Privacy Commissioner

A public authority

76 requests
MSD Complaints Statistics last FY
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Miss W. Forest on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request regarding MSD enquiries or complaints....
No of referrala to DHRP since 2020
Response by Privacy Commissioner to B Stewart on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.     Aku mihi   Sharyn Leonard...
No of times new compliance powers exercised
Response by Privacy Commissioner to B Stewart on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.     Aku mihi   Sharyn Leonard...
Privacy Policy for Complaints
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Sarah on .
Good morning   As indicated in our response to you, this is our draft Decision Guide and is currently being internally reviewed.  It is the curren...
Definition of Section 66
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Amanda Murtagh on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your request and a copy of our guidance document.       Aku mihi...
Further information regarding Dawn Swan
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Sunset Flowers on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.       Aku mihi   Sharyn Leon...
Employment of Dawn Swan
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Sunset Flowers on .
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your Official information request.       Aku mihi   Sharyn Leon...
Kia ora   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.       Ngâ mihi   Sharyn Leona...
Are you going to modify your request so that it just reads something like "privacy act which was in effect" to avoid any misinterpretation by the OPC....
Kia ora Mojo,   We note that the best place to direct questions about privacy, rather than requests for Official Information, is to our Office’s E...
Tçnâ koe   Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your Official Information request along with 3 separate attachments which f...
Please find attached the documents in scope, and not withheld, which are relevant to your Official Information Act request as indicated in our letter t...
Mobile phone tracking by Data Ventures
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Paul Jones on .
Kia ora Paul   Please find attached Stats NZ’s response to your request for information about mobile phone tracking.   Kind regards, Susan  ...
What is the Privacy Commissioners policy on fraud and corruption ?
Follow up sent to Privacy Commissioner by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
Tara Reynolds, Acting Manager Investigations & Dispute Resolution Team Office of the Privacy Commissioner 24/08/2021 Hello Tara,...
Dealings with New Zealand Police
Request to Privacy Commissioner by Jo. Annotated by Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
I note that Privacy Commissioner Edwards stated in his response that the PC does not keep track of named agencies. This is clearly inaccurate. Their el...
Tçnâ koe Mr Francis   We have received your requests of 8 May 2020 under the Official Information Act 1982 for information about the operation of...
Tēnā koe Mr Francis,   Thank you for your email.   We were not able to provide you with a complete list of scenarios as requested because it would...
Tçnâ koe Mr Murrah,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   If you have any questions please don’t hesita...
Use of examination powers
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner re the Privacy...
Good afternoon Mr Ecclestone   Please find attached the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your information request.     Regar...
Manuals & Guidelines
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Liam Pascoe on .
Good morning Mr Pascoe   Attached please find the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your request.   Regards       Shary...
Good afternoon Miss Forest   Please find attached the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.   Re...
Complaint Statistics
Response by Privacy Commissioner to Liam Pascoe on .
Kia ora Mr Pascoe   Please find attached the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.   Regards  ...
Emails regarding Births, Deaths and Marriages Act
Response by Privacy Commissioner to C Montague on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon   Please find attached the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official information request.   As explained, we h...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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