NZTE and organized crime synergies going forward

Edmund Dantes made this Official Information request to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

The request was successful.

From: Edmund Dantes

Dear New Zealand Trade and Enterprise,

Has NZTE, or any representatives of or people associated with NZTE, formed business relationships with transnational criminal organizations or persons over the past year, and have any meetings between representatives of NZTE or people associated with NZTE been held in New Zealand since Christmas?

If any such meetings were held and I am sure they have been - did any concern the IT sector, and, in particular online payment systems? If so, who was present at those meetings, where were they held, when were they held, and what was discussed?

NZTE, along with a number of government departments, have a long and lucrative history of forming relationships with transnational human traffickers and exploiters of migrant workers to the benefit of the New Zealand economy and various international mafia figures, corrupt diplomats, and officials in respect of the fishing industry, export education sector, and beyond. More generally, how does New Zealand stand to benefit from international money laundering for the Eastern European mafia and corrupt Asian officials, for instance, through nebulous IT front companies, and what other growth areas does NZTE see in the mid-term going forward?

Yours faithfully,

Edmund Dantes

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From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Dear Edmund

OIA 19-20-10: NZTE and organized crime synergies going forward

Thank you for your email of Sunday 16 February 2020, received by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise on Monday 17 February 2020, making a request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within 20 working days of 17 February 2020, in accordance with the Act.

Yours sincerely,


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From: Ministerials
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Attachment OIA 19 20 10 Response.pdf
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Dear Edmund

Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request about organised crime synergies.

Yours sincerely


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