NetSafe Incorporated
A public authority, also called NetSafe
NetSafe is subject to the Official Information Act in respect of functions it performs as the "approved agency" under s.7 of the Harmful Digital Communications Act.
10 requests
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JUNE 20, 2024
Simon Anderson
[1][FOI #26543 email]
To Simon
Request for access to information held by Netsafe
Thank you for...
I have made a complaint to the Ombudsman.
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Hello Rich Seager RFI,
We're rolling out a new reporting system, we'd love to hear what you
Public figures using the Harmful Digital Communications Act
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to Tane Harre on .
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Your report (60254) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to
this email
Lee (Netsafe...
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