New Zealand Police

A top 10 most requested agency

Before you make a request to Police

  • Do not ask for information about yourself. We do not allow users to make requests about themselves. Instead, use the Request for Personal Information online form on the Police website. If you ignore this instruction, your request here may be hidden.
  • Check if the information is already online. Here are some useful resources:

Things Police might ask

  • Police often ask for proof of eligibility to make an OIA request. They are allowed to ask this. Usually they will want some identification.
    • Please state that you reside in New Zealand, if that is true. It is our hope that in time making this statement will be considered sufficient.
    • Please do not send your contact information using as it will automatically be published. If you already have, contact us and we will hide it for you.
  • You do not have to fill out another form. If Police respond with a link to another form to fill in, you do not need to do so. Politely remind them that by law they must accept requests in any form. If necessary, point them to the Ombudsman guidance which specifically confirms that requests sent through must be accepted.

Contact outside of

Note that we do not share your user details with Police. If you are contacted outside, please:

  • Discuss your request with them if you feel comfortable doing so. If not, you may ask for correspondence to be through
  • Note in an annotation that you were contacted. Summarise the discussion if possible.
  • Regardless, insist that the formal OIA response be sent to you through, to the email address from which the original request was sent (see below).

Response received outside of

If you have received your response outside the system (such as by direct email or post), the response will not be published - which may be intentional. You may:

  • Reply to them asking that they re-send the response to the email address of the original request. We can provide this if they have lost it. Under OIA s16(2) they must usually provide the response in the way you prefer.
  • Let us know in a comment that you received your response bypassing

1870 requests
North Island ANPR Cameras
Response by New Zealand Police to Hamish Fletcher on .
Tēnā koe Hamish   Please find attached the response relating to your Official Information Act request, received by Police on 28 November 2024.  ...
Dear Anthony Gallon,   Information Request: IR-01-21-35049   Thank you for your request dated 25^th November requesting:   Dear New Zealand...
Body Worn Cameras
Response by New Zealand Police to Ed Whakatihi on .
Tēnā koe Ed                                     Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand...
Uplift - definition
Response by New Zealand Police to J Dough on .
Tēnā koe                                  Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Poli...
Good Morning Mr Holmes Thank you for your request of 8 February 2022 requesting information on the use of Auror by the supervisor of the Waikato Dis...
Common Law
Response by New Zealand Police to Teresa on .
Tēnā koe Teresa                                       Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Ze...
Kia ora Ian Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 18 May 2021. Kind regard...
Tēnā koe Harrison                               Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand...
Warranted transport enforcement officer.
Response by New Zealand Police to Shelly on .
Kia ora Shelly I have referred your response to the appropriate team. Police stands by the response provided and as referenced in the response recomme...
Kia ora Sue Apologies if this is a double up but I am resending this email the initial email had bounced back. I have referred your response to our r...
Tēnā koe Harry I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request dated 25 March 2023 (email below). Your request (below) is a duplicate of...
NZ Police Definition of "Skanky"
Response by New Zealand Police to N Smith on .
Kia ora N Smith Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 5 April 2021. Kind r...
Aramoana massacre
Response by New Zealand Police to Kieva Hanlon on .
Tēnā koe Kieva   Please find attached the response relating to your Official Information Act request, received by Police on 27 May 2024.   Ngā...
Christmas lights on cars
Response by New Zealand Police to Chris on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Chris   Thank you for your below query which has been transferred to NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi for response.   Christmas lights...
Tēnā koe Georgie                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Ze...
Masonic Lodge / Freemasonry investigations
Response by New Zealand Police to B James on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe                                     Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand P...
Tēnā koe Cybergranny,   Your request has been considered in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.   Our response is attached.  ...
reasons why all extraditiees have been returned to New Zealand
Response by New Zealand Police to Donna Tobin on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon Donna Tobin   I refer to your request of 2 October 2018, received by New Zealand Police.  You requested the following information:...
Tēnā koe Raymond                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Ze...
New Hate Speech Training
Response by New Zealand Police to Nathan on .
Tēnā koe Nathan                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zea...
Name of officers
Response by New Zealand Police to Jez Suitauloa on .
Dear Jez Suitauloa,   Thank you for your information request dated 23 May 2022.  You requested:   “the full names of the officers numbered as P...
Charges of Neglect
Response by New Zealand Police to Percy Doyle on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe Percy                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zeal...
Tēnā koe William                                  Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealan...
Mental Health Withdrawal
Response by New Zealand Police to Rodney Parsons on .
Tēnā koe Rodney   Please find attached the response and documentation relating to your Official Information Act request, received by Police on 22...
Response to your Official Information Request ref: DOIA-REQ-0005642   Tçnâ koe Miss W. Forest Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Inno...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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