We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Caleb Smith please sign in and let everyone know.

Callaghan Innovation IP Programme

Caleb Smith made this Official Information request to Callaghan Innovation

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Caleb Smith to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Caleb Smith

Dear Callaghan Innovation,

This is a request for official information pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982, as follows.

1. Further to Callaghan’s response to OIA request 2016-OIA-15, FYI request #4135, in which the following information was provided up to 14 July 2016:
“A list of all the businesses that have received support as part of Innovation IP since inception (split out per provider if possible).”

Please provide a summary of the total number of businesses that have received financial support as part of the Innovation IP programme since 14 July 2016, split out by programme provider.

2. Please provide a list of businesses, individuals or other entities that have received grants from Callaghan Innovation, whether directly or through the Regional Business Partner Network.

3. Please advise whether recipients of grants from Callaghan Innovation are required, requested or otherwise recommended to participate in the Innovation IP programme.

4. Please advise whether the Innovation IP Programme is promoted by Business Innovation Advisers and/or R&D Advisers at Callaghan Innovation, or its Regional Partners.

5. Please advise what proportion of recipients of grants from Callaghan Innovation received financial support as part of the Innovation IP program.

6. Please advise whether any grants by Callaghan Innovation are awarded on the condition that there is participation in the Innovation IP programme.

7. Please advise whether applicants for grants given by Callaghan Innovation have been required or encouraged to seek advice on “freedom to operate” or other intellectual property issues other than by participating in an Innovation IP workshop.

We looking forward to receiving your response within 20 working days.

Yours faithfully,

Caleb Smith

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From: Ministerial Services
Callaghan Innovation

Attachment Response Innovation IP 1.pdf
334K Download View as HTML

Dear Caleb,
Please find attached our response to your request (sent to you on 10
February, in response to your direct email). 

Kind regards,

Ministerial Services

Rukuhia te wāhi ngaro, hei maunga tātai whetū.

Explore the unknown, Pursue excellence.


0800 4 CALLAGHAN (0800 422 552)


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Caleb Smith please sign in and let everyone know.

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