Temporary Visa Refusal Immigration
Beth made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
The request was successful.
From: Beth
Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,
Could you please provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary Visas) for character in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
Could you please provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary Visas) for health in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
Could you please provide information about the number of interim visas refused in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
Yours faithfully,
From: Ministerial Services
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Ref: 1920-0366
Dear Beth,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 30 August 2019 requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following:
“Could you please provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals
(Temporary Visas) for character in each of the currently operating
Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
Could you please provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals
(Temporary Visas) for health in each of the currently operating
Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
Could you please provide information about the number of interim visas
refused in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa
processing offices for each month of 2019”
Your request is being processed in accordance with the Act and a response
will be sent to you in due course. If you have any enquiries regarding
your request feel free to contact us via email [1][MBIE request email] or
using the contact details below.
Nâku noa, nâ,
Katie Wellington
Corporate, Governance and Information
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Level 4, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140
[3]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
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have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
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From: Aurora Tang
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Good Morning Beth,
I have been allocated your information request, and would like to further
clarify your request.
1. Provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary
Visas) for character in each of the currently operating Immigration New
Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
- Due to the information requested is held on a large number of
individual files. To provide you with copies of the information would
require staff to manually review each file. Providing this information
would remove Ministry staff from their core duties and therefore the
greater public interest in the effective and efficient administration of
the public service would not be served. Therefore, we will have to refuse
your request under section 18(f) of the OIA as it would require
substantial collation. Thanks for your confirmation and understanding on
this matter.
2. Provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary
Visas) for health in each of the currently operating Immigration New
Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
- Due to the same reason mentioned above, the information requested
is held on a large number of individual files. To provide you with copies
of the information would require staff to manually review each file.
Providing this information would remove Ministry staff from their core
duties and therefore the greater public interest in the effective and
efficient administration of the public service would not be served.
Therefore, we will have to refuse your request under section 18(f) of the
OIA as it would require substantial collation. Thanks for your
confirmation and understanding on this matter.
Hence, we woud like to check with you whether you would like to re-scope
your questions. Please kinldy provide your response by 18^th Sep 2019.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Aurora Tang
Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[1][email address] | Telephone: +64 (04) 901 1078
Level 1, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6011
[2]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any
attachment from your computer.
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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.govt.nz/
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From: Beth
Dear Aurora Tang,
I don't require you to look into each file manually, previous requests made to Immigration New Zealand show that you can use the database to show when an application has been refused on different grounds.
Page 59 of this previous request indicates that you do have a way of recording decision reasons internally and can pull those reasons
It does not appear clear how you could not pull this statistic again
Yours sincerely,
From: Aurora Tang
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Hello Beth,
Please kindly note when an application can be declined due to not meet the character and health requirement, it could be considered as failed instructions. Hence, the application can be declined under failed instructions, rather than under failed character or failed medical. It is also worth to note that an application can be declined on multiple grounds, but only one is recorded in the system.
It is important to note that we would like to provide accuracy data to response your request. Unfortunately, to provide the requested numbers of refusals (Temporary Visas) for character/medical that have been recorded in the database may unable to reflect the accurate total actual declined number, unless go through each individual files.
Therefore, we would like to bring your attention to re-scope your request if you like, or as mentioned in earlier email, we will have to refuse the requests under section 18(f) of the OIA as it would require substantial collation.
Thanks for your attention. I look forward to your final response by end of today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Beth [mailto:[FOI #11107 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2019 5:40 PM
To: Aurora Tang <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Clarification of your Official Information Act Request (1920 -0366) [IN-CONFIDENCE:RELEASE EXTERNAL]
Dear Aurora Tang,
I don't require you to look into each file manually, previous requests made to Immigration New Zealand show that you can use the database to show when an application has been refused on different grounds.
Page 59 of this previous request indicates that you do have a way of recording decision reasons internally and can pull those reasons https://fyi.org.nz/request/6109/response...
It does not appear clear how you could not pull this statistic again
Yours sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
Good Morning Beth,
I have been allocated your information request, and would like to further clarify your request.
1. Provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary
Visas) for character in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
- Due to the information requested is held on a large number of individual files. To provide you with copies of the information would require staff to manually review each file. Providing this information would remove Ministry staff from their core duties and therefore the greater public interest in the effective and efficient administration of the public service would not be served. Therefore, we will have to refuse your request under section 18(f) of the OIA as it would require substantial collation. Thanks for your confirmation and understanding on this matter.
2. Provide a breakdown of the total number of refusals (Temporary
Visas) for health in each of the currently operating Immigration New Zealand visa processing offices for each month of 2019
- Due to the same reason mentioned above, the information requested is held on a large number of individual files. To provide you with copies of the information would require staff to manually review each file. Providing this information would remove Ministry staff from their core duties and therefore the greater public interest in the effective and efficient administration of the public service would not be served. Therefore, we will have to refuse your request under section 18(f) of the OIA as it would require substantial collation. Thanks for your confirmation and understanding on this matter.
Hence, we woud like to check with you whether you would like to re-scope your questions. Please kinldy provide your response by 18^th Sep 2019.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Aurora Tang
Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[1][email address] | Telephone: +64 (04) 901 1078
Level 1, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6011
[2]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government services
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1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.govt.nz/
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[FOI #11107 email]
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From: Beth
Dear Aurora Tang,
To refine the request could you please provide the statistics relevant to my request as they appear in the system,
I acknowledge that if it has been improperly recorded or there were multiple reasons for refusing it may not show up in your provided statistics.
Yours sincerely,
From: Aurora Tang
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Dear Beth,
Please find the response to your OIA request attached.
Kind regards,
Aurora Tang
Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[1][email address] | Telephone: +64 (04) 901 1078
Level 1, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6011
[2]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any
attachment from your computer.
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From: Aurora Tang
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Dear Beth,
Sorry I have sent the un-dated copy to you. Please find the most updated
with the date stamped on the OIA response.
Kind regards,
Aurora Tang
Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[1][email address] | Telephone: +64 (04) 901 1078
Level 1, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6011
From: Aurora Tang
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2019 8:56 AM
To: '[FOI #11107 email]'
<[FOI #11107 email]>
Subject: DOIA 1920-0366 - Beth - Response [IN-CONFIDENCE:RELEASE EXTERNAL]
Dear Beth,
Please find the response to your OIA request attached.
Kind regards,
Aurora Tang
Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
[2][email address] | Telephone: +64 (04) 901 1078
Level 1, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6011
[3]www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any
attachment from your computer.
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2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.govt.nz/
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence