Rotorua District Council

A public authority

32 requests
Resource consent to Rainbow Renewable Energy
Response by Rotorua District Council to Valerie Morse on .
Information not held.
I refer to your Official Information request of 4 June 2024 for resource consent application and conditions documentation relating to Rainbow Renewab...
Information about processing liquor licenses
Response by Rotorua District Council to Ankush Konde on .
Information not held.
Thank you for making contact with the Rotorua Lakes Council. Emails are processed Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and you can expect a response...
State Highway 38 Sealing and Subsequent Considerations
Response by Rotorua District Council to Anthony Jordan on .
Information not held.
I refer to your request of 21 January 2014 under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act regarding State Highway 38 sealing and su...
Property and Rating Valuation Data
Response by Rotorua District Council to Nik Wakelin on .
Good morning Nicholas, I have logged your request as number 59351. Please expect a response in due course. Kind Regards, Kerry Alemann Customer Ad...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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