Gloria Fraser
Joined FYI in 2018
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This person's 60 Official Information requests
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Waiting clarification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
It has come to my attention that the Whanganui District Health Board link on the FYI website was incorrect and OIA requests have not been forwarded to...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Hawke's Bay District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Attached please find a response to your Official Information Act Request
re gender affirming healthcare.
Âku mihi nui ki a koe.
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Waikato District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Afternoon
Please refer to attached correspondence.
Kind regards
Rebecca Walker
Rebecca Walker | PA to Tanya Maloney, Execu...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Nelson Marlborough District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Please find attached the Nelson Marlborough DHB response to your Official Information request regarding gender-affirming healthcare availability.
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Hi Gloria
Please see attached, Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distr...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Information not held.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
CDHB 10081
Kind regards
Kathleen Smitheram...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Capital and Coast District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Gloria
Please find attached our response to your OIA relating to gender-affirming
healthcare purposes.
Kind regards
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Nelson Marlborough District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find attached the Nelson Marlborough DHB response to your Official Information request regarding gender affirming healthcare services provided i...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our final response to your request for Information.
Kind regards,
Dinah Nicholas
Executive As...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our final response to your request for Information.
Kind regards,
Dinah Nicholas
Executive As...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Auckland District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Partially successful.
Dear Gloria
Please find enclosed our response to your Official Information Act
requests of 15 May and 17 May 2019 regarding gender affirming ser...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
CDHB 10079.
Kind regards
Kathleen Smitheram
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Hawke's Bay District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Dear Gloria
Attached please find a response to your Official Information Act Request
re gender-affirming healthcare services.
Âku mihi nui...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Hutt District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Fraser
Please see attached letter in relation to your Official Information Act
(OIA) request dated 12 April 2019.
The response attached ma...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Waitemata District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Gloria
Please see the attached Waitemata DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request.
Anna Monastra I...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Waitemata District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Partially successful.
Hi Gloria
Please see the attached Waitemata DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request.
Anna Monastra I...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi, Gloria
Please find attached a letter which is in response to the two OIA requests you recently sent to MidCentral DHB .
Kay Nagy
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi, Gloria
Please find attached a letter which is in response to the two OIA requests you recently sent to MidCentral DHB .
Kay Nagy
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Wairarapa District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Please find attached the signed response to your recent OIA request.
Many Thanks
This email or attachment(s) ma...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Wairarapa District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Please find attached the signed response to your recent OIA request.
Many Thanks
This email or attachment(s) may co...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Southern District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Kia ora Gloria,
Attached is our response to your Official Information Act request.
Please note that Southern DHB has begun a process of pro...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Southern District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Gloria,
Attached is our response to your Official Information Act request.
Please note that Southern DHB has begun a process of pro...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Taranaki District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Morning Gloria - Please refer to the attached response to your OIA request.
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Tairawhiti District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Kia ora Gloria,
Please find the attached response from Hauora Tairāwhiti (Tairāwhiti DHB) to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Briar Hunter
This person's 2 annotations
DHB gender-affirming healthcare services
If anyone would like to see the response to this request, go to
DHB gender-affirming healthcare services
For anyone interested - Jeff Hammond has confirmed via email that Whanganui DHB provides no gender-affirming healthcare services (no hormones, surgery,...