christchurch City Council to T Dobbie on .
Information not held.
Dear T Dobbie,
I refer to your request for:
Dear Christchurch City Council,
I refer to your Environment - Climate Action - How it's affec...
Repair v rebuild internal documents
Response by Christchurch City Council to Rachael Harris on .
Dear Rachael,
Thank you for your email, received on 8 March. You requested the following
information, under the Local Government Official Inform...
Register of Resolutions made under Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017
Response by Christchurch City Council to Cody C on .
Information not held.
Dear Cody,
Council staff have been unable to locate a specific resolution under the 2017 Traffic and Parking Bylaw for the speed limit on James Hight...
Christchurch City Council's Under-Insurance
Response by Christchurch City Council to Max Hall on .
Dear Max
Thank you for your request regarding the under-insurance of the
Christchurch City Council Buildings.
You will find a response to...
Food outlet Food Safety Ratings
Response by Christchurch City Council to Harwood Wilson on .
Information not held.
Dear HJ,
Thank you for your email, received on 21.05.2023. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Official Informat...
Statistics regarding offences ticketed by CCC and the areas.
Response by Christchurch City Council to Augustus P I on .
Information not held.
[1]Christchurch City Council logo
Hi Augustus
Thank you for letting me know. I will close off this request...
Correspondence Regarding IPI Compliance
Response by Christchurch City Council to Sean Marshall on .
Dear Sean,
I refer to your request below.
Owing to the potential size of your request we consider that it would take substantial collation and resear...
Dear Augustus P I,
I refer to your question below.
I can confirm there is no correspondence the Council holds in relation to your request.
Taumata Arowai Compliance
Received this response on escalation to CEO and Mayor:
Unfortunately our WSP contains a great deal of technical data and could pose a risk to our net...
Greater Hornby Residents Association - Criminal History of Marc Duff (Chair)
Response by Christchurch City Council to Maureen Taylor on .
Information not held.
Dear Maureen,
As discussed we do not hold information on this. Council does follow a
robust process to recommend and allocate community grant fu...
List of companies Cr Mauger is a director or shareholder of
Response by Christchurch City Council to Jim Smithson on .
Dear Jim,
I refer to your question below.
This is publically available information held by MBIE and available
through : [1]https://compan...
Contracts held by Councillor Mauger's companies
Response by Christchurch City Council to Jim Smithson on .
Dear Jim,
I refer to your email below:
Please provide details of all Council contracts held by the following
companies (covering the perio...
Protests and Protest Related Traffic Management Costs
Response by Christchurch City Council to John on .
Dear John,
I refer to your question below.
The Council is not anti-protest and the protests in relation to Covid-19
mandates are no except...
CCC rates and public amenities
Response by Christchurch City Council to Vanessa Sinclair on .
[1]Christchurch City Council logo
Dear Vanessa,
I refer to your request below:
(1) a full list of council fu...
Legislation relied upon to close parks, playgrounds and car parks within parks during Covid-19 lockdowns
Response by Christchurch City Council to Cody C on .
Information not held.
[1]Christchurch City Council logo
Good morning Cody,
The Christchurch City Council’s actions in closing ca...
Repair workers Christchurch mosque
Response by Christchurch City Council to Daryl Trask on .
Dear Daryl,
You will need to contact the NZ Police about this as your request has been
transferred to them.
Kind regards,
Pre-employment drug testing
Response by Christchurch City Council to BAW Russell on .
Information not held.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your official information request we received on 30 July 2020
requesting the following:
Please provide a copy o...
Dear Matteo,
I refer to your official information request we received on 8 August 2020
The Council can confirm it does not hold or...
Dear B Morrison,
Thank you for your email which was transferred by the Christchurch City
Council to our office on October 23^rd 2018. You reques...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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