Andrew Mitchell
Joined FYI in 2023
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This person's 14 Official Information requests
New Zealand Pfizer Contract
New Zealand government and their instrument Ministry of Health still lie to New Zealander's when that contract is already in the public realm, preferri...
PFA's in City Water
Information not held.
This is untrue. I will make a follow up request.
CCC AF8 Risk Assessment Plan
Request sent to Christchurch City Council by Andrew Mitchell on .
Long overdue.
At a recent meeting with Council, watching submissions online on the LTP, Saturday 11th May 2024, a presentation raised the issue regarding balance...
Marshlands / Shirley / New Brighton Roads Inters.
Response by Christchurch City Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Kia ora Andrew,
On 15 April 2024, you requested the following information, under the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987...
HDC vs LGFA Lending and Financial Position
Long overdue.
Supposedly, a entity who is required under the LGA to be transparent and responsible to those that fund them, refuses to provided data effecting my per...
LGFA vs Local Authority's
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Andrew Mitchell on .
Hi Andrew
In response to the below question our response in layman's terms is
A council guarantees the financial obligations of LGFA not the other c...
Loans under the LGFA Shareholder Agreement
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Partially successful.
Good Day
You requested additional information about the Waimakariri District
Council's loans with the New Zealand Local Government Funding Agenc...
CCC Owned Residential Property
Response by Christchurch City Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Kia ora Andrew
I refer to your request for Red Zone property information.
Further to the conversation you had with Angus Smith, the Council...
Southern Super-City Christchurch
Response by Christchurch City Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Dear Andrew,
I refer to your request for:
From the reports in the media regarding discussions for a Southern
Super-City, between the Chris...
Dear Mr Mitchell,
Please find attached documents regarding your request for Official
Selwyn District Council
LGFA Clarification of Relationships
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Andrew Mitchell on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Andrew,
Your previous request to the Department was transferred to the Local Government Funding Agency (LGFA) on 12 September. I attach...
Dear Andrew
I refer to your request below asking for information regarding the cost of
Council Response
1. The charge for a L...
Southern Super-City Plans
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Good Day
You requested information about the Southern Super-City between the
Christchurch City Council and neighbouring districts.
CovID Vaccine Effectiveness
Response by Health Research Council of New Zealand to Andrew Mitchell on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Andrew
Please find attached our repsosne to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Lana Lon
Project Manager Ethics
Health Research Co...
This person's 9 annotations
New Zealand Pfizer Contract
New Zealand government and their instrument Ministry of Health still lie to New Zealander's when that contract is already in the public realm, preferri...
Common law and general
Your question is vexatious, flippant, and shows a considerable lack of respect for our judicial services, and the men and women who allocate their time...
HDC vs LGFA Lending and Financial Position
Long overdue.
Supposedly, a entity who is required under the LGA to be transparent and responsible to those that fund them, refuses to provided data effecting my per...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Alpine Fault Risk Assessment
Wow. So Christchurch City Council has no "risk assessment" for a city (and quite frankly the bulk of the S.I.) where it is currently expected that we...
LGFA vs Local Authority's
This response does NOT address any of the issues raised, even with quoted sections and clauses from THEIR own documentation; which is, that the operati...
CCC Owned Residential Property
I have been in contact with the information officer of the CCC, and the property's manager has been referred to me as they do not seem to understand my...
LGFA Clarification of Relationships
Partially successful.
It should be noted this was request was presented on the 8th October 2023, however the receipt of which has not been acknowledged.
Independence declarations
Re-phrase your question. And make the point of noting whether you are using the "Queen's English" or Black's Law.