Whanganui District Health Board
An agency that no longer exists or person who no longer holds office and A District Health Board, also called Whanganui DHB
From 1 July 2022, Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) took over from all former District Health Boards (DHBs). This page lists requests made to this former DHB before that date.
To make a new request, please contact Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora).
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
31 requests
1 follower
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
The number of heart issue related visits to hospital or surgeries
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Paul Blackham on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request
Hiring data for PGY1 House Officers
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to J. Thomas-Maude on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Waiting clarification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Whanganui BHB mental healthcare service use
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Elodie Green on .
Waiting clarification.
To enable a response can you please clarify the following:
1. What do you mean by "distinct" new entries, "distinct" cases open at
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request.
Policy on requests from third party providers of pathology specimens for second opinion
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Hi Amy
Attached please find attached our response to your OIA request regarding
pathology specimens requiring second opinion.
Regards Anne...
Documentation on education of of informed consent in schools for Covid vaccine
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Paul Jones on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request.
Effect of Wellington Airport closures on aeromedical services
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Richard James on .
Long overdue.
The Whanganui District Health Board acknowledges your request for
information and will respond to you under the OIA within 20 working days.
Mail Delivery By Hand - Reasons
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gregory Soar on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request
Best Practice: Archiving, Storage, Biobanking of Human Tissue for Diagnostic Purposes
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Publication of all DHB Policies, Protocols and Best Practice Documents
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Health Improvement Practitioner
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gregory Soar on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request
The estimated hospital floor area
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Antony Andrews on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request.
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Follow up sent to Whanganui District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
Hello Anne,
Thank you very much for the information and the timely manner in which you replied.
Kind regards,
Sacha van den Berg
Asbestos Management Plans
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Mark Montgomery on .
Please find attached the Whanganui District Health Board response to your
OIA request regarding Asbestos Management Plans for the WD...
Information Relating to Hip Revision Surgeries
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Julie Hands on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
SRS Providers
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to A. D. Tait on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Bed occupancy 2010-2017
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Thai Quoc Khanh on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Payment to other DHBs 2013 - 2017
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Thai Quoc Khanh on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Assaults against nursing staff from 2013-2018
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Siobhan Lehnhard on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
The NZ Rural Hospital Network wants to clearly understand each DHB's process for allocating, monitoring and reporting the annual DHB Rural Adjuster fund.
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Marie Daly on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Number of Hired PGY1 House Officers (2014 - 2019)
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Mohammed A M on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Total Number of PGY1 House Officer Jobs Advertised Solely for NZREX Graduates (2014 - 2020)
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Mohammed A M on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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