Thames-Coromandel District Council
A public authority
24 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
District Plan Appeals Version 2021
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Wendy Pond on .
Awaiting response.
Dear Wendy
Thank you for your email. I acknowledge receipt of your request under
Local Government Official Information Act .
We received y...
Project management system
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Rob on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Rob,
Please find attached response to your official information request
received 6 September 2024.
Legal Assistance (LGOIM...
Thames Coromandel District Council - Identity Disclosure
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Ryan on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Afternoon Ryan
Please see the attached response to your information request of June 6
Ngā mihi | Regards
Jen Amner
Camping ground licences
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Tim Carter on .
Good Morning Tim,
In response to your information request dated 21 May 2024, please see
below a list of all campgrounds we have issued a licence...
Business plan for Pagitt Street cell tower
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Wendy Pond on .
Information not held.
Dear Wendy,
I refer to your official information request received 10^th November 2023
o The business plan for the Pagitt Street cell...
Thank you for emailing the Thames-Coromandel District Council. You should
expect a response from us as soon as possible. If your enquiry is urgent,
Full drinking water tests to be done for pharmaceuticals in drinking water nz
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Sharna Butcher on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sharna
Thank you for your email of 12 August 2019.
All testing of water supplies in the Thames-Coromandel District is
undertaken in f...
Consent for cell tower in Pagitt Street, Kapanga/ Coromandel town
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Dear Wendy,
Council has until 6^th September 2023 to respond to your request received
9^th August 2023, recepit of which was acknowledged on 10^th A...
Map of cell sites in the Coromandel Colville ward
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Dear Wendy,
I refer to your official information request received 22^nd August 2023.
1. Please provide a map showing the locations of the...
Towers on Tokatea ridge line
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Wendy Pond on .
Information not held.
Dear Wendy,
I refer to your official information request received 20 July 2023.
Information held in relation to this request are Resource C...
Fraud Policy PLease
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Angela on .
Partially successful.
Dear Angela,
I refer to our letter dated 22^nd February 2023.
As we have not received any clarification on the request, it is refused
under se...
Sharing of Ratepayer Information
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to A Ryan on .
Long overdue.
Hello Andrea - Please refer to the earlier email sent by Annalese McNair.
Regards Helen
Information regarding consents for new builds and renovations TCDC
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Luke Duane Oldfield on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Afternoon Luke
Recently you send a request for Year on year data for both new build
consents and also property renovations over the past fi...
Law requiring the living to pay tax
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Sovereign sharna on .
Unusual response.
Dear Sovereign Sharna,
Please find attached Council’s letter of response regarding your Official
Information requests.
Sent on behalf of A...
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Aaron Packard on .
Good Morning,
I refer to your request for official information pursuant to the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOI...
Details of the current works on the Wentworth Valley Road
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to sandie murray on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for emailing the Thames-Coromandel District Council. You should
expect a response from us as soon as possible. If your enquiry is urgent,...
Thames–Coromandel District Council and Hauraki District Council Mangrove Management Bill
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to G S on .
Dear GS
In response to your request we can supply the following information:
· Report and attachment presented to Council 31 Ja...
Total number of approvals given for new cellphone towers
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to S C McKee on .
Hello – Further to your email received amending your request for
information, in relation to point 1 a search of our system for 2018 and
2019 sho...
Progress on sealing Wentworth Valley Road
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Alyx Day-Gillett on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Alex – Please find attached letter sent on behalf of Alison Hunt.
Regards Helen
Helen Findlater
Legal Assistant
Hello - 13 people are employed in our library service.
Regards Helen
Details of agreement with landowner of proposed Lees Rd car park for Cathedral Cove
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Richard Agnew on .
Good afternoon Mr Agnew
I refer to your information request of 27 March where you have requested
the complete details of the agreement with Mr C...
Tourism Infrastructure Fund
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Graham Carter on .
Long overdue.
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Dear Sam,
Please find attached response from David Hammond, Chief Executive, to your
official information request below.
Kind regards,
Does the Thames-Coromandel District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Thames-Coromandel District Council to Alex Harris on .
Good afternoon
This Council does not open its Council meetings with a prayer and has
not done so in the ten years that I have been with the organisati...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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