Rotorua District Council

A public authority

32 requests
Camping ground licences
Response by Rotorua District Council to Tim Carter on .
I refer to your Official Information request of 14 May 2024 for a list of all camping grounds where Council has issued a camping ground licence in th...
Herbicide use in public places
Response by Rotorua District Council to Christine Woods on .
I refer to your Official Information request of 26 February 2024 for the number of complaints regarding public being physically sprayed with herbicid...
Thank you for responding. I have initiated a further request following your info. Just giving you the heads up. Yours sincerely, Christine W...
Rotorua Lakes Council Brand Guidelines
Response by Rotorua District Council to Thomas A. on .
I refer to your Official Information request of 13 June 2023 for a copy of the Rotorua Lakes Council Brand Guidelines.   Please find the Brand Gui...
2023 Citizenship Ceremony Dates
Response by Rotorua District Council to Jake on .
Kia ora   Thank you for your request. Please find below the Citizenship Ceremony dates for 2023:   Tuesday 28 February Thursday 23 March T...
Pecuniary Interests Register
Response by Rotorua District Council to JS on .
I refer to your Official Information request of 10 May 2023 requesting a copy of Council’s elected member pecuniary interest register.  Please find t...
I refer to your online Official Information request of 17 November 2022 regarding outstanding legal costs owed by Rotorua District Council by incomin...
I refer to your information request of 12 September 2022 regarding any obligations on Council to inform residents of any proposed 24/7 unattended bus...
Council Attendance Data + Staff Complaints
Response by Rotorua District Council to JS on .
I refer to your Official Information request of 21 September 2022 regarding Councillor attendance, and complaints against Councillors by Council staf...
Map Whakarewarewa Forest
Response by Rotorua District Council to Tui on .
Partially successful.
I refer to your Official Information request of 23 July 2022 for:   1.       A map of the Whakarewarewa Forest including all sanctioned MTB trails...
Brunswick Park/Whakapoungakau roundabout access
Response by Rotorua District Council to Chris Matenga on .
Partially successful.
Dear Chris,   Please find attached the response to your request of 16^th September 2021 for information under the Official Information Act 1982....
I refer to your email of 9 December 2020 under LGOIMA for: 1.       Minutes of any and all meetings that the council staff attended relating to the...
I refer to your email of 6 September 2020 regarding the above, and reply below as per your request:   1.       In the past five years, how many ti...
I refer to your official information request of 20 February 2020 and respond below as per your email.   1.       Please supply minutes of meetings...
Kia ora Anthony   The testing for the new machines was conducted in-house with the meter provider, in-house with a cross section of Council staff...
I refer to your above official information request.   We asked our provider to address the specific questions you have raised and their response i...
Library wage levels
Response by Rotorua District Council to R Leveson on .
I refer to your website request regarding people employed at the public library and respond as per your correspondence:   -          The number of...
Response by Rotorua District Council to Sam Fraser on .
<<List of all positions.xls>> Further to your email request of 25 May 2012 under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, please...
Dear Mr Harris request under local government official information and meetings act I refer to your request of 19 April 2012. I confirm that Roto...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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